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PlasticSCM 企业版Crack

2022-07-05 03:35:00 john_dwh

Release Notes JUN 30 2022


Command-line client: Shelvesets can be applied to partial workspaces.


Previously, it was not possible to apply a shelveset in partial workspaces (such as Gluon workspaces). Now we fully allow them (from the creation to the application).

c:\wkspaces\partialwk> cm partial shelveset apply sh:2

The apply operation tries to apply all the shelveset changes in the workspace if possible. However, changes can be skipped if they are related to items that are not configured in the workspace (they are silently ignored) or if they collide with local workspace changes (they are properly reported)


c:\wkspaces\partialwk> cm partial shelveset apply sh:2
The item won't be downloaded/moved because there is another item loaded in the same path: 'asset/texture/forest'. Please unload the item and retry the operation.

For more examples, you can check the help:

cm partial shelveset apply --help



Server: Log the web call in the ChannelCall

Now the Server monitors and log all the web calls too, so you can see those call with their stats on the ChannelCall log as you see for any other Plastic call. See a new log sample:


2022-06-03 10:27:23,722 INFO  ChannelCall - conn:     0 protocol:web          sec:none recb:       0|rect:   0|sentb:     309|sendt:   0|queuedt:       0|prt:       8|rq:  122|dest:   0|mt:       4|sert:   0|zip:   0||user:tester|GET-/api/v1/repos/quake3/branches
2022-06-03 10:27:25,571 INFO  ChannelCall - conn:     0 protocol:web          sec:none recb:       0|rect:   0|sentb:     307|sendt:   0|queuedt:       0|prt:       3|rq:  123|dest:   0|mt:       1|sert:   0|zip:   0||user:tester|GET-/api/v1/repos/quake3/main-branch
2022-06-03 10:27:27,287 INFO  ChannelCall - conn:     0 protocol:web          sec:none recb:       0|rect:   0|sentb:    6590|sendt:   0|queuedt:       0|prt:       3|rq:  126|dest:   0|mt:       1|sert:   0|zip:   0||user:tester|GET-/api/v1/repos/quake3/branch/main/items/q3map
2022-06-03 10:35:29,707 INFO  ChannelCall - conn:     0 protocol:web          sec:none recb:       0|rect:   0|sentb:     729|sendt:   0|queuedt:       0|prt:    1532|rq:  210|dest:   0|mt:       2|sert:   0|zip:   0||user:tester|GET-/api/v1/repos/quake3/changesets
2022-06-03 10:36:40,516 INFO  ChannelCall - conn:     1 protocol:plastic      sec:none recb:     111|rect:   0|sentb:       3|sendt:   0|queuedt:      16|prt:      11|rq:  216|dest:   0|mt:       2|sert:   0|zip:   0||user:tester|CheckRepositoryExists
2022-06-03 10:38:11,002 INFO  ChannelCall - conn:     2 protocol:plastic      sec:none recb:     103|rect:   0|sentb:      85|sendt:   0|queuedt:       0|prt:       6|rq:  217|dest:   1|mt:       1|sert:   1|zip:   0||user:tester|GetBranchInfoByName
2022-06-03 10:38:11,005 INFO  ChannelCall - conn:     2 protocol:plastic      sec:none recb:      18|rect:   0|sentb:      84|sendt:   0|queuedt:       0|prt:       2|rq:  218|dest:   1|mt:       0|sert:   0|zip:   0||user:tester|GetChangesetInfoByNumber

See an example of how it was before:

2022-06-02 09:14:33,868 INFO ChannelCall - conn: 9 protocol:plasticproto sec:none recb: 912|rect: 134|sentb: 3645|sendt: 0|queuedt: 0|prt: 361|th: 65|dest: 0|mt: 158|sert: 0|zip: 0|cpu: 0||user:tester|GetLockRule

2022-06-02 09:14:33,869 INFO ChannelCall - conn: 11 protocol:plasticproto sec:none recb: 809|rect: 162|sentb: 3612|sendt: 0|queuedt: 0|prt: 317|th: 67|dest: 0|mt: 2|sert: 0|zip: 0|cpu: 0||user:tester|CheckRepositoryExists

2022-06-02 09:14:34,197 INFO ChannelCall - conn: 7 protocol:plasticproto sec:none recb: 913|rect: 126|sentb: 3742|sendt: 0|queuedt: 0|prt: 719|th: 63|dest: 0|mt: 489|sert: 0|zip: 0|cpu: 0||user:tester|GetBranchInfoByName

2022-06-02 09:14:34,198 INFO ChannelCall - conn: 5 protocol:plasticproto sec:none recb: 793|rect: 447|sentb: 3680|sendt: 0|queuedt: 0|prt: 1269|th: 61|dest: 0|mt: 792|sert: 0|zip: 0|cpu: 0||user:tester|GetRepositoryInfoByName


All Platforms: Command-line client

To list with the "--tree" option now displays the result regardless of some selector cannot be resolved

Previously, if several arguments were fed to the ls command in order to display their related trees, if one of them was not able to resolve the selector (i.e., there was a typo), the other trees were not displayed either. Now it is fixed and, regardless of the validity of each selector, it will display the results.

For example:

cm ls -r /existingDir /unexistingDir --tree=br:/[email protected]@localhost:8084
NOT_DEFINED cS63/xl4G39inoaBFDLNzQ==           0 13/06/2022 12:20 dir           2 /main                      20       19 /existingDir
NOT_DEFINED T/zbMvjqdPBx+XMMAbnrZA==         9 13/06/2022 12:20 txt           2 /main                      17       23 /existingDir/foo.txt
Can't resolve the selector for the item /unexistingDir
CommandResult 1

As you can see, the CommandResult will remain 1 (error), but the output will be dumped accordingly.


All platforms - all clients: display language no longer overriden on APAC systems

Previously, when the configured language was English "en" but the system language was Chinese, Japanese or Korean, we would force the client to use the system language.

We no longer do this, and the configured language is always used.


Windows - Plastic, PlasticX: Auto-upgrade enabled in Enterprise Edition for non-admin users

For a while the auto-upgrade feature has been available for all Cloud Edition users, but administrators in Enterprise Edition. We have now made auto-upgrade available for all users in all editions.

You will be notified of available version upgrades in the help panel:

If you click on the Download link, the installer will download:

Simply click 'Restart and Upgrade' to install the latest version:


Command-line client: Shelvesets can be deleted from partial workspaces.

Previously, it was not possible to perform a shelve operation in partial workspaces (such as Gluon workspaces). Now we fully allow every operation (create/apply/delete).

It is possible to delete an existing partial shelveset with shelveset id 3 doing the following

c:\wkspaces\partialwk> cm partial shelveset delete sh:3

Mind there is no confirmation message. In case you would like to see it was deleted you can execute the following command to list every existing shelve created in the repository:

c:\wkspaces\partialwk> cm find shelve

The creation subcommand (create | mk) is the default operation, so bear in mind that, if no subcommand is specified, it will try to perform the creation of a new shelveset.

For more examples, you can check the help:

cm partial shelveset --help

cm partial shelveset delete --help

