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Traditional databases are gradually "difficult to adapt", and cloud native databases stand out

2022-07-05 06:06:00 cdtaogang


Database has always been a very important part of application development . from MySQL To Amazon RDS( Relational database service ,Relational Database Service), There are many database systems in the industry for developers to store 、 Query and manage data . With the continuous development of massive computing , It brings many challenges to the traditional database , The cloud native database can meet these challenges .

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Why is it difficult for traditional database products to adapt to this era

What is a traditional database

The traditional database is organized according to a certain data model and stores the data set in the secondary memory . This data set has the following characteristics : Try not to repeat , Serve multiple applications of a particular organization in an optimal way , Its data structure is independent of the application that uses it , The increase in data 、 Delete 、 Change 、 It is managed and controlled by unified software .

Disadvantages of traditional databases

Long before the birth of Cloud Computing , Traditional self built database is the only choice for all developers . However, as the number of users increases and the business complexity increases , The shortcomings of traditional self built databases are becoming more and more obvious .
The following is just a list of some common shortcomings of traditional self built databases , The traditional database technology and business development model can no longer adapt to this era .

  • System security : Need confrontation DDoS attack , The traditional self built database needs to be implemented by itself , And the implementation cost is high , At the same time, we also need to repair the database security vulnerabilities .
  • Hardware cost : In order to deploy the database , Developers need to buy expensive database servers . Disposable hardware costs are high . And considering the hardware loss , Later, there will be the cost of repairing and replacing hardware .
  • O & M costs : It takes a lot of manpower and material resources to maintain the hardware 、 Maintain the operating system 、 Maintain database software .
  • Extensibility : Traditional self built databases use physical hard disks as storage space , Limited by the capacity of a single disk , Elastic upgrade is not supported , To increase or decrease nodes , It is also difficult to achieve , If a database exceeds this storage limit , The operation and maintenance personnel and developers need to archive data together to reduce the database capacity .
  • reliability : Stand alone example , No data disaster recovery . It requires extra cost to establish remote data disaster recovery . Whether it's master-slave architecture 、 still Load balancing Or automatic disaster recovery , Traditional self built databases need to be implemented by themselves .

Challenges faced by traditional databases

On the one hand, traditional databases cannot meet the new needs of Internet enterprises . Internet enterprises are expanding rapidly , Massive data needs to be processed in real time , Concurrent visits are very large . Traditional databases form a shared storage environment based on dedicated servers and high-end storage , The equipment is expensive , And the performance and scalability are extremely limited , It cannot meet the high concurrency of databases in the Internet industry 、 Real time online requirements .

On the other hand, traditional databases cannot meet the new needs of cloud computing technology . Cloud computing companies rely on technology accumulation , Initiated by IOE Architecture based on low cost PC Changes in server technology , Reduce IT Service expenses , Advocate software centric architecture evolution , Reduce the risk of database maintenance and upgrading . The traditional database environment is highly stable in one place 、 Highly reliable 、 High availability high-end enterprise equipment , Restrict the future business development of cloud computing enterprises , Increase long-term operating costs .

Finally, the bottleneck encountered in the actual use of traditional databases :

  1. Unable to handle tens of thousands of read and write requests per second , Hard disk IO This will also become a performance bottleneck
  2. A limited number of records are stored in the table , Limited horizontal scalability , Vertical data affordability is also limited , In the face of massive data , It is bound to involve sub database and sub table , Difficult to maintain . Big data query SQL Extremely inefficient , When the amount of data reaches a certain level , The query time increases exponentially
  3. It's hard to scale horizontally , You can't simply add hardware 、 Service nodes to improve system performance
  4. For needs 24 For websites that provide services 24 hours a day , Database upgrade 、 Expansion will be a very troublesome thing , It often needs to be shut down for maintenance , Data migration , In order to avoid service interruption , If the website uses a server cluster , According to the cluster strategy , Corresponding consideration should be given to the consistency between master and slave 、 A series of problems such as cluster scalability

What is cloud native database ?

What is Yunyuan

Cloud native (Cloud Native) It's a way to build and run applications , It's a set of technical system and methodology .Cloud Native It's a combination ,Cloud+Native.Cloud It is suitable for cloud platform ,Native Represents that the application is designed with the cloud in mind , Native designed for the cloud , Run in the best posture on the cloud , Make full use of and give full play to the flexibility of cloud platform + Distributed advantage .

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The characteristics of cloud primordial

Speaking of the definition of cloud primordial , The earliest is from 2013 In speaking of , During this period, we are constantly defining and improving . It can be seen that “ Cloud native ” The definition of , With the development of times and Technology , Evolving . Container technology 、 Microservices 、 Sustainable delivery 、DevOps, These four points constitute the four elements of cloud primordial .

