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[phantom engine UE] package error appears! Solutions to findpin errors

2022-07-05 04:08:00 Rabbit Xiaoyun

Reference article :https://blog.csdn.net/sandygull/article/details/119806465

The reason is that the blueprint function references WorldContext As input parameter , It usually appears in the blueprint function library , There is no problem with its execution in the editor , However, an exception will be displayed when packaging , The specific method is to search for keywords “WorldContext”, Find the input parameter in the blueprint function details panel and delete it .

There are two additional considerations :

1. If it is world context object You don't need to worry about .
 Insert picture description here
2. Most of the time , What I found was this , In the function header, there is such a , In general, this is the case , Consider migrating the used code to other blueprints , Don't use blueprint libraries , And decoupling as much as possible .
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But there are also extreme cases , That is, I found it clearly , But the function header is empty
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This is because Auto hide up
At this time, you should copy the blueprint function , Delete , Paste again , You can find world context It was shown again , At this time world context Just delete it .


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