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UE fantasy engine, project structure

2022-07-05 04:58:00 Hufeng River

● Config Folder , Contains and controls project related settings .

● Content Folder , Folder containing game content , It contains all the contents of the project .

● DerivedDataCache Folder ,DDC Derived data cache , The saved content after the compilation of the project , It is a cache that can speed up project startup .

● Intermediate Folder , Temporary files and folders for intermediate steps .

● Saved Folder ,Saved Folders and Intermediate Folders are similar , But some more important files are saved  

● Source Folder , This is the project used to save C++ Source folder of the file .

● .uproject file , Project start up documents , It is a text file .

● .vs Folder (C++ project , Specially designed for Visual Studio There is , If necessary, , You can delete it .

● Binaries Folder ,Binaries It's a temporary folder , Save the compiled binary code

One 、Config Folder  

Config Folders are very important , It contains and controls project related settings .

Two 、Content Folder

Content A folder is a folder containing game content , It contains all the contents of the project .
You should not delete this folder , Otherwise, all game content will be lost .

Collections The folder and Developers Folder , Both of them can be enabled in the content browser ,
“ Show collection ” or “ Show developer content ” To visit , These folders can be used to save shortcut files or temporary files during project development .


  3、 ... and 、DerivedDataCache Folder

DDC Derived data cache , The saved content after the compilation of the project , It is a cache that can speed up project startup .

Four 、  Intermediate Folder

Intermediate Folder , This folder can be deleted , It is only used to save when you build the project and use the engine ,
Temporary files and folders for intermediate steps .

If you delete this file , It will take longer to open the project next time ,
Because it has to rebuild this folder , If you delete this folder , The engine will recreate this folder every time to replace the missing objects .

5、 ... and 、Saved Folder

Saved Folders and Intermediate Folders are similar , But some more important files are saved , It's best not to delete .
Unless we are sure we can delete , These files will be created by the center according to the situation , But once deleted , They cannot be recreated .
Logs Folder , It keeps the running log of the game , There are both historical logs and current logs , It is very useful for finding out the cause of the crash or error of the editor .

Backups The folder and Auto Saves Folder if the map crashes or the engine crashes , You can in this folder , Recover lost files .
The engine will look for Saved Folder , And try to recover files and folders .

  6、 ... and 、Source Folder

Source Folder , This is the project used to save C++ Source folder of the file .
If you delete this folder , Project C++ The source generation will all be lost . The project cannot be compiled correctly ,

7、 ... and 、.uproject file
Project start up documents , It is a text file , Essentially responsible for controlling the way the engine interacts with the project .
edition 、 plug-in unit 、C++ modular , Support platform and other related content .

  8、 ... and 、.vs Folder
Specially designed for Visual Studio There is , If necessary, , You can delete it .
It is only responsible for saving Visual Studio in “ Done automatically ” And other functions .

Nine 、 Binaries Folder

Binaries It's a temporary folder , If you turn it on , You will find that it saves the compiled binary code .
And module related .dll file , That's our C++ Source code .
Binaries The folder will be created when the project is compiled , If you need to save space , Please delete them .
The next time you open a project , The engine will rebuild them .
If you have problems packaging the project , You can try deleting binary folders , This will restore the project to its original state . 

source :Comprehending Projects and File Structure | Course


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