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Implement an iterative stack

2022-07-05 05:35:00 Raise items

Range for loop

Collection classes One of the basic operations of data types is Iterate over and process each element in the collection .
C++ Provides Range for Loop statements implement this operation ( Traverse the elements from beginning to end ).

One can be used for Range for loop ( Can the iteration ) The class of the statement must meet the following conditions :
(1) Realization begin() Method . Get directions First element Iterator or pointer to .
(2) Realization end() Method . Get directions The next element of the last element Iterator or pointer to .
(3)begin() and end() The return value of supports ++ operation .

std::vector<int> vi = {
     0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ,5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
for (auto x : vi) {
	std::cout << x << std::endl;

Equivalent to

for (auto it = vi.begin(); it != vi.end(); ++it) {
	std::cout << *it << std::endl;


The iterator class is more complex , First use The pointer To illustrate the problem .

#ifndef ITERABLE_H
#define ITERABLE_H

template <typename Item>
class Iterable {
    virtual Item *begin() = 0;
    virtual Item *end() = 0;


Variables of primitive pointer type must be able to do ++ Operational .
In this way , All public inheritance Iterable All non abstract classes of can be used in the scope for Loop statement .

Iteratable stack

Use FixStack public inheritance Iterable, Implement an iterative stack .



#ifndef FIX_STACK
#define FIX_STACK

#include <cstddef>
#include "iterable.h"

template <typename Item>
class FixStack : public Iterable<Item> {
    FixStack(size_t cap);

    Item *begin() override;
    Item *end() override;

    void Push(const Item &item);
    Item Pop();
    bool IsEmpty() const;
    size_t Size() const;

    void ReSize(size_t max);

    size_t cap_;
    size_t sz_;
    Item *data_;

template <typename Item>
FixStack<Item>::FixStack(size_t cap) : cap_(cap), sz_(0)
    data_ = new Item[cap_];

template <typename Item>
    delete[] data_;
    data_ = nullptr;

template <typename Item>
Item *FixStack<Item>::begin()
    return data_;

template <typename Item>
Item *FixStack<Item>::end()
    return data_ + sz_;

template <typename Item>
void FixStack<Item>::ReSize(size_t max)
    Item *newData = new Item[max];
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sz_; ++i) {
        newData[i] = data_[i];

    data_ = newData;
    cap_ = max;

template <typename Item>
void FixStack<Item>::Push(const Item &item)
    if (sz_ == cap_) {
        ReSize( 2 * cap_);
    data_[sz_++] = item;

template <typename Item>
Item FixStack<Item>::Pop()
    return data_[--sz_];

template <typename Item>
bool FixStack<Item>::IsEmpty() const
    return sz_ == 0;

template <typename Item>
size_t FixStack<Item>::Size() const
    return sz_;


void FixStackTest2()
    FixStack<std::string> st(1);
    std::string str;

    while (std::cin >> str) {

    for (auto x : st) {
        std::cout << x << std::endl;


int main()

    return 0;

Running results :
 Insert picture description here


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