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@The problem of cross database query invalidation caused by transactional annotation

2022-07-05 03:51:00 Java Punk

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Encountered during development , Record the problem .

It is recommended that a service be connected to a database during development , To realize business-oriented micro service configuration , stay RestFull Layer for business integration of services . however , A few days ago, there was a special case , You need to associate multiple databases in a service to complete the query ( Because several databases do not have their own services , No external HSF Interface ).

In this configuration , It is inevitable to query multiple databases in an interface , And need to modify the data .


Due to the addition of @Transactional annotation , The original intention is to realize transaction management , It didn't actually come true , Instead, the database switching failed (master - > slave Failure ), Finally, the data query fails .

terms of settlement

Need to use cross library solutions , Cross database transaction middleware is recommended , Message middle table , Or make use of MQ Achieve best effort notification messages , Achieve the ultimate consistency of data .


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