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Quickly use Amazon memorydb and build your own redis memory database

2022-07-05 06:11:00 Langya Technology


Speaking of cloud vendors , Your first reaction may be Alibaba cloud 、 Hua Wei Yun 、 Tencent, cloud, etc. , Alibaba cloud has the largest market share in China , But the global market share of Cloud Computing , Amazon is the big brother :


At present, Amazon cloud technology provides 100 Of more than products Free package . among , Computing resources Amazon EC2 First year 12 It's free for three months ,750 Hours / month ; Storage resources Amazon S3 First year 12 It's free for three months ,5GB Standard storage capacity ; Database resources Amazon RDS First year 12 It's free for three months ,750 Hours ;Amazon Dynamo DB 25GB Storage capacity is permanently free, etc .

It has Three different types of free offers To choose from :

There's no formula , Pure is white whoring ,AWS Free package , White whoring entrance


This article will be Amazon MemoryDB For example , Describe how to start from scratch and build your own Redis In-memory database .

MemoryDB advantage

Build a traditional self built Redis, Performance needs to be considered 、 Data persistence 、 Extensibility 、 A series of building environments such as firewalls , The steps are cumbersome , laborious . Build through cloud database Redis, from efficiency 、 performance 、 Data security 、 Extensibility And so on , It solves the pain points of traditional methods , Save a lot of time and operation and maintenance costs . Such as :

adopt Redis Fast build

By being Stack Overflow named “ The most popular ” The database of Redis To quickly build applications . Use flexible Redis Data structure and API( for example , Streaming 、 Lists and collections ).

Achieve ultra fast performance

Access data with microsecond read latency and single digit millisecond write latency and high throughput .MemoryDB It can handle more than... Every day 13 Trillions of requests , And supports more than per second 1.6 The peak of billion requests .

Store data with persistence and high availability

MemoryDB Store data in memory , And use the transaction log of multiple availability zones to realize rapid database recovery and restart , Without losing data . because MemoryDB Data can be stored persistently , So you can use it as the primary database .

Easily expand

MemoryDB The storage space of each cluster can be changed from several GB Seamless expansion to 100 TB above , To meet your application needs .

Registered account

No, AWS Account partners need to register their accounts first : Registration and trial address ( On the bill registration page, you can use Domestic credit cards


Log in to the console

Console login portal

Enter your email address and password


When you come in Service There's so much content , For convenience , We can search here like the following figure MemoryDB, Select the first option for search results


You can see the overall interface , Click... To start using :


MemoryDB Hands on Tutorial

Amazon MemoryDB for Redis It's a And Redis compatible 、 A very persistent in memory database service , Ultra fast performance . Provide submillisecond latency for modern applications with a microservice architecture 、 High throughput and multi availability persistence .

Official documents :https://docs.aws.amazon.com/zh_cn/memorydb/latest/devguide/getting-started.html

Create clusters

Select cluster... In the left navigation pane , And then click Create clusters


  • Cluster information

    Enter the name of the cluster name 、 Description information


  • Subnet group

    Create a new subnet Group , Or select an existing subnet group to apply to this cluster from the available list . A subnet is similar to a local area network


  • Cluster settings

    Use t4g.small example ,2 Free within months ( Provide free instances and... Every month 20GB data )

    • Apply to Redis Version compatibility in , Accept the default value 6.2
    • Apply to port , Accept the default Redis port 6379
    • Apply to Parameter group in , Accept default.memorydb-redis6 Parameter group


  • Security

    Security group - act as A firewall To control network access to the cluster , Very important !!!

    Static encryption – Enable encryption for data stored on disk

    After setting , Finally, click create


When your cluster status is available when , To whom EC2 Access right , Connect to the cluster and start using it .


Grant access to

  • establish EC2 example

    This section assumes that you are already familiar with Amazon EC2 Instance startup and connection . For more information , see also Amazon EC2 Getting started .

    Key pair ( Sign in ) Information , Never choose 【 Continue without a key pair 】 The option to , Otherwise, it will lead to EC2 After the instance is created, it cannot be accessed directly

  • Authorized access

    adopt Security group Configure authorized access .

    all MemoryDB The purpose of clustering is to Amazon EC2 Instance to access . The most common situation is from the same Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) Medium Amazon EC2 Instance access MemoryDB colony . You have to authorize EC2 Instance access cluster , Then you can start from EC2 The instance is connected to the cluster .

    Here's a demonstration , Configure full inbound access directly , That is, all devices can access


Connect clusters

From you to MemoryDB Access data in nodes , You can use the secure socket layer (SSL) The client of , It can also be in Amazon Linux 2 Use on with TLS/SSL Of redis-cli.

If you want to use redis-cli Connect to Amazon Linux 2 Upper MemoryDB colony , Steps are as follows :

  • Sign in EC2 Command line console

    choice EC2 Instance Connect Connection type


  • Download and compile redis-cli Utilities

    stay EC2 Instance at the command prompt , Type the following command

    #Amazon Linux 2
    $ sudo yum -y install openssl-devel gcc
    $ wget http://download.redis.io/redis-stable.tar.gz
    $ tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz
    $ cd redis-stable
    $ make distclean
    $ make redis-cli BUILD_TLS=yes
    $ sudo install -m 755 src/redis-cli /usr/local/bin/
  • stay EC2 Instance at the command prompt , Type the following command , And replace the corresponding content shown in this example with the terminal node of your cluster and port

#  Example 
# src/redis-cli -c -h Cluster Endpoint --tls -p 6379
$ src/redis-cli -c -h clustercfg.redis-free.uyejvs.memorydb.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com --tls -p 6379

among Cluster Endpoint be located MemoryDB Cluster information Cluster endpoint


The actual operation results are as follows :

be limited to Redis command

To provide a hosted service experience ,MemoryDB Restricted access to certain commands that require advanced privileges . The following commands are not available :

  • acl deluser
  • acl load
  • acl save
  • acl setuser
  • bgrewriteaof
  • bgsave
  • cluster addslot
  • cluster delslot
  • cluster setslot
  • config
  • debug
  • migrate
  • module
  • psync
  • replicaof
  • save
  • shutdown
  • slaveof
  • sync


MemoryDB And Redis compatible , Is a very popular open source data storage , Enables you to use the same flexible and friendly Redis data structure 、API And commands to quickly build applications . Use MemoryDB, All your data is stored in memory , This enables you to achieve microsecond read and write latency per millisecond and high throughput .MemoryDB It also uses multi zone transaction logs to span multiple zones (AZ) Persistent storage of data , For fast failover 、 Database recovery and node restart .

Memory DB Both in memory performance and multi availability persistence , High performance master database for microservice applications , This eliminates the need to manage cache and persistent databases separately .

Amazon cloud technology has also created a variety of learning platforms for developers :

  • Getting started Resource Center : from 0 To 1 Easy to get started with cloud services , Content covered : Cost management , Start training , Development resources : Point me to visit

  • Architecture Center : Amazon cloud Technology Architecture Center provides cloud platform reference architecture chart 、 Reviewed architectural solutions 、Well-Architected Best practices 、 Pattern 、 Icon, etc : Point me to visit

  • Builder Library : Learn how Amazon cloud builds and operates software : Point me to visit

  • Toolkit for developing and managing applications on Amazon cloud technology platform : Point me to visit


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