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Learning notes of "hands on learning in depth"

2022-07-05 05:05:00 fb_ help

《 Hands-on deep learning 》 Learning notes

Data manipulation

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Automatic derivation

Variable setting derivation

x = torch.ones(2, 2, requires_grad=True)

Obtain derivative


Here, the dependent variable is required to be scalar , If tensor, You need to provide a weight matrix with the same size as the dependent variable , The output dependent variable is transformed into a scalar by weighted summation of all elements , Then you can backward().
The reason is well understood : There is no relationship between dependent variables , All dependent variable elements are simply put together , Therefore, their permutation can be regarded as a one-dimensional vector and linearly weighted to a scalar l On . The advantage of this is that the gradient is independent of the latitude of the dependent variable , Got l And the gradient of the independent variable , It doesn't matter what shape the dependent variable is tensor.

Linear regression

The gradient descent method solves the parameters
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The above formula can be solved analytically .
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The parameters to be solved can also be optimized by gradient descent through linear regression . Small batch random gradient descent is usually used (mini-batch stochastic gradient descent) Method , That is, calculate the average gradient in small batches , Multi batch optimization parameters .
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Here is also multiplied by a learning rate , It is equivalent to step size , It can be a little bigger at first , The back should be smaller .

Fully connected layer ( Dense layer )

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Linear regression

  1. Build simulation data , Confirm the input (features), Input (label), Parameters
  2. Write data loader( Split data into batch)
  3. structure function (net) , loss And optimization method
  4. iteration epoch solve
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Linear regression concise version

  1. data fetch
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  2. Define your own function, You need to give the number of parameters and forward function . In fact, it is the functional relationship between input and output . therefore , Give the calculation method of input and output , namely forward function . Neural network replaces this functional relationship with grid structure .
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  3. use torch Of net structure
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  4. Loss
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  5. An optimization method
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