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What is test development? Why do so many companies hire test developers now?

2022-07-05 03:54:00 Little brother said test

Yesterday, a little friend in the group mentioned , The difference between testing and test development , Just see this problem again , A smooth answer .

One 、 What is test development ?

Test development should be seen as a new position , Between testing and development , It belongs to both testing and development positions .

We should understand testing , Also be able to develop . Specific needs “ understand ” To what extent , Please look down .

Two 、 What capabilities are needed for test development ?

Recruitment requirements for test development from major recruitment platforms 、 Test the community or Blog

Describe the test development and combine your own experience ,

Uncle Zhen came to the following conclusion :

1)「 Solid test basic skills 」

  1. I'm familiar with the business , can Independently responsible for the testing of certain business functions Work .
  2. Familiar with the testing process , Can be reasonable Make a test plan , Control the test progress , Have a keen sense of quality risk .
  3. Have a certain test thinking , Be able to design more High quality test cases .
  4. There are plenty of testing methods , At least in the APP、 Applet
  1. /H5、WEB、SERVER etc. , At one end there is Solid testing experience .
  2. For the commonly used testing tools, do as many as you can , And for these The test tools are easy to use .
  3. There is a certain Test architecture capability , Yes CD/CI Have some understanding , And learn something about DevOps The concrete practice of .

2)「 Solid computer skills 」

  1. be familiar with computer network , Especially for HTTP、TCP agreement Have a deep understanding .
  2. be familiar with Operating system and basic principle , Process threads
  • 、CPU Dispatch 、 memory management 、IO Reading and writing, etc .
  • Familiar with database , Familiar with mainstream relational databases and Non relational database
  1. , Be able to write queries in complex scenarios SQL.
  2. be familiar with Linux Basic use of , Good at writing Shell Script .

3)「 Solid programming skills 」

  1. master At least one door Back end programming language
  • (Java/Go/PHP/C++), and At least one scripting language (Python/JavaScript).
  • understand Mainstream testing tools / frame / platform , can Based on this Secondary development
  • .
  • master WEB Development skills , Familiar with back-end development framework and middleware , Be familiar with and master at least one of the more popular Fore and aft end separation
  • project .
  • master IDE Basic use of tools , Will use Git Code version control software .
  • Good programming style , Understand the basics Code
  1. Tuning techniques .

4)「 Soft power 」

  1. Dare to think and dare to do , Have the courage to try , Be innovative .
  2. Be good at thinking , Good at summarizing , Good at looking up information .
  3. Have the courage to climb the summit , The character of overcoming difficulties .
  4. Have good communicate Ability .

3、 ... and 、 Why are so many companies recruiting test developers now ? What does test development do every day ?

You need to know why the company wants to recruit beta , First of all, understand 【 Test Development 】 What do they do .

The work content of test development can be roughly divided into the following three types :

  1. Only develop , Don't test
  2. Develop and test
  3. Only test , No development

「“ Only develop , Don't test ”」

Some big Internet companies have developed to a certain scale , The user volume is very large , At this time, if there is a bug, There's always a huge butterfly effect , Bring huge loss to users .

Conventional Manual testing

It has been unable to meet the needs of daily testing , It's up to the baseman alone to ensure the quality of the business , The test is one-sided 、 It costs a lot 、 Low efficiency .

So big factories don't hesitate to hire test and development engineers at high salaries , Develop test tools or platforms to , Rich testing methods , Improve test performance , Strengthen product quality , Ensure high availability of the system .

「“ Develop and test ”」

Some medium-sized Internet companies , Business is on the rise , But quality engineering is still in its infancy .

Recruited at this time Test Development Engineer

, Need test development to lead a number of outsourcing students to ensure the business test tasks , And then you need to start from 0 To 1( Or from 1 To n) Go ahead quality

Infrastructure is built .

Be both a father and a mother , It's a lot of work , Basically, the vast majority of test development engineers are in this stage .

「“ Only test , No development ”」

“ Interview to build rocket , Working screw ”, It's quite appropriate to use it here .

Generally, some companies have many and complicated businesses , We need to recruit someone with a little stronger ability Business test

Little expert go Cover Quality assurance work .

Although these companies are recruiting test and development engineers , But when it comes in , In fact, it's just business testing .

  Compared with the above two types of test development ,“ Only test , No development ” Test and development engineers are still in the minority , And working “ happiness ” Generally not high .

But anyway ,「 Recruitment “ Test Development Engineer ” The threshold stone is still better than “ Test Engineer ” Higher , Wages will also be relatively higher .」

Learning resource sharing

Finally, thank everyone who reads my article carefully , Watching the rise and attention of fans all the way , Reciprocity is always necessary , Although it's not very valuable , If you can use it, you can take it

These materials , For thinking 【 Advanced test development 】 For our friends, it should be the most comprehensive and complete war preparation warehouse , This warehouse also accompanied me through the most difficult journey , I hope it can help you ! Everything should be done as soon as possible , Especially in the technology industry , We must improve our technical skills . I hope that's helpful …….


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