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The present is a gift from heaven -- a film review of the journey of the soul

2022-07-05 05:15:00 lee2813

One 、 Write it at the front

Bloggers remember when they were in their junior year , At that time, there was a movie 《Joker》 On air . At that time, I was addicted to Zhou Shuren's books , After watching that movie, I also brought some “ It has a profound meaning ” From the point of view of , Hypocrisy about politics , The sadness at the bottom , At that time, he wrote threeorfour thousand words , Go to wechat official account to contribute , The result was of course rejected . As for writing film reviews , I also feel a little embarrassed , Everyone who studies Chinese is afraid of being described as “ Artistic young people ” Well , Just like programmers “ Plaid Shirt 、 Dull and bald ”. But in terms of sharing life , These feelings or so-called thoughts also want to record it , Leave yourself a knowing smile in the future . And my writing style has also changed a lot from before , These benefit from my mentor , Wang Yuan, a teacher who teaches aesthetics, told me that simple words can also carry heavy emotions , No amount of rhetoric may be just an empty and hypocritical fig leaf , Although teacher Fei, who teaches Chinese and foreign literature, always satirizes this era on his official account , But it's about politics , Morality and the rule of law , But it's all to ensure the operation of the whole country's big machine , wait . But for me , Now I haven't gone far , Talking about society, there is always some flavor of middle school sophomores , It's better to embrace reality and relax yourself , Live your life .

Two 、《 Strange journey of soul 》

《 Strange journey of soul 》 There is a piano teacher named Joe in the story , Although Joe is a piano teacher , But he has amazing talent in playing jazz , Fortunately, , This is the meaning of his life . Finally, one day, the opportunity comes , A famous jazz player lacks a pianist , At this time, Joe was invited to try the piano , The result surprised four people , Got the chance . If you follow the urine nature of some inspirational movies , At this time, it can be the end . But God joked with Joe , On the way back in high spirits, Joe didn't pay attention to the sewer hole that was not covered at present , Drop dead ...
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His soul came to heaven , Among a group of dying people . But his ideal is about to come true ! He hurried back , But missed the moment when the newborn babies were endowed with self-consciousness before they came to the world . That is to say, every child can only find his own “spark”, To get a pass to the earth . But the difficult thing is , Assigned to Joe 22 No. is a hobby for many , Children who are not interested in skills . The two tried all the skills , Drawing a picture , scientific research , cooking , Exercise has no effect . Finally, the two ran to the earth to find the answer .
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Besides , The movie introduces that a living soul can also come to this nihilistic space , There are people who fall into their hobbies and careers and enter selflessness , But there is also a kind of people who lose themselves in order to find and pursue something . When people go crazy for hobbies or careers , Also lost in their own life . When I saw this , I think of it. 《 Pop drummer 》 The hero in , For your hobby or career , Give up a lot of things , friend , Lovers, etc. , But he did become one of the best drummers . This kind of gain and loss, everyone will have their own evaluation , But I think it should be this far ?
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Then Joe returned to his body , He released his talent and love in playing , I thought life would be completely different from now on , As a result, I went home with the noisy subway and still plain life . Netease previously had a plan to work overtime for the company, but it was optimized by the company after suffering from a terminal illness , The cold wind blows away love . For my childhood dream , Do your dream job , Finally, the hot blood has cooled , Fate withers . For the big proposition of life , It seems that such thoughts have been instilled since childhood , When I was a child, my first question was what was your dream ? Do you contribute to society ? But most people say ordinary people , The tragedy of this era when the ideal high light does not shine . When the news of Mao Xingyun's suicide came , I know this should be the darkest moment of domestic games . Because Mao Xingyun has all the sustenance of every dream gamer , Top technical ability , Have a tough game dream , But in the end, I chose to go first . This thing seems to tell us that what you are looking for now can't do what you want to do in the end , So what should you do now ? People are often very painful when they are looking for something and can't get it , This makes people anxious , Fall into the quagmire of self doubt .22 I can't find my goal , Caught in endless self doubt , Like many people, life is boring , I feel older , But life seems to have only chicken feathers on the ground .
But life itself is not so aggressive . food , sky , Falling flower , There are emotions and so on. Aren't they also gifts brought by life ? Life itself has no meaning , To talk about meaning , There is life itself , I think this is how I feel when I watch this movie . Some people find what they have to do in life , Doing these things can make him forget himself , Feel endless happiness in it , This is a way of life . And some people just like to bask in the sun by the sparkling river , Fishing , Or share delicious food , Enjoy the scenery of the four seasons , They all love life , If you can get happiness so easily , It's also another kind of luck .
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But the reality is often another situation . People who have what they have to do have been lucky to find their way , But it is also easy to be defined by foreign objects , Trapped by talent . Talent is originally another kind of fun given by life , But for the so-called goal , Hard to find , However, talent is often the ceiling , It is not destined to be effective in a short time , Finally, I fell on the way , Leave what the elders call “ reality ” The beast of , No matter what you do , A word of “ How should reality be ?X Just like you in those days ”, It scares you to disarm in a hurry .
There are also those who could have enjoyed life , But it will also be affected by the times and online anxiety , Worry about your ability , The path chosen by anxiety , The gap between anxiety and peers , Even worry about your family , Looks, etc . But the truth is , Do everything right now , Is the best thing to deal with the future . Falling into the regret of the past and the expectation of the future is like the purgatory you weave for yourself , What is imprisoned is a free soul .
Vivian . Maier didn't expect to become a legendary photographer several years after his death , In printmaking class , The teacher also talked about artistic creation . Not every painter is as lucky as Monet , Hit the best times . But Vivian's works record people's vivid life moments when she visits the streets in addition to being a nanny . I saw a marketing article about Vivian . Mel doesn't seek fame and fortune , Immerse yourself in your hobbies , Although I don't like marketing numbers , But I think there's nothing wrong with what I said . Have what you want to do , I also have talent to do , It doesn't smell good ? Roll what roll , Is this really what you want to do , Or for something else ... Or there is really nothing you want to do , Eat delicious , Roll up the cat , Isn't it delicious to play with your girlfriend ? I think there should be nothing wrong with young people saying these words , You are right . As a future programmer , I hope all my colleagues can have a healthy body , Have your own small fortune in life , Set aside a little time every week to exercise , Get together with friends , Ideal , Target these things , Personally, I don't think it's all about life , After all, the country is so charming , If you really love life, you must be very happy .
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Do what's right now .

