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Nmap user manual learning records

2022-07-05 03:38:00 paidx0

Take a brief note of nmap Some of the basic instructions , Don't ask , There are too many orders , I am tired of turning English documents ,nmap Its scanning function and concealment are very powerful , It is necessary to have a look more

Description of objectives

-iL	<inputname>	( Enter from a list or file )

-iR	<hostnum>		  ( Randomly select the number of generation targets )

--exclude		<host1,host2>	( Excluded host network )

The host found

-sL		( List scan )

-sP		(Ping scanning , Can and in addition -P0 Any way of discovery )

-P0		( nothing Ping, All hosts are considered online , Skip host discovery )

-PS	<portlist>	(TCP SYN Ping)

-PA	<portlist>	(TCP ACK Ping, What is actually sent is SYN message , instead of ACK message . Stateless firewall , Stateful unexpected firewall , Designated -PS And specify the -PA, namely SYS and ACK)

-PU	<portlist>	(UDP Ping, through TCP A firewall )

-PE;-PP;-PM	(ICMP Ping)

-PR	(ARP Ping , be based on ARP Bi Ji Yu IP Faster and more reliable , By default, when the target host is on the same LAN , Even if you specify ping The type of , You can also use ARP. Don't want to ARP,--send-ip)

-n	( Never reverse domain name resolution )

-R	( All target reverse domain name resolution )

--system-dns	( Use the system domain name resolver , Unless nmap Of DNS Only when there is a problem , Because thieves are slow )

Port scanning

nmap Of 6 Two port States 

1、open( Open )

2、closed ( closed )

3、filtered( Filtered )

4、unfiltered( Unfiltered ,ACK Scanning will classify this state , Other types of scan confirmation )

5、open|filtered( Open or filtered )

6、closed|filtered( Closed or filtered )
-sS	(SYN, Default ,TCP Half connection is not easy to find , Return explicit port status )

-sT	(TCP)

-sU	(UDP)

-sN;-sF;-sX	(TCP Null,FIN,Xmas, Except that the detection flag bit is different , Completely consistent in behavior , You can avoid some stateless firewalls , Even better than SYN More secret , Disadvantages: the port status cannot be marked correctly )

-sA	(ACK, Unable to determine the port status , Used to discover firewall rules )

-sW	(TCP window , inaccurate )

-sM	(Maimon, and Null,FIN,Xmas Exactly the same as , Except that the message is FIN/ACK)

--scanflags	( custom TCP scanning , Set flag bit or scan type )

-sl	<zombie host:probeport>	(TCP Port blind scan , There is no message from your truth ip Address to destination , Extreme concealment , Default without ports 80)

-sO	(IP Protocol scan )

-b	<ftp host>	(FTP Bounce scan , agent ftp Connect , Format <username>:<password>@<server>:<port>,server It is fragile. FTP Server name ip)

Port specification

-p	<port range>	( Scan only the specified port )

-F	( Quick scan , about 1200 Common ports )

-r	( Sequential scanning , For efficiency , Default random scan , Move forward according to the common port )

Service and version detection

-sV	( Version detection ,-A  Open the operating system and version detection at the same time )

--allports	( Do not exclude any ports for version probe , Skip by default 9100 port , Print data like some simple printers )

--version-intensity	<intensity>	( Set version scan strength 1-9, Default 7)

--version-light	(version-intensity2  Another name for , Lightweight and faster , The identification service is weak )

--version-all	( Try all the probes ,version-intensity9  Another name for , Detection of each port )

--version-trace	( Track version scan activity , Print detailed information about the scanning and debugging in progress )

-sR	(RPC,-sV Version detection includes it and is more comprehensive , all -sR Rarely need )

Operating system detection

-O	( Enable operating system detection ,-A)

--osscan-limit	( Detect the specified target operating system , Use only -O or -A Operating system detection works )

--osscan-guess;--fuzzy	( Extrapolate the operating system test results , Try to match when you can't be sure , Default match )

Time and performance

--min-hostgroup	<milliseconds>;--max-hostgroup	<milliseconds>	( Adjust the size range of the parallel scanning group )

--min-parallelism	<milliseconds>;--max-parallelism	<milliseconds>	( Adjust the parallelism of the detection message , Usually max Set to 1,min Set to 10)

