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This is an age of uncertainty

2022-07-05 04:12:00 Data plus cloud link_ Xiaogao

“ This is the best time , This is the worst time .” Good because it is full of opportunities , It can create wealth miracles . The difference is the superposition of the Internet and great changes in demand , Everything is uncertain . It's difficult today , Tomorrow will be more difficult ,‘ The transformation of ’ While providing a new channel choice for traditional clothing enterprises , It also puts forward higher requirements for its enterprise transformation channels .

China is a large country in the production and export of clothing , As one of the most important livelihood industries in China , After years of development, the industry itself , The competitive advantage is very obvious , But today, with the vigorous development of digital technology , How to deeply integrate the garment industry with digital technology , Improve their own industry innovation ability , Enhance the international competitiveness of the clothing industry , It is also a major development problem faced by the industry .

Clothing industry is a labor-intensive industry . The industrial chain is relatively simple but long , There are many and scattered participants , At present, many pain points in the development of China's clothing industry have gradually emerged , For example, the dividend of population policy gradually disappears 、 Huge inventory 、 Serious homogenization 、 The intermediate channels of the industrial chain are redundant 、 The lack of professional talents and so on . The solutions to these problems ultimately point in one direction —— Digital transformation .

As a labor-intensive industry , To digitalize 、 Ecological transformation , New technology is needed 、 New application 、 Intelligent devices to achieve small orders and fast production , Integration of industrial elements , Work together , Improve the production efficiency of the whole industrial chain . A dress from “ cotton ” To “ Ready to wear ”, It has to be woven 、 Printing and dyeing 、 machining 、 There are hundreds of large and small processes in packaging . The whole industrial chain involves many links : The front of the chain needs flour accessories 、 Design Board , Storage is needed behind the chain 、 production and marketing 、 logistics ; The left chain needs intelligent equipment , The right side of the chain needs a production line software solution ; Online needs Internet e-commerce , Offline store display and sales are needed . To achieve comprehensive digital transformation , There are two more problems for clothing digital service providers : First, there is a lack of comprehensively developed service providers . At present, digital service providers in the clothing industry are generally targeted at a certain segment , The industry lacks a supplier who can comprehensively plan and implement the digital transformation of garment enterprises . This can easily lead to enterprises after digital transformation , Data between subsystems cannot be effectively integrated ; Second, there is a lack of service providers covering the whole country . At present, the regional attribute of digital service providers in the clothing industry is very obvious , Zhejiang 、 guangdong 、 Shanghai 、 Jiangsu and other places have service providers in their respective regions , Every service provider wants to go out of their own area , Covering the whole country . But because of various factors , At present, there are no truly influential service providers nationwide .

But then again , Industrial chain coordination is a very important event in our clothing industry . Clothing and technology should always be closely integrated , Every technology may bring all-round changes to garment production , For the transformation and upgrading of the clothing industry ('sofastsoft . com') Inject powerful power . Now , The functions and functions of the supply chain are more and more , It is not only necessary to realize the synergy between industrial subjects , We should also realize the transmission of the value chain , Including the needs of customers , Logistics 、 information flow 、 Efficient transmission and organization of information such as capital flow and business flow . It means , The supply chain will be upgraded to digital intelligence .“ One person, one machine ” Mode of intelligent equipment , It is bringing a series of changes to the clothing industry .

The characteristics of digital intelligence : On the one hand, it is closer to consumers , You can model and analyze big data on the consumer side , Aggregate consumers' purchase needs in the cloud , Gather orders on the platform , Uniformly distributed to the factory ; On the other hand , Also know more about supply chain , It can disassemble production capacity , Divide these products into parts , Then match through the production process label , And found the productivity of local and other areas outside the province , At the same time, help other enterprises exhaust 、 Make full use of the remaining capacity . From the perspective of the combination of digital intelligence and supply chain , Releasing more enterprise productivity and innovation is the real value empowerment for traditional enterprises .


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