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  • Containerization : The best carrier of microservices ,Docker Play the role of application isolation , For microservices and all their required configurations 、 Dependencies and environment variables are moved to new 、 Undifferentiated operating environment , Portability is strong .
  • DevOps: Emphasize the efficient coordination of development and operation and maintenance cooperation . Through automated publishing pipeline 、CI Tools quickly deploy applications to production environments .
  • Continuous delivery : In Agile Development , In response to customer demand changes , Very frequent releases , Then you need to use continuous delivery . When multiple versions provide services at the same time , You need to support grayscale publishing / Canary release, etc .
  • Microservices : A micro service is basically an application service that can be published independently , Applications through RESTful API signal communication , Can be deployed independently 、 to update 、 Capacity expansion and restart .

What is cloud native database

Cloud native database , It is built through cloud platform 、 Deploy and distribute database services . It uses PaaS In the form of , It's often called DBaaS. Compared to traditional databases , Cloud native database provides better accessibility and scalability .

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The characteristics of cloud native database

  • Automatic fault tolerance : The automatic fault-tolerant mechanism of cloud native database includes automatic migration after downtime , Automatic fault isolation , Load balancing , Automatic current limiting, degradation, etc .
  • Stretch and stretch : According to CPU load,memory The utilization rate can be automatically scaled , Second expansion . According to the business CPU Load、 Memory Automatic expansion and contraction under load , It can expand and shrink in seconds , Flexible dynamic allocation or release of resources , Combined with flexible billing strategy , It can greatly reduce the user's use cost .
  • Flexible billing : Support on a volume basis ( Such as flow 、 Storage capacity 、 Call the number 、 Call duration 、 Check the number 、 Memory resource occupation, etc ) Develop a variety of pricing strategies , Users can flexibly match the optimal measurement mode according to business conditions , Save user costs .
  • Easier to manage : It can achieve the transformation from self-service operation and maintenance to automatic operation and maintenance , Have the ability of automatic anomaly analysis and diagnosis , Realize white screen in operation and maintenance 、 Intelligent 、 scale 、 Fewer people .
  • Safe isolation : Cloud database uses shared pooling technology to improve computing efficiency 、 Storage 、 Utilization of network and other resources , In addition, we need to consider the isolation of multi tenant security and stability , Avoid information disclosure or attack .
  • Ultimate experience : User's application for database 、 establish 、 monitor 、 Call the police 、 Fault location is done in the simplest way , Give users an extremely convenient experience .

Compared with traditional database , What are the advantages of cloud native data ?

Choosing a cloud native database has the following advantages :
Disposability in simple terms , Disposability means that the database can be disposed of without prior notice , The ability to instantly handle crashes or start processes . Although there are advanced technologies , But like disk failure 、 Network isolation failure , And virtual machine exceptions , Still inevitable .

For traditional databases , These faults are particularly harmful , Because running the entire database on a single machine , Even a small problem can affect all functions . The design of the cloud native database is remarkably easy to handle , That is, the virtual machine is allowed to restart or reschedule immediately under instant notification . actually , Manageability has expanded from a single virtual machine to the entire data center . As our environment continues to develop in a more stable direction , The cloud native database will develop to a state of being insensitive to such failures .

Enhanced security DBaaS Operate in a highly monitored and secure environment , Anti malware 、 Anti virus software and firewall protection . In addition to 24x7 monitoring and regular software upgrades , The cloud environment also provides additional security . contrary , Traditional databases are vulnerable to data loss and unrestricted access . Based on the data capabilities provided by service providers through instant snapshot replicas , Users can achieve “RPO=0,RTO<60 second ” The goal of .

Scalability the ability to scale on demand at run time is a prerequisite for any enterprise to grow . Because this ability allows enterprises to focus on pursuing business goals , Don't worry about the size of storage space .
Traditional databases store all files and resources on the same host , Cloud native databases are different , It not only allows you to store in different ways , And not affected by storage issues .

Better accessibility is one of the most important limitations of traditional databases , It can only be accessed by connecting to the database system itself . The cloud native database provides round the clock access to the database , So that you can make any changes at any time , And you only need one that can access internet The computer . thus , The potential delay that may occur is eliminated , At the same time, it also opens up a way for collaboration among multiple developers .

Significant cost savings building a data center is an independent and complete project , A lot of hardware investment is required , We also need well-trained operation and maintenance personnel who can reliably manage and maintain the data center . Besides , Continuous operation and maintenance will bring considerable pressure to your finance . Using cloud native DBaaS platform , You can do it at a lower upfront cost , Get an extensible database , This will free your hands , Achieve more optimal resource allocation .