--min-rtt-timeout	<milliseconds>;--max-rtt-timeout	<milliseconds>;--initial-rtt-timeout	<milliseconds>	( Adjust detection message timeout )

--host-timeout	<milliseconds>	( Give up the low speed target host )

--scan-delay	<milliseconds>;--max-scan-delay	<milliseconds>	( Adjust the time interval of detection message , Avoid threshold based intrusion detection and prevention systems )

-T <Paranoid|Sneaky|Polite|Normal|Aggressive|Insane> ( Set time template 0-5, The first two are used for IDS avoid ,Polite Reduce scanning speed to use less bandwidth and target resources , Default Normal,Aggressive Speed up scanning ,Insane Faster speed sacrifices accuracy )

A firewall /IDS avoid

-f	( Segmented message );--mtu ( Use specified MTU, You can customize the offset size , Do not use -f, The offset must be 8 Multiple )

-D	<decoy1,decoy2,decoy3.....,me....>	( Use decoys to conceal scanning , The first 6 Use at or later positions me, The port scan detector will not report this true ip, If not used nmap Will be true ip Put it in a random position )

-S	<IP_address> ( Source address spoof , Constant cooperation -e or -P0 Use )

-e	<interface>	( Use the specified interface )
--source-port <portnumber>; -g <portnumber> ( Source port spoof ,nmap Send data from the specified port )
--data-length <number> ( When sending a message , Additional random data )
--ttl <value> ( Set up IP time-to-live Domain )
--randomize-hosts ( The order of the target hosts is random )

--spoof-mac <mac address,prefix,or vendor name> (MAC Address hoax )


-oN	<filespec>	( The standard output is written directly to the specified file )

-oX	<filespec>	(XML Output is written directly to the specified file )

-oS	<filespec>	( Interactive output )

-oG	<filespec>	(Grep Output , Not recommended ,XML  Very powerful )

-oA <basename>	( Scan results in standard format 、XML、Grep One time output , Store separately  <basename>.nmap,<basename>.xml and  <basename>.gnmap In file )
-v	( Detailed output )

-d [level]	( Set debug level 0-9, Than -v More information , Mainly developers use this )

--packet-trace ( Track messages sent and received , Print the message summary sent and received , For debugging )

--iflist ( List interfaces and routes , Output the detected interface list and system route , Debugging route and device description error )

--append-output ( Append... To the output file , Because the default is overwritten )

--resume <filename> ( Continue interrupted scan ,-oN or -oG When the log is retained ,nmap Append the new result to the file , I won't support it XML)    

The other options

-A	( Intense scanning mode , Operating system included  -O And version scanning  -sV)

--interactive ( Start in interactive mode , This option contains a ! The operator , Used to perform shell command , Can be used to claim , This is also not installed Nmap setuid root One of many reasons )

--send-eth ( Use the original Ethernet frame to send , The original socket   word (IP layer ) yes UNIX The most effective way to host , And Ethernet frames are the best Windows operation   System , because Microsoft The original socket support is disabled )

--send-ip ( In the original IP Layer send , requirement Nmap Through the original IP Socket send message , Instead of the lower ones   Too net frame )


nmap -v scanme.nmap.org
 Scan the host for all reservations TCP port ,-v  For more details 

nmap -sS -O scanme.nmap.org/24
 Secret SYN scanning , Detect the operating system version , Same as host C Segment machine 

nmap -sV -p 22,53,110,143,4564 198.116.0-255.1-127
 Host enumeration ,TCP scanning , The object is B class 188.116 In segment 255 individual 8 Seat net . Used to determine whether the system is running sshd、DNS、imapd or 4564 port 

nmap -v -iR 1000 -P0 -p 80
 Random 1000 Host scanning web Whether the service is on 

nmap -P0 -p80 -oX logs/pb-port80scan.xml -oG logs/pb-port80scan.gnmap
 scanning 4096 individual IP Address , lookup Web The server ( No ping), Put the result in Grep and XML Format preservation .

host -l company.com | cut -d -f 4 | nmap -v -iL 
 Conduct DNS Area transmission , To discover company.com Host in , And then IP Address to  Nmap. be used for GNU/Linux, Other systems have different commands for area transmission .
