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MySQL winter vacation self-study 2022 11 (9)

2022-07-05 03:13:00 Crane paper thousand

Code preparation for multi table query exercise

--  establish test1 database 
create database test1;
--  Choose to use test1 database 
use test1;
--  Create department table 
create table dept(
	deptno int primary key comment ' Department number ',
  dname varchar(14) comment ' Department name ',
  loc varchar(13) comment ' Department Address '

insert into dept values(10,'accounting','new york'),

--  Create an employee table 
create table emp(
		empno int primary key comment ' Employee number ',
    ename varchar(10) comment ' Employee name ',
    job varchar(9) comment ' Staff work ',
    mgr int comment ' Employee's direct leader No ',
    hiredate date comment ' Entry time ',
    sal double comment ' Wages ',
    comm double comment ' Bonus ',
    deptno int comment ' Corresponding dept Table foreign key '
--  Add foreign key relationships between departments and employees 
alter table emp add constraint foreign key emp(deptno) references dept (deptno);

--  Create a pay scale 
create table salgrade(
		grand int comment ' Grade ',
    losal double comment ' minimum wage ',
    hisal double comment ' Maximum wage '
insert into salgrade values (1,700,1200),(2,1201,1400),(3,1401,2000),(4,2001,3000),(5,3001,9999);

insert into emp values
(7369,'smith','clerk' 7902,'1980-12-17',800,null,20),


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