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Thread Basics

2022-07-05 03:38:00 Data ape vision

Foreword and outline

Every process in the computer system (Process) All represent a running program , A process is an encapsulation of a runtime program , The basic unit of resource scheduling and allocation in the system .

There can be many threads in a process , A thread is a subtask of a process , yes CPU Basic unit of dispatch and dispatch , It is used to ensure the real-time performance of the program , Achieve concurrency within the process , Threads are also the smallest execution and scheduling unit recognized by the operating system .

stay Java Threads are the carrier of program execution , The code we write is run by threads . Sometimes in order to increase the efficiency of program execution , We have to use multithreading for programming , Although multithreading can maximize program utilization CPU The efficiency of , But it is also the frequent occurrence of procedural accidents 、 The biggest inducement for programmers to lose their hair . The main reason is that our thinking is single threaded by default , When writing multithreads, you have to switch , This requires us to have a thorough understanding of the basic knowledge of threading .

Let's summarize this article Java The foundation of threads , Master more , I'll lose less hair in the future , Not only save money for hair planting , Wages can still go up , This is a win-win situation . The outline of this paper is as follows :

OK, let's start today's text , Go straight to the code .

Java Thread in

up to now , All we wrote Java The program code is made up of JVM To create Main Thread In a single thread .Java Thread is like a virtual CPU, Can be run in Java In the application Java Code . When one Java When the application starts , Its entry method main() Method is executed by the main thread . The main thread (Main Thread) It's a by Java A special thread created by a virtual machine to run your application .

because Java It's all about objects , So threads are also represented by objects , Thread is a class java.lang.Thread Class or an instance of its subclass . stay Java Inside the application , We can go through Thread Instance creation and start more threads , These threads can execute the application code in parallel with the main thread .

Create and start threads

stay Java Create a thread , To create a Thread Class

  Thread thread = new Thread();

To start a thread is to call the thread object start() Method


Of course , This example does not specify the code to be executed by the thread , So the thread will stop immediately after starting .

Specify the code to be executed by the thread

There are two ways to assign code to a thread to execute .

  • The first is , establish Thread Subclasses of , Covering the parent class run() Method , stay run() Method to specify the code to be executed by the thread .
  • The second is , Will implement Runnable (java.lang.Runnable) Is passed to Thread Construction method , establish Thread example .

Actually , There is a third usage , But on closer examination, it can be classified into the second kind of special use , Now let's look at the usage and differences of these three .

adopt Thread Subclasses specify the code to execute

By inheritance Thread Class to create a thread :

  1. Definition Thread Subclasses of classes , And cover the run() Method .run() The method body of the method represents the task to be completed by the thread , So the run Methods are called executors .
  2. establish Thread Instances of subclasses , The thread object is created .
  3. Calling the start Method to start the thread .
package com.learnthread;

public class ThreadDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //  Instantiate thread object 
        MyThread threadA = new MyThread("Thread  Threads -A");
        MyThread threadB = new MyThread("Thread  Threads -B");
        //  Start thread 

    static class MyThread extends Thread {

        private int ticket = 5;

        MyThread(String name) {

        public void run() {
            while (ticket > 0) {
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "  Sold No  " + ticket + "  Tickets ");



The above procedure , The main thread starts the call A、B two-threaded start() after , Failed wait() Wait for their execution to end .A、B The execution body of two threads , Will be executed by the system concurrently , Wait until the thread ends directly , The program will exit .

By implementing Runnable Interface specifies the code to execute

Runnable In the interface , only one run() Method definition :

package java.lang;
public interface Runnable {
    public abstract void run();

Actually ,Thread Class implements Runnable Interface . stay Thread Class overloaded constructor , Support receiving an implementation Runnale The object of the interface as its target Parameter to initialize the thread object .

public class Thread implements Runnable {
	public Thread(Runnable target) {
        init(null, target, "Thread-" + nextThreadNum(), 0);
    public Thread(Runnable target, String name) {
        init(null, target, name, 0);


By implementing Runnable Interface to create threads :

  1. Definition Runnable Interface implementation , Implement the interface run Method . The run The method body of a method is also the execution body of a thread .
  2. establish Runnable Instance of implementation class , And take this example as Thread Of target To create Thread object , The Thread Object is the real thread object .
  3. Calling the start Method to start the thread and execute .
package com.learnthread;

public class RunnableDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //  Instantiate thread object 
        Thread threadA = new Thread(new MyThread(), "Runnable  Threads -A");
        Thread threadB = new Thread(new MyThread(), "Runnable  Threads -B");
        //  Start thread 

    static class MyThread implements Runnable {

        private int ticket = 5;

        public void run() {
            while (ticket > 0) {
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "  Sold No  " + ticket + "  Tickets ");



Running the above routine will produce the following output , Similarly, the program will exit after all threads are executed .

Runnable  Threads -B  Sold No  5  Tickets 
Runnable  Threads -B  Sold No  4  Tickets 
Runnable  Threads -B  Sold No  3  Tickets 
Runnable  Threads -B  Sold No  2  Tickets 
Runnable  Threads -B  Sold No  1  Tickets 
Runnable  Threads -A  Sold No  5  Tickets 
Runnable  Threads -A  Sold No  4  Tickets 
Runnable  Threads -A  Sold No  3  Tickets 
Runnable  Threads -A  Sold No  2  Tickets 
Runnable  Threads -A  Sold No  1  Tickets 

Process finished with exit code 0

Since it's for Thread Pass on Runnable The implementation object of the interface , In addition to the common way of defining classes to implement interfaces , We can also use anonymous classes and Lambda Expression Runnable The implementation of the .

  • Use Runnable Anonymous classes are created as parameters Thread object :
Thread threadA = new Thread(new Runnable() {
    private int ticket = 5;
    public void run() {
        while (ticket > 0) {
            System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "  Sold No  " + ticket + "  Tickets ");
}, "Runnable  Threads -A");
  • Use to achieve Runnable Of Lambda Expressions are created as parameters Thread object :
Runnable runnable = () -> { System.out.println("Lambda Runnable running"); };
Thread threadB = new Thread(runnable, "Runnable  Threads -B");

because ,Lambda It's stateless , Cannot define internal properties , Here is a simple example of printing one line of output , Just understand this usage .



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