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[Chongqing Guangdong education] 2408t Chinese contemporary literature reference test in autumn 2018 of the National Open University

2022-07-05 04:03:00 yuyueshool

Test paper code :2475
Tourism Economics test questions ( Open book )
2019 year 1 month
One 、 Multiple choice questions ( Choose from the four choices for each of the following questions , Choose the right , And fill the serial number letters in the brackets after the question . Every little question 2 branch . common 20 branch )
1. Tourism economics belongs to ( ).
A. Strong practicality B. Theoretical Economics
C Neither D. Applied Economics
2. Tourism consumption involves “ eat 、 live 、 That's ok 、 swim 、 entertainment 、 purchase ” In many aspects , Reflects the tourism consumption ( ).
A. Popularity B. Continuity
C. generalized D. Comprehensive
3. It has a certain population size and economic strength , The areas that can provide a certain number of tourists are ( ).
A. A tourist destination B. Tourist source
C. Distribution center of tourism industry D. Where the government regulates tourism
4. The size of the tourism market mainly depends on the market ( ) The amount of .
A. Number of tourists B. Tourism purchasing power
C Desire to travel D. A tourist destination
5. Transportation facilities belong to the tourism supply ( ).
A. Tourism resources B. Tourist facilities
C. Travel services D. Tourism infrastructure
6. Which of the following tourism transportation modes is in line with the characteristics of railway transportation ?( )
A. Safe and reliable B. Small traffic volume
C. High operating costs D. Slow speed
7. Tourism destinations with more developed tourism transportation networks , The denser the tourist flow , This shows that the distribution of tourist flow has ( ).
A. In direct proportion to time B. imbalance
C. Blindness D. selectivity
8. Two major tourism operators in the world —— Thomas · Cook and American Transportation Company were founded with ( ) phase
Off .
A. Catering business B. Hotel business
C. Transportation business D. Travel business
9. From the perspective of Tourism Economics , Tourism industry means to fully meet ( ) Consumer demand for , By the tourist destination 、 Enterprises in tourist source areas and the connection between the two places 、 Organizations and individuals form an organism of tourism production and service through various forms of combination .
A. tourist B. Tourism enterprises
C Tourism resources D. Tourism transportation
10. As the overall way of tourism industry development , The development mode of tourism industry is based on ( ) Highly refined base
On this basis .
A. The development direction of tourism industry B. Tourism industry development policy
C. Tourism industry development strategy D. Tourism industry development policy
Two 、 Judgment questions ( Judge whether the following statements are correct , Correctly mark in brackets after the question “√”, Wrongly mark in brackets after the question “×”. Every little question 2 branch , common 20 branch )
11. The research task of tourism economics is the tourist source caused by the spatial movement of tourists 、 A tourist destination
And tourism are linked to the economic phenomenon shown by the movement of the three 、 Economic relations and economic laws .( )
12. The commercialization of tourism activities means that all the tourism items needed by tourists in tourism activities must be through tourism clothes
Service Commodity Exchange , All kinds of services required by tourists appear in the form of service commodities .( )
13. Tourists' demand for tourism products is composed of leading demand and derived demand .( )
14. Tourism destinations can be plate shaped or point linear in their tectonic patterns .( )
15. In terms of the total amount , The tourist flow is relatively balanced in the round-trip direction . But in the short term , The passenger flow between tourist source and tourist destination is unevenly distributed in time .( )
16. Tourism retailers are relative to tourism wholesalers , It belongs to the upstream enterprise of the tourism wholesaler organization chain , Mainly responsible for tourism wholesalers “ Package tourism products ” Retail business .( )
17. The tourism industry is to fully meet the consumption needs of travel agencies .( )
18. The tourism market belongs to the market of imperfect competition , Oligopoly market .( )
19. Due to the lack of rigidity in the production capacity of tourism products , therefore , The competitive pricing model of the same product has become an important model in the price decision-making of tourism enterprises .( )
20. In tourism economic activities , Whether tourists or tourism enterprises , When external costs are incurred due to external influences , Is the external economy .( )
3、 ... and 、 Noun compatibility question ( Every little question 2 branch , common 10 branch , Please fill in the sequence number of the correct answer in the brackets of the question )
21. The social attribute of tourism ( )
22. Tourism supply ( )
23. Tourism industry development strategy ( )
24. Price elasticity of tourism demand ( )
25. Cross elasticity of tourism demand ( )
A. Based on the analysis of various factors and conditions for the development of tourism industry , Starting from all aspects related to the overall development of the tourism industry , Set goals for the development of tourism industry in a long period of time 、 The focus of the solution and the measures taken to achieve the above objectives .
B. The reaction degree of tourism demand to the price change of tourism products .
C. The impact of the price change of one tourism service on the demand change of another tourism service .
D. Tourism is a social phenomenon , In different social periods , Tourism phenomenon has different characteristics .
E. The number of tourism products provided to the tourism market at a certain price in a certain period , Specifically, it includes the tourism resources provided by tourism operators to tourists 、 Tourism facilities and services .
Four 、 Short answer ( Every little question 10 branch , common 30 branch )
26. The main task of tourism economics research .

27. The characteristics of tourism economy .

28. The importance of tourism transportation .

5、 ... and 、 Analytical questions ( common 20 branch )
29. 20 century 80 The concept of small tourism appeared in the s ,90 In the s, the concept of Chinese tourism was put forward , The concept of grand tourism is mentioned in the new century , It can be seen that , With the development of the times , People have a deeper understanding of tourism . In recent years, the concept of global tourism has emerged , Some places are called panoramic tourism , Some places are called panoramic tourism , And it is reflected in the tourism planning of various regions .2016 year , At the national tourism work conference, director Li Jinzao of the National Tourism Administration proposed : China's tourism development should start from “ Tourist attractions ” Shift to the “ Global tourism ”. After the viewpoint was put forward, all places were in “ Global tourism ” Break the restrictions of scenic spots under the guidance of ideas , Make specific tourism planning . Please use your knowledge to answer the question :
(1)“ Global tourism ” The connotation of the concept (10 branch )
(2)“ Global tourism ” Application of ideas , You can analyze your area ( Including cities 、 county 、 rural ) Specific tourism planning and the problems existing in the implementation of the planning .(10 branch )

