

2022-07-05 03:33:00 潜行~


  1. abandan
    He abandan a hign-paying job

  2. alility
    He has strong programming ability

  3. able
    she is a able singer

  4. aboard 在船
    You’ve been aboard that boat three months, the usual tour is two years . 你在艇上只有三个月,一般的期限是两年
    They have taken aboard new cargo and jettisoned some outmoded gear . 他们装上新的货物,并把一些陈旧过时的装备抛弃

  5. about 关于;周围;大约
    My mother often spoke to me about you. 家母常和我谈起你
    She sat up and looked about her.她坐了起来,环顾四周
    It happened about 5 o’clock in the morning. 这事发生在早晨约莫五点钟的时候

  6. above 在…之上;在上面;上面的;
    The mountain rises 6,000 feet above sea-level .

  7. abroad 到国外,在国外
    More comrades will be sent to study abroad .

  8. absent 缺席,不在
    She was absent because of a recent bereavement .她因最近丧亲而缺席。
    He was never long absent from my side .他从未长时间离开过我的身边

  9. absolute 绝对的,完全的
    Men don’t aspire after the absolute right .

  10. absorb 吸收;吸引…的注意,全身贯注
    **Can your brain absorb all this information? 你的脑袋能吸收这全部信息吗? **
    She had been too absorbed in her happiness .

  11. abstract 抽象的;摘要
    Please write an abstract of this article .

    Do n’t speak in such abstract terms .

  1. abundant
    We have abundant oil seeds to sell .我们有充裕的油籽出售。
    Our country has a vast territory and abundant resources .我国土地辽阔,资源丰富。

  2. accent
    She spoke with a strong Australian accent.

  3. accept 接受;同意,认可;
    Please accept our thanks to mr. jones and yourself .谢谢您和琼斯。
    He could not immediately accept the post .他不能马上接受这一职位。

  4. access 接近,进入;通道
    Students must have access to good resources.(学生必须有机会使用好的资源)

  5. accident 意外的事;事物
    It’s difficult to see accident in a sentence. 用accident造句挺難的
    The accident left a scar on her leg .那次事故后她的腿上留下了傷疤。

  6. accommodation 住宿
    We can provide accommodation for six people at a push.(我们勉强可以安排六个人住宿。)

  7. accompany 陪伴;为…伴奏;
    Ken agreed to accompany me on a trip to Africa.肯同意陪我去非洲旅行
    If she sang, he would accompany her on the piano.如果她歌唱,他会为她钢琴伴奏

  8. accomplish 完成,实现
    Only establishing confidence can we accomplish our goal. Nevertheless, many people especially teenagers suffer from a lack of confidence.

  9. according 按照,依据
    Sort these cards according by their colours .按颜色将这些卡片分开。

  10. account 说明;账户;
    Your money would earn more in a high-interest account.(你的钱放在高利息账户里可获利更多。)
    How do you account for the show’s success?(你认为这次演出为何成功?)
    What follows is an eye-witness account.(接下来是目击者的陈述。)

  11. accumulate 积累
    It is difficult to remove overnight all the grievances accumulated over the years .

  1. accurate 准确的
    **The calculations made by computers are perfectly accurate .计算机的计算丝毫不差。

  2. accuse 指责
    He sailed into the witness , accusing him of lying .他指责证人撒谎

  3. accustomed 习惯的
    Martin became accustomed to a life of great austerity .马丁习惯了质朴的生活。

  4. ahce 疼痛
    The ache was subsiding into a dull throb .疼痛渐渐消退,变成隐隐的搏动了。

  5. achieve 完成;达到
    The exchequer early achieved independence .财政部很早就取得独立了

  6. achievement 成就
    Overwhelmed by his achievements , he lost his reason .他的成就使他高兴得忘乎所以。

  7. acknowledge 承认;致谢;
    He acknowledged all, and was mighty humble indeed .他承认了一切,态度的确很谦恭。
    She acknowledged a security guard’s friendly salute .她向一个负责警卫的保镖友好地答了礼。

  8. acquire 获得;学到;
    You must acquire great finesse of perception .你必须学会洞察事物的高超技巧。

  9. across 穿过;在…的对面;
    A wisp of hair straggled across her ear .一束头发散落在她的耳朵上。

  10. act 行动;起作用;表演;
    His last act must be a deed of impiety .他最后的行为就是这一种不孝。
    These four vitamins act in coenzymes .这四种维生素在辅酶中起作用
    The pickpocket was caught in the act .这个扒手在行窃时被当场拿住。

  11. afterward 后来
    If you were to take up professional dancing, i might have to cut you afterward .如果你要从事职业性跳舞的话,我以后也许得同你断绝关系哩

  1. again 再一次
    Could you spell that word out for me again ?那个字你再拼一遍好吗?
  2. against 倚在;违反,反对;和…对比;
    He leant against the post and it broke .他往杆子上一倚,杆子就断了
    Some are in favour of it , some are against it .有的赞成,有的反对
  3. age 年龄;时代;变老;
    The average age of the boys here is ten .这些孩子的平均年龄是十岁。
    That is the age of political chaos 那是个政治上呈纷乱状态的时代。
  4. agency 代理处
    He found a job through an employment agency .他经由职业介绍所找到一个工作
  5. agenda 会议事项;议事日程;
    She did five copies of the agenda .她将议程表复制了五份。
    Let’s draw up an agenda for our discussion, shall we ?我们拟定一个讨论日程,您看如何?
  6. agent 代理人
    Corcoran takes the book to his agent .科科伦带着他的书稿去见经纪人。
  7. ago
    The cream rose to the top some time ago .天赋高的人早已爬到了上面
    The house was completed five months ago .这幢房子是5个月前竣工的。
  8. agree
    she agrees to any of my requests 她同意了我的任何要求
  9. agressment 同意;协议
    The two countries signed a cultural agreement .两国签订了文化协定。
  10. agriculture 农业
    The returns to agriculture have generally been low .农业的利润通常是较低的。
    Animal agriculture was on the defensive .畜牧业处于逆境。
  11. ahead 向前
    There would be some very bad days ahead .今后几天将会是非常艰难的。
    Ahead there was a ditch running into the river .前头有条通向河道的水沟。
