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MIT-6874-Deep Learning in the Life Sciences Week 7
2022-07-05 05:51:00 【木姑娘】
Lecture 05 Interpretable Deep Learning
- 可解释性深度学习
- 一、Intro to Interpretability
- 1a. Interpretability definition: Convert implicit NN information to human-interpretable information
- 1b. Motivation: Verify model works as intended; debug classifier; make discoveries; Right to explanation
- 1c. Ante-hoc (train interpretable model) vs. Post-hoc (interpret complex model; degree of “locality”)
- 2. Interpreting Deep Neural Networks
- Evaluating Attribution Methods
- 3a. Qualitative: Coherence: Attributions should highlight discriminative features / objects of interest
- 3b. Qualitative: Class Sensitivity: Attributions should be sensitive to class labels
- 3c. Quantitative: Sensitivity: Removing feature with high attribution --> large decrease in class probability
- 3d. Quantitative: ROAR & KAR. Low class prob cuz image unseen --> remove pixels, retrain, measure acc. drop
一、Intro to Interpretability
1a. Interpretability definition: Convert implicit NN information to human-interpretable information
1b. Motivation: Verify model works as intended; debug classifier; make discoveries; Right to explanation
Why Interpretability?
- 1.Verify that model works as expected: Wrong decisions can be costly and dangerous
- 2. Improve / Debug classifier
- 3. Make new discoveries
- 4.Right to explanation
“Right to be given an explanation for an output of the algorithm”
1c. Ante-hoc (train interpretable model) vs. Post-hoc (interpret complex model; degree of “locality”)
- Ante-hoc & Post-hoc
1. Ante-hoc 可解释性——事先可解释性(模型内置可解释性)
- 朴素贝叶斯
- 线性回归
- 决策树
- 基于规则的模型
2. Post-hoc Interpretability——事后可解释性
- 模型级别的可解释:DNN模型为什么要如此决定决策边界
- 特征的可解释性:哪一部分特征能最大化的激活当前的模型
- 走向单个个体的可解释:解释为何这个输入会被如此分类
2. Interpreting Deep Neural Networks
2a. Interpreting Models (macroscopic, understand internals) vs. decisions (microscopic, practical applications)
- Interpreting decisions:
- Attribution method: 什么属性决定了模型当前的输出
- Example-based: 什么特殊的案例导致模型当前的输出
- Interpreting models:
- Representation analysis: 模型表示本身
- Data generation:如何使用模型生成数据
- Example-based:相关案例
DNN interpretability 可以分为宏观和微观两个层面
Interpreting models 又可以分为以下四个方面,其中 对于表示的分析可以分为权重可视化和代理模型
2b. Interpreting Models: Weight visualization, Surrogate model, Activation maximization, Example-based
1. Weight visualization 权重可视化
2. Surrogate model 代理模型
使用一个简单的,“可解释的”模型来“summarize”模型的 输出,试图解释“black box”的输出。
3. Data Generation / Activation maximization 数据生成 / 激活最大化
- DNN可以通过寻找输出量最大化的输入模式来解释。
- 与数据连接可以提高可视化的可解释性。
4. Example-based
- 通过将每层权重可视化
- 替代准确性不高但可解释性强的模型
- 在某种程度上通过最大化激活函数获得有用的特征/信息
- 通过有效构造prototype和criticism,指导模型学习获取该类别下最有用的,用于区分的信息
2c. Interpreting Decisions:
Attribution Methods: why are gradients noisy?
关键是,构建(特征)显著图(Saliency Map)
提升saliency map的方法,首先:思路转变
假设1: saliency map是真实的
- 图像中随机分布的某些像素对网络如何做出决定至关重要。
- 噪音很重要
假设2: 梯度是不连续的 - DNN使用分段线性函数(ReLU激活,max-pooling等)。
- 重要性分数在输入的无穷小变化上的突变跳跃。
假设3: - 一个特征可能会在全球范围内产生强大的影响,但在局部却会产生很小的影响
Gradient-based Attribution: SmoothGrad, Interior Gradient
Backprop-based Attribution: Deconvolution, Guided Backpropagation
- 观察:移除更多的梯度会带来更清晰的视觉效果
Evaluating Attribution Methods
3a. Qualitative: Coherence: Attributions should highlight discriminative features / objects of interest
- 归因应基于区别性特征
3b. Qualitative: Class Sensitivity: Attributions should be sensitive to class labels
- 归因应该是类别敏感的
3c. Quantitative: Sensitivity: Removing feature with high attribution --> large decrease in class probability
- 移除属性高的特征会导致类概率大幅下降
3d. Quantitative: ROAR & KAR. Low class prob cuz image unseen --> remove pixels, retrain, measure acc. drop
7. Processing the input of multidimensional features
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