Cloud native database strength School Amazon Aurora

The ancestor of cloud native database —— Amazon cloud technology

Speaking of cloud raw database , I have to mention Amazon cloud technology , As the pioneer of cloud computing market , Amazon cloud technology has led the development of the entire cloud computing market , At the same time, cloud computing has also made Amazon cloud technology .

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Gartner Recently released 2021 Database management system (DBMS) Market Research Report ( Hereinafter referred to as report ). According to the report ,2021 The annual database market revenue is close to 800 Billion dollars , Increase achieved 22.3%. This is a continuous database market 5 Keep high growth in . Another interesting set of data reported is ,2021 Hosting cloud services in (dbPaaS) Income increased to 392 Billion dollars , Of the total income 49% above . The disruption of the cloud to the database market has been revealed .

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2021 year DBMS Among the top five in market share , Amazon cloud technology (AWS) Your performance deserves attention , Its 2021 The annual growth rate is 42.3%, Almost twice the market growth . Under the growth of three consecutive years ,AWS Has jumped to second , Proportion 23.9%, It is only inferior to the first Microsoft 0.1%. Oracle bone inscriptions occupy the third place 20.6%, Fourth place Google , fifth IBM.

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In the field of non relational databases ,AWS With 64 Billion dollars 43% Share of , Take the leading position in this segment . Behind this growth is big data 、 The Internet of things 、 The rise of machine learning , The demand for processing non relational data is growing rapidly .Gartner data display ,2021 In, the market revenue of non relational databases reached 148 Billion dollars , Accounting for 19%.2017 in , The proportion is only 8%.

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Up to now , Amazon cloud technology currently provides more than a dozen specially built database services , Support relationships 、 Key value 、 file 、 Memory 、 chart 、 The time series 、 Eight data types of wide column and ledger .

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Why does Amazon cloud provide so many database products ? In my opinion , Like Amazon's CTO and VP Dr. Werner Vogels What I have said ,“ Developers want their applications to be well built and effectively extended , So , They need to be able to use multiple databases and data models in the same application . Few databases can meet the needs of multiple different application scenarios , The era of one size fits all database is over , Developers are using a large number of dedicated databases to build highly distributed applications .

Amazon database free trial links and tutorials are attached :
Cloud native database online conference :https://www.awsevents.cn/CloudNative/listDetails.html?trk=1227489f-bfd0-430a-85df-750d92bb9d11&sc_channel=el

Cloud age Amazon Aurora The development of

Now , Enterprises are facing exponentially increasing demand for massive storage , Businesses are also facing challenges brought by more hot spots and sudden traffic . Because enterprises need to reduce costs and increase efficiency , Make smarter data decisions , The traditional business database has been difficult to meet and respond to the rapid growth of business demands .

Cloud native database not only reduces the repeated configuration of database parameters , And it has rapid deployment 、 High scalability 、 High availability 、 Portability, ease of operation and maintenance and resource isolation . Especially based on containerization 、 Microservices 、Serverless And so on Cloud native database with elastic scalability and global deployment capabilities , Can be accessed from multiple front ends anytime, anywhere , Computing nodes that provide cloud services , And it can flexibly and timely mobilize resources to expand and shrink capacity , Help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency , Become a new trend of industry development .

In this context , Cloud native database has become the general trend , Whether it's an established database manufacturer , Or are large cloud computing enterprises moving closer to this trend .

World famous consulting company Gartner Pointed out that , The cloud will dominate the future of the database market , To 2022 year ,75% Will be deployed or migrated to the cloud platform , Only 25% The database will run locally . Cloud is the future , How to use database in cloud native architecture , It becomes a problem that must be considered .

here , To adapt to change , Relational databases need innovation and self evolution . And the one who opens the way is continuous 11 By the Gartner named “ Global cloud computing leader ” Amazon cloud technology (Amazon Web Services).

Amazon cloud technology is 2014 Launched in 2013 Relational database Amazon Aurora. It is compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL, Shared storage and read-write separation are adopted , It not only improves the database performance , And it solves the problem of scalability , So that traditional Internet companies can seamlessly migrate to the cloud , This makes it a representative of the cloud computing era .

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With the high performance and availability of existing traditional commercial databases , And the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open source databases ,Amazon Aurora Become the fastest-growing cloud service in the history of Amazon cloud technology , And among Eight Amazon cloud technology global services most favored by startups .

adopt DB-Engines Trend chart , We can find out Amazon Aurora The growth trend is obvious , High popularity .

