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Interview summary: This is a comprehensive & detailed Android interview guide

2022-07-05 03:50:00 Carson takes you to learn Android

Core interview content

about Android Technical interview , The main contents of the investigation include :( Prioritized )

  • Fundamentals of general programming
  • Fundamentals of computer
  • Specific programming languages
  • Intelligence questions

Here's the thing to watch out for :

  • Programming based 、 The foundation of computer is Basic knowledge necessary for all technology development , Be sure to master
  • Programming languages are related to specific technical fields , Such as mobile client Android, It is JavaAndroid and JVM
  • Large companies pay great attention to the foundation , because Foundation is the foundation of technological development , Determines your future potential

today , I'm going to offer you a comprehensive & The details of the Android Interview content guide , Explain all the above Android Technical interview content .

Programming based

This part is Basic knowledge necessary for all technology development , It is the foundation of technological development , Determines your future potential . It mainly includes :

  • data structure
  • Algorithm
  • Design patterns

1. data structure

It mainly includes the following contents , See the article for details :Carson Take you Android interview : Data structure ( Answer attached )

2. Algorithm

It mainly includes the following contents ( Including detailed algorithm question bank ), See the article for details :Carson Take you Android interview : Algorithm ( Answer attached )

3. Design patterns

Design patterns are essentially ** A code design solution to a particular kind of problem , In fact, it is a code design experience summary for a certain kind of problems .** Interview points for design patterns , The main thing is to make clear the following problems :

  • Why use design patterns ?
  • What are the design principles of design patterns ?
  • What are the types of design patterns ?
  • Contents of common design patterns 、 What are the application scenarios and principles ?

Please see the article for details :Carson Take you Android interview : Design patterns ( Answer attached )

Fundamentals of computer

It mainly includes : computer network and operating system .

2.1 computer network

2.2 operating system

Only simple & Common operating system foundations , Specific include :

  • Cross process communication (IPC) What are they? ? What are the underlying principles and their corresponding application scenarios ?
  • Definition of process and thread 、 What are the characteristics and differences ?
  • What are the necessary conditions for deadlock ? How to deal with ?
  • Definition and characteristics of virtual memory .
  • Virtual address 、 Logical address 、 Linear address 、 The difference between physical addresses .
  • Segment storage 、 Page storage 、 Definition of segment page storage and its differences .

Please refer to the article for specific instructions :Carson Take you Android interview : Operating system ( Answer attached )

3. Intelligence questions

Here is mainly to examine the agility of thinking , Here are some common types :

Prepare the above questions , Generally, it is absolutely no problem to pass the intelligence question in the interview .

4. programing language

This part of knowledge is related to specific technical fields , Such as mobile client Android, It is JavaAndroid and JVM

4.1 Java

Java yes Android The basis of , The main focus here is Java The core content of the comparison foundation , It mainly includes :

  • Linguistic characteristics
  • Common classes / Way to use
  • aggregate
  • Mechanism

Please see the article for details :Carson Take you Android interview :Java piece ( Answer attached )

4.2 Android

about Android interview ,Android Knowledge is the top priority ; The contents to be mastered include :

  • Four components
  • Common use
  • Multithreading
  • Customize View
  • performance optimization
  • Common open source framework
  • New technology

Please see the article for details :Carson Take you Android interview :Android piece ( Answer attached )

4.3 JVM

namely Java virtual machine , The details are as follows

 Sketch Map

The knowledge to be mastered here includes the following :

  • Java virtual machine (JVM) Memory structure
  • Java Object common activities : establish 、 Memory layout 、 Access location 、 How to judge survival
  • Garbage collection related : Garbage collection algorithm 、 Garbage collector
  • Class loading : Class loading process 、 Class loader
  • Method assignment model : Static Dispatch 、 Dynamic dispatch

Please see the article for details :Carson Take you Android interview :JVM piece ( Answer attached )

thus , About Android All technical knowledge points of the interview have been explained . Now I will continue to explain the interview content , Welcome to your attention Carson_Ho Of CSDN Blog

Please thumb up ! Because your encouragement is the biggest motivation of my writing !


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