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Paper reading report

2022-07-05 06:23:00 mentalps

0 2022/6/23-2022/6/25

1. FLAME: Taming Backdoors in Federated Learning

1.1 The contribution of this article

  1. We proposed FLAME, It's a way of targeting FL Defense framework of middle and back door attack , It can eliminate backdoors without affecting the benign performance of the aggregation model . Contrary to the early backdoor defense ,FLAME Applicable to general opponent model , That is, it does not rely on the powerful assumption of the opponent's attack strategy , Nor does it depend on the underlying data distribution of benign and hostile data sets .
  2. We show that , The required Gaussian noise can be fundamentally reduced by the following methods :a) Apply our clustering method to delete potential malicious model updates ,b) Cut the weight of the local model to an appropriate level , To limit single ( Especially malice ) The impact of models on aggregation models .
  3. We inject noise ( suffer DP inspire ) The required amount of Gaussian noise provides a proof of the noise boundary , To eliminate the contribution of the back door .
  4. We have extensively evaluated the defense framework of real-world data sets from three very different application areas . We show that ,FLAME Reduce the amount of noise required , Therefore, the benign performance of the aggregation model will not be significantly reduced , And direct injection is based on DP Compared with the most advanced defense against noise , It has important advantages .

1.2 Problem setting and goals

Rear door feature description :
 Insert picture description here
Benign models: Benign model ;
Backdoored models: Backdoor attack model ;
Deviations of Backdoored models: The deviation of the back door model ;
G t − 1 G_{t-1} Gt1: The deviation between the local model and the global model in the last round ;
W 1 , , W 2 , , W 3 , , W_{1}^{,},W_{2}^{,},W_{3}^{,}, W1,,W2,,W3,,: They represent three different backdoor attacks ;
Defensive target :
stay FL In the environment , General defense that can effectively mitigate backdoor attacks needs to achieve the following goals :(i) effectiveness : In order to prevent the opponent from achieving his attack target , The influence of backdoor model update must be eliminated , So that the aggregated global model does not show backdoor behavior .(ii) performance : The benign performance of the global model must be maintained , To maintain its effectiveness .(iii) Independent of data distribution and attack strategy : The defense method must be applicable to the general opponent model , That is, it is not required to know the backdoor attack method in advance , Or make assumptions about the specific data distribution of local clients , for example , The data is iid Or not iid.

1.2 FLAME Overview and design

motivation :
Early work used the difference privacy heuristic noise elimination backdoor of aggregation model . They identify a sufficient amount of noise to be used empirically . However , stay FL Setting up , This is a challenge , Because it is usually impossible to assume that aggregators can access training data , Especially toxic data sets . therefore , A general method is needed to determine how much noise is sufficient to effectively remove the back door . On the other hand , The more noise is injected into the model , The greater the impact on its benign performance .
FLAME summary :
FLAME Estimated at FL The noise level required for the removal of the rear door in the environment , There is no need for extensive empirical evaluation , There is no need to obtain training data . Besides , In order to effectively limit the amount of noise required ,FLAME A new method based on clustering is used to identify and delete the update of opponent model with great influence , And the dynamic weight clipping method is applied to limit the influence of the model expanded by the opponent to improve performance . Such as §3 Described , We cannot guarantee that all backdoor models can be detected , Because the opponent can completely control the angle and amplitude deviation , Make the model arbitrary and difficult to detect . therefore , Our clustering method aims to remove high attack impact ( The angle deviation is large ) Model of , Not all malicious models . chart 3 It explains the FLAME High level concept of : Filter 、 Clipping and noise . However , We emphasize , Each of these components needs to be applied very carefully , Because the naive combination of noise and clustering and clipping will lead to bad results , Because it's easy not to ease the back door and / Or worsen the benign performance of the model .
FLAME Design :
 Insert picture description here