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Enterprise selection Amazon Aurora The reasons behind it

Why can it be favored by many enterprises ? This can not do without Amazon Aurora Powerful performance features, advanced architecture design and low cost .

  • compatible MySQL
    Aurora Fully compatible InnoDB Storage engine MySQL 5.6, Make use of MySQL Most of the code written 、 application 、 Drivers can be migrated to... Without or with little change Aurora, On the contrary, it is still .
  • High performance
    Amazon By tightly integrating the database engine and based on SSD Virtualized storage tier ( Developed specifically for database workloads ), Its performance and availability are compared with MySQL A big increase , This reduces the number of writes to the storage system 、 Try to avoid locking and eliminate the delay caused by the database processing thread . Under the same hardware conditions ,Aurora Provides relative standards MySQL Up to five times the throughput , It can be completed every minute 600 Wan's insertion operation and 3000 Million query operations .
  • High availability and durability
    Aurora It can automatically copy data on multiple zones , And continuously back up the data Amazon S3 On , Achieve... Without affecting performance 99.999999999% Durability . Aurora Provides higher than 99.99% The usability of , Can be found in 60 Automatically detect most database failures within seconds and return to normal , There will be no crash recovery or the need to rebuild the database cache .Aurora It can also continuously monitor the health status of instances , If there is a fault , It will automatically switch to a read-only copy without losing data .
  • High scalability
    Use Amazon RDS Services have expanded Aurora The capacity of , Can also increase 15 individual Aurora copy , And automatically expand storage capacity without any interruption , So as to avoid downtime or performance degradation .
  • High security
    Aurora Running on the Amazon VPC in , It will be able to Aurora Limit to your own virtual network ; Automatically encrypt data during data transmission .Amazon RDS by Aurora Integrated AWS Identity and access management (IAM) service , The service can safely control users' access to Amazon AWS Access to services and resources .
  • It's very cheap
    Aurora It provides the same functions as high-end commercial databases , But only one tenth of the cost of high-end commercial database products . Users do not need to invest in the early stage , Just for each one you use Aurora The database instance pays an hourly usage fee , There is no minimum commitment fee or prepaid fee .
  • No server architecture
    Amazon Aurora Architecture support Serverless No server architecture . It adopts the architecture of separation of computing and storage , It can achieve the rapid expansion of the storage layer , Improve the ability of data analysis . meanwhile , It also adopts a unique concept of log, that is, database , Save the amount of data transmission between the node and the storage layer , To achieve performance improvement .

If the advent of the cloud era has promoted the transformation of databases , Then with Serverless The combination of , Once again, it adds fire to the development of the database .

Amazon cloud technology is 2018 Launched in 2013 Amazon Aurora Serverless v1. It is reported that , It is Amazon Aurora An on-demand automatic extension configuration version of , It will start automatically according to the requirements of the application 、 Shut down and expand or reduce capacity , So that developers do not need to manage any database instances , You can run the database in the cloud .

So the cloud native database is really strong , Next, let's take a look at the specific advantages of Amazon cloud technology's cloud native database through the following examples , These advantages solve the pain points of which enterprises .

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Samsung uses Amazon Aurora cost reduction . As the number of users surged to 11 More than hundred million , The electronics giant decided to transform its huge database from a single traditional networked data center (IDC) The solution is transferred out , Because this solution is not only expensive , And it's hard to expand , Therefore, it is difficult to adapt to the increasing traffic demand . Samsung Electronics migrated its global Samsung account data to a platform built specifically for the cloud and connected with MySQL and PostgreSQL Compatible relational database I Amazon Aurora in . thereafter , Samsung's operation and maintenance costs have been greatly reduced , Because Samsung was able to free itself from the restrictive licensing costs of local traditional databases .
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Kyushu Tong adopts Amazon Aurora, Easily realize the read-write separation and on-demand expansion of the database . Use Amazon Aurora Database services , Single Amazon Aurora Clusters can support up to 15 Read only nodes , Support online automatic expansion and contraction . The overall database performance is improved 5 times ,TCO To reduce the 50%, Cross availability zone deployment is realized 、 Load balancing / Automatic failover , Fine monitoring / Automatic expansion and contraction on demand, etc . meanwhile , It also effectively reduces the workload pressure of the main library . Besides , Achieve an efficient balance between performance and cost . With the help of Amazon Aurora Auto Scaling function , Achieve on-demand scaling of read-only copies , While meeting business needs , Save server costs .
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Tiger tooth live broadcast in the process of globalization , I also chose Amazon Aurora.2018 Beginning of the year , Tiger teeth live broadcast online overseas products Nimo TV, end of the year , Monthly live users reach tens of millions . The products have successfully landed in Southeast Asia and Latin America ,2019 Entered the Spanish market in . It is reported that , In the background of the database , Tiger teeth live broadcast DynamoDB Store user's dynamic information , Including payment 、 state 、 Friends' attention and other information . Relatively static information is stored in Amazon Aurora On , Such as user's basic information .Amazon Aurora It can automatically expand capacity , And because computing and storage are separated , When the amount of data is large , The calculation instance can be upgraded separately , Ensure performance . meanwhile , Under abnormal conditions , Usually just 10 Automatic failover in about seconds , No impact on end users . also , Leverage its global database capabilities , It can improve the local user experience . Tiger teeth live broadcast in Amazon cloud Technology Asia Pacific ( Singapore ) Regional deployment database , Make copies in other areas , Improve the use experience of local users .

