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Es module and commonjs learning notes

2022-07-05 05:08:00 Fierce chicken

notes : Below esm finger ECMAScript Module , namely ES6 Module syntax of (import/export),cjs finger CommonJS (module.exports/require)

Browser side ESM Module loading

The browser uses esm The module of grammar import/export Or load ES6 Module is through script When the label is implemented , Have to add type="module", So the browser will know that this is a ES6 modular .

Browser with type="module" Of <script> It's all asynchronous loading , It won't block the browser , Wait until the whole page is rendered , Then execute the module script , Equivalent to opening <script> Labeled defer attribute ( have access to async attribute )

esm and cjs The difference of

esm It is loaded at compile time ( Static loading ), There is a separate parsing phase for module dependencies , The output of the module is the interface ( quote ),import Commands are loaded asynchronously ;
cjs Is runtime load ( Dynamic loading ), The module outputs a value ( Module object ), Values are cached ,require Load for synchronization

esm The output is the interface , It is a read-only reference to the value in the module , Therefore, the interfaces obtained when different scripts load modules point to the same instance . Take values according to the output interface , Therefore, the change of the internal value of the module will be read by different scripts

cjs The output is a copy of the value (module.exports object , Cached output value ), That's why require It's loaded at run time , Because a module object can only be generated when it is running . Once the module file is loaded and executed, a cache value will be output , Subsequent changes within the module will not affect this value ( Different scripts refer to the same value ), If you want to get the value after the internal change of the module , Then we need to define a special get Function as a accessor to return the value inside the module

CommonJS  A module of , It's a script file .require Command to load the script for the first time , Will execute the entire script , Then generate an object in memory 

  id: '...', //  Module name 
  exports: { ... }, //  Each interface of module output 
  loaded: true, //  Whether the implementation is completed 

 When you need to use this module later , It will come to exports The value of the attribute is .
 Even if you execute require command , The module will not be executed again , Instead, it takes a value in the cache ( This is the value copy and cache mentioned above ).
 in other words ,CommonJS  No matter how many times the module is loaded , Will only run once on the first load , Load later , Return the result of the first run , Unless you manually clear the system cache 

 Reference resources :https://es6.ruanyifeng.com/#docs/module-loader#CommonJS-%E6%A8%A1%E5%9D%97%E7%9A%84%E5%8A%A0%E8%BD%BD%E5%8E%9F%E7%90%86

Cyclic loading

“ Cyclic loading ” Refer to a Script execution dependency b Script , and b Script execution depends on a Script

//  such as 
// a.js
const a = require("./b.js");
// b.js
const a = require("./a.js");

stay esm modular and cjs Module , The performance of cyclic loading is different :

cjs Output only the executed part , The part that has not been executed will not output ( At this time, the module script has not been executed , The module output value will also change )

esm Execute the script first a Reference another module script b when , Will execute the script first b,b And then quote the script a when , The engine will think b From you to a The interface introduced already exists ,b The script will execute normally , At this time, undefined errors may be reported ( This undefined error can be passed var or function To solve )


Dynamic injection of module content

esm Inject : The output interface points to the same instance in different scripts

// module.js
//  Output an object reference , This reference is read-only , But the internal value can be modified 
export default {
  //  The properties inside the object can be modified 
  aInterface: {

// inject.js
import m from "./module.js";
m.aInterface = {
  msg: "new things"

cjs Inject : Use it once used require() Then output a module object cache , The characteristics of using this cache value between different scripts later

// module.js
//  By  require  Then an object will be generated , All scripts use this object 
module.exports = {
  aInterface: {

// inject.js
//  Once being  require  An object that will be cached will be generated after executing the module script 
const m = require("./module.js");
m.aInterface = {
  msg: "new things"

Reference resources



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