FLAME The paired cosine distance is used to measure the angular difference between all model updates , And Application HDBSCAN clustering algorithm . The advantage here is , Even if the opponent enlarges the model update to enhance its influence , Cosine distance will not be affected , Because this does not change the angle between update weight vectors . because HDBSCAN The algorithm clusters the model according to the density of cosine distance distribution , And dynamically determine the required number of clusters .
step :
1. Server acquisition n User model .
2. Calculation n n n Cosine similarity between two models .
3. Use dynamic clustering algorithm HDBSCAN Cluster the cosine similarity between two pairs , exceed 50 % The class of is benign update . Other classes are considered outliers , Remove it , Get the rest L L L A benign model .
4. Yes n n n Each of the models calculates the Euclidean distance from the current global model ( e 1 , e 2 , . . . , e n ) (e_{1},e_{2},...,e_{n}) (e1,e2,...,en), And let the value be S t S_{t} St.
5. For each round L L L A model screened by clustering algorithm , The dynamic adaptive clipping threshold is γ = S t / e l \gamma=S_{t}/e_{l} γ=St/el.
6. Calculate the trimmed local model W l = G t − 1 + ( W l − G t − 1 ) ∗ M I N ( 1 , γ ) W_{l}=G_{t-1}+(W_{l}-G_{t-1})*MIN(1,\gamma) Wl=Gt1+(WlGt1)MIN(1,γ).
7. Give the same weight to the trimmed local model and aggregate to get the global model G t G_{t} Gt.
8. Based on the differences between local models ( distance ) Get the dynamic adaptive noise σ = λ ∗ S t \sigma=\lambda*S_{t} σ=λSt, Where the super parameter λ \lambda λ Is the noise level factor set according to experience .
9. Get the global model after noise G t = G t + N ( 0 , σ 2 ) G_{t}=G_{t}+N(0,\sigma^{2}) Gt=Gt+N(0,σ2).

0 2022/6/27

1 The Limitations of Federated Learning in Sybil Settings

The main idea:

1. For each client i i i, The server saves its historical update vector as H i = ∑ t Δ i , t H_{i}=\sum_{t}\Delta_{i,t} Hi=tΔi,t.
2. Look for indicative features .
3. Calculate the cosine similarity between two indicative features in the client history update c s i , j cs_{i,j} csi,j, And order v i v_{i} vi For the client i i i The maximum value of cosine similarity with all other clients .
4. After the cosine similarity between two is calculated , For each client i i i, If there is another client j j j Satisfy v j > v i v_{j}>v_{i} vj>vi , Then the client i i i Of c s i , j cs_{i,j} csi,j Amend to read c s i , j ∗ v i / v j cs_{i,j}*v_{i}/v_{j} csi,jvi/vj. By re measuring cosine similarity , It can further reduce the similarity between honest clients and malicious clients , The similarity between malicious clients and malicious clients is basically unchanged , Thus reducing false positives .
5. Calculate each client i i i Learning rate of a i = 1 − m a x j ( c s i ) a_{i}=1-max_{j}(cs_{i}) ai=1maxj(csi) Is and divided by a i a_{i} ai Maximum of , Standardize and reduce it to 0 To 1 Between .
6. Learning rate for each client a i a_{i} ai, Use to 0.5 Centered logit function , Make close to 0 and 1 The learning rate becomes more divergent .
7. Multiply the final learning rate by the corresponding model update , Get the aggregated model update , And use it to update the global model

0 2022/7/1

1 Defending Against Backdoors in Federated Learning with Robust Learning Rate

The main idea:

  1. Server acquisition n n n Partial update of users .
  2. For each dimension j j j, Server pair n n n The number of models j j j Find the symbolic function with three parameters , Then sum the operation results of the symbolic function , The o ∑ k = s g n ( Δ j k ) \sum_{k}=sgn(\Delta_{j}^{k}) k=sgn(Δjk).
  3. Set a super parameter of learning threshold θ \theta θ, if ∣ ∑ k s g n ( Δ j k ) ∣ |\sum_{k}sgn(\Delta_{j}^{k})| ksgn(Δjk), be η j = − η \eta_{j}=-\eta ηj=η.
  4. Select an aggregation function to aggregate local updates , The only difference is , The learning rate of each parameter is not fixed η \eta η, It's what we got before η j \eta_{j} ηj.