lately , Amazon cloud technology announces no server database service Amazon Aurora Serverless v2(Amazon Aurora Serverless Second version ) Officially available , new generation Amazon Aurora Serverless It can automatically expand to hundreds of thousands of transactions in a fraction of a second , Support the most demanding applications .Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 According to the requirements of the application , Expand capacity in fine-grained increments , Compared with the way of preset database capacity for peak load , Can help customers save up to 90% Cost of .Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 At the same time Amazon Aurora High availability 、 Performance and elasticity , And low latency and fast query functions . Use Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 No prepayment is required , Customers only need to pay for the database capacity used .

What's more, it's worth mentioning ,Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 Support cross AZ High availability deployment and read extensions , Through continuous monitoring and using the buffer pool as much as possible ,v2 In situ expansion can achieve second level .

at present ,Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 Compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL Of Amazon Aurora Officially available on , It is now in the eastern United States ( The Ohio )、 The eastern part of the United States ( Northern Virginia )、 The west of the United States ( Northern California )、 The west of the United States ( Oregon )、 The asia-pacific region ( Hong Kong )、 The asia-pacific region ( mumbai )、 The asia-pacific region ( Seoul )、 The asia-pacific region ( Singapore )、 The asia-pacific region ( Sydney )、 The asia-pacific region ( Tokyo )、 Canada ( The central )、 The European ( Frankfurt )、 The European ( The Irish )、 The European ( London )、 The European ( In Paris, )、 The European ( Stockholm ) And South America ( Sao Paulo ) Regional launch , It will soon be launched in other Amazon cloud technology regions .


With the transformation of digitalization “ Deep Water ”, The business requirements of enterprises iterate rapidly , The amount of data and concurrent access increased exponentially , Traditional relational databases encounter stretched expansion capabilities 、 Low big data processing performance challenges . Data is becoming more and more important to enterprises , Enterprises' demand for professional services with database as the core is also increasingly urgent . Traditional databases are gradually difficult to meet the needs of enterprises , And Amazon cloud native database Aurora The arrival of has solved all the problems faced by enterprises using traditional databases in the digital era .

For SMEs , Instead, the impact of the COVID-19 has accelerated the pace of enterprises going to the cloud , But in the process of going to the cloud , Technical threshold and high trial and error costs , Are likely to become straw crushing small and medium-sized enterprises . And just Amazon cloud native data Aurora It can help these medium-sized enterprises tide over these difficulties .

Fan benefits

Amazon cloud technology has created a variety of learning platforms for developers :

  1. Getting started Resource Center : from 0 To 1 Easy to get started with cloud services , Content covered : Cost management , Start training , Development resources .https://aws.amazon.com/cn/getting-started/?nc1=h_ls&trk=32540c74-46f0-46dc-940d-621a1efeedd0&sc_channel=el
  2. Architecture Center : Amazon cloud Technology Architecture Center provides cloud platform reference architecture chart 、 Reviewed architectural solutions 、Well-Architected Best practices 、 Pattern 、 Icon, etc .https://aws.amazon.com/cn/architecture/?intClick=dev-center-2021_main&trk=3fa608de-d954-4355-a20a-324daa58bbeb&sc_channel=el
  3. Builder Library : Learn how Amazon cloud builds and operates software .https://aws.amazon.com/cn/builders-library/?cards-body.sort-by=item.additionalFields.sortDate&cards-body.sort-order=desc&awsf.filter-content-category=*all&awsf.filter-content-type=*all&awsf.filter-content-level=*all&trk=835e6894-d909-4691-aee1-3831428c04bd&sc_channel=el
  4. Toolkit for developing and managing applications on Amazon cloud technology platform :https://aws.amazon.com/cn/tools/?intClick=dev-center-2021_main&trk=972c69e1-55ec-43af-a503-d458708bb645&sc_channel=el

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