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Personal developed penetration testing tool Satania v1.2 update

2022-07-05 05:32:00 Ba1_ Ma0

Satania v1.2

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Github Project address :


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This is a semi-automatic penetration testing tool , The current version is mainly used for information collection of penetration test , Keep updated weekly , The ultimate goal is something like linpeas Automatic penetration test information collection tool , And detect what vulnerabilities exist

Major updates

BUG Repair 
smb Specify an account to log in to the folder 
 Interface optimization , Program optimization 
 Generate shellcode And connect 
 Joined the WPScan Tools 


git library :

git clone https://github.com/baimao-box/satania.git

After downloading the tool , Enter the directory where the tool exists to install

chmod 777 setup.py
python3 setup.py

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It takes a few minutes , During this period, you need to manually select some things , The default can be

After installation , Will prompt whether to install searchsploit Tools , This tool is very big , So ask here , If the network is good, you can install

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Then directly enter satania You can run the tool

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Tool module introduction

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nmap enumeration

1.nmap enumeration 
2.nmap Regular vulnerability scanning 
3.nmap Intranet survival host detection 

Site enumeration

4. Website root directory file scanning 
5. Website subdomain name enumeration 
6. Website framework enumeration 
7.wpscan enumeration 
	1.WPScan Vulnerability scanning 
	2.WPScan User name enumeration 
	3.WPScan Account blasting 

smb enumeration

8.smb Shared directory enumeration 
9. Anonymous logins 
10.smb Specify folder login 
11.smb Specify the user name to log in 

MFS enumeration

12.nfs scanning 
13.nfs Local mount 


14.msfvenom Generate shellcode
	1.aspx Of shellcode
	2.php Of shellcode
	3.exe Of shellcode
	4.netcat monitor 
	5. Change the local settings ip And port 
15. Connect the uploaded shellcode


16. Change target ip
18. Get this machine again IP
19. sign out 

During the execution of the command , It still works linux command

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Some demos for this update

 Update as follows :
BUG Repair 
smb Specify an account to log in to the folder 
 Interface optimization , Program optimization 
 Generate shellcode And connect 
 Joined the WPScan Tools 

Use wpscan Enumeration module , Perform default vulnerability scanning

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Here you will be asked to enter api token

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We usually use wpscan when , Each scan requires input api token, Using this tool , You can put your api token Store it , Then the call does not need to enter

Then you can perform various scans

We enter msfvenom modular

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The tool will prompt you to enter local ip And listening port , For the following shellcode Generate , Now we generate a shellcode

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The tool will enter the file name , Storage address , And the use of payload

This update will execute linux The command is placed below

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Keep updating every week


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