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[practical skills] how to do a good job in technical training?

2022-07-05 05:39:00 Apple II


1 Observe the trainees' knowledge and skills foundation and thinking habits

2 Pay attention to basic knowledge and basic concepts

3 Point out the defects of thinking ability

4 Analyze the advantages, disadvantages and scope of application of the new technology

  Picture from the Internet .

Due to the continuous development of computer technology , Software developers often need technical training . How can experienced developers do a good job in technical training ? How can developers who need training make full use of technical training ? Today I share an old article with you , I hope I can help you .

Before posting old articles , I think of one thing in my work that year , European architects once criticized Chinese programmers in an email for going the wrong way , Did not make good use of analytical skills . Finally , If the problem can't be solved , Please go back to school to find the teacher to get back the tuition .

1 Observe the trainees' knowledge and skills foundation and thinking habits

Observing and understanding people's knowledge and skills foundation and thinking habits is the most important point throughout the training , Thinking ability refers to the observation ability of the thinking subject 、 Analytical power 、 Comprehensive strength 、 Understanding 、 memory 、 Agility 、 creativity , Abstract generalization ability 、 Judgment and reasoning ability 、 Test whether the hypothesis and demonstration are correct, based on the integration of ability and operation . In terms of cognition , It is manifested in the choice ability of thinking 、 organization skills 、 Explanation ability and problem solving ability . Of course, it also includes understanding work habits and personality characteristics . Different methods should be adopted for different objects . As follows .

  Picture from the Internet .

2 Pay attention to basic knowledge and basic concepts

In training , Pay attention to the cultivation of basic knowledge and basic concepts . Many developers' mistakes stem from the lack of solid basic knowledge . Point out the defects of basic knowledge in time , At the same time, pay attention to protecting the enthusiasm of learning . You can ask questions , Make a presentation to reinforce basic concepts . Combine solid theoretical knowledge with strong practical problem-solving ability , Avoid fundamentalism , Also avoid the foundation knowledge is not solid .


  picture source :https://www.pinterest.com/pin/429671620671112136/


3 Point out the defects of thinking ability

During the training , Through observation , Timely point out the defects of the thinking ability of the trained developer engineers , This can be difficult . Many inherent thinking defects are not easy to correct , People will also have resistance , Its harmfulness can be pointed out through specific examples . analysis 、 comprehensive 、 Compare 、 classification 、 abstract 、 Generalization and concretization are the most basic process of thinking . For computer technicians , Rigorous logical thinking ability , Abstract generalization ability , The ability to judge and reason, the ability to find and solve problems is a very important ability . Of course , It is equally important to grasp details and key points , I have observed that many developers lack the basic characteristics of carefulness . Interestingly , Everyone's different habits and efficiency of reading code reflect their different ways of thinking .


Picture from the Internet  


4 Analyze the advantages, disadvantages and scope of application of the new technology

honestly , Compared with other basic disciplines , Such as physics , chemical , biological , The new development of computers is not very obvious . When introducing the so-called new technology related to computers , Point out its origin and essence , Its scope of application , Its packaging features , Its advantages , Its shortcomings , Point out the reasons for the new technology design . Know what it is , More to know why . Inspire people to think , Instead of simply accepting . For questions , It's not just a simple answer , And learn to inspire why , Otherwise, the same question will appear . For simple questions , Inspire the questioner to master the basic knowledge before asking , Instead of just knowing what it is and not knowing why . No technology can be perfect , I also feel that writing code is a regrettable Art , Many times, design needs to balance scalability and simplicity .

I hope the above little summary , It can inspire developers to do a good job in training , Continuous progress and development .


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