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Modnet matting model reproduction
2022-07-05 06:22:00 【eton_ liu】
MODNet Reproduction of matting model
MODNet By the City University of Hong Kong and Shangtang technology in 2020 year 11 First proposed in , For real-time matting tasks . The model is excellent , Matting can be achieved without background input , And the real-time performance is very high . But the official code does not give a complete training example , I am here github A complete reproduction example is given on , stay B standing Give a rough explanation of the principle .
Repeat step
# 1. Download the code and enter the working directory
git clone https://github.com/actboy/MODNet
cd MODNet
# 2. Installation dependency
pip install -r src/requirements.txt
# 3. Download and extract the dataset
wget -c https://paddleseg.bj.bcebos.com/matting/datasets/PPM-100.zip -O src/datasets/PPM-100.zip
unzip src/datasets/PPM-100.zip -d src/datasets
# 4. Training models
python src/trainer.py
# 5. Model to evaluate
python src/eval.py
# 6. Model reasoning
python src/infer.py
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