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Unity synergy

2022-07-05 04:52:00 yaohuiyaoo

One . Operation of game object
1. Find game objects
1.1 Find by name :
GameObject cube1=GameObject.Find(“ Game object name ”);
1.2. Find... According to the label :
GameObject cube2=GameObject.Find(“ Tag name ”);
It is more efficient to find according to the label , Search faster
2. Get components
2.1 Format : Component type g=this.GetComponent< Component type >();
Be careful : If it is to obtain the component of the current game object , The current game object does not have this component , You cannot succeed
2.2 After getting the component, you can modify the value in the component .
3. Add the component
3.1 Get rigid body format : gameobject.AddComponent();
3.2 You can not only add components , You can also add scripts , Preset body, etc
float a=Random.value; // return 0.0( Include ) To 1.0( Include ) Number between
int b=Random.Range(0,100); // Including the minimum but excluding the maximum
float c=Random.Range(0.0f,5.5f); // Including maximum and minimum
5. clone
5.1 Format :Instantiate( Presupposition , coordinate , Rotation Angle )
5.2 Randomly clone objects on the map :
Instantiate(cube,new Vector(Random.Range(0,100),Random.Range(0,100),Random.Range(0,100)),Quaternion.identity) //Quaternion.identity Indicates no rotation
6. Destroy game objects
Destory( The game object );
Destory( The game object ,3f); //3 Destroy in seconds
2. Keyboard events
Input.GetKey( Specific keys of the keyboard ) // Press this key to lift every frame that does not press this key
Input.GetKeyDown( Specific keys ) // Press to call once
Input.GetKeyUp( Specific keys ) // Lift it up and call it once without pressing the key
Use keys to control the movement of objects
float h=Input.GetAxis(“Horizontal”)Time.deltaTimespeed;// Move up and down
float v=Input.GetAxis(“Vertical”)Time.deltaTimespeed;// Or so mobile
transform.Translatr(new Vector(h,0,v));
3、 ... and . coroutines
A coroutine is something that makes a program run the main program , Run the process at the same time , And update similar , Has been running
No direct update() It calls the coroutine

