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[rust notes] 14 set (Part 1)

2022-07-05 06:04:00 phial03

14 - aggregate ( On )

14.1 - summary

  • aggregate : Collective generic types .

  • Rust The difference between sets and sets in other languages :

    • Rust Use Transfer To avoid deep replication .

    • To borrow

      The checker can make Rust At compile time , Eliminate invalid errors . Invalid errors are as follows :

      • Save the data pointer in the set , When the set is scaled or modified , There will be dangling pointers .
      • C++ Undefined behavior in .
      • Language in memory security , Invalid errors may cause ConcurrentModificationException.
    • Rust No, null

      • Appear in other languages null The place of ,Rust use Option Instead of .
  • Standard set :

    Rust aggregate explain C++ aggregate Java aggregate Python aggregate
    Vec<T> Increasable array vectorArrayListlist
    VecDeque<T> deque ( Growable ring buffer )dequeArrayDequecollections.deque
    LinkedList<T> Double linked list listLinkedList
    BinaryHeap<T> where T: Ord The biggest pile priority_queuePriorityQueueheapq
    HashMap<K, V> where K: Eq + Hash key — Value hash table unordered_mapHashMapdict
    BTreeMap<K, V> where K: Ord Ordered bond — Value table mapTreeMap
    HashSet<T> where T: Eq + Hash Hash table unordered_setHashSetset
    BTreeSet<T> where T: Ord Ordered set setTreeSet
  • Vec<T>:【 Common collections 】 It can grow 、 Types allocated on the heap T An array of values of .

  • VecDeque<T>: And Vec<T> similar , But it is suitable for use as a first in first out queue .

    • Support the efficient addition and removal of values at the front and back of the list .
    • It will slow down all other operations .
  • LinkedList<T>: Support in front of the list 、 Back end fast access .

    • And VecDeque<T> The function is similar to , But it adds fast connection .
    • Generally speaking , Slightly slower than Vec<T> and VecDeque<T>.
  • BinaryHeap<T>: Priority queue . Values are always organized to find and remove maximum values .

  • HashMap<K, V>:【 Common collections 】 It's a key — Table of value pairs , Press the key to check the value quickly . Items are stored in any order .

  • BTreeMap<K, V>: And HashMap<K, V> The function is similar to , But entries are stored in key order .

    • such as :BTreeMap<String, i32> Compare sequential memory entries by string .
    • Unless you need to store entries in order , otherwise HashMap<K, V> faster .
  • HashSet<T>:【 Common collections 】 Is a group of types T Value . Commonly used in :

    • Quickly add and remove values .
    • Quickly check whether the given value exists in the set .
  • BTreeSet<T>: And HashSet<T> The function is similar to , But values are stored sequentially . Again , Unless you need to ensure the order of data , otherwise HashSet<T> faster .


  • The easiest way to create a vector is to use vec! macro :

    //  Create empty vector 
    let mut numbers: Vec<i32> = vec![];
    //  Create a vector containing the given content 
    let words = vec!["step", "on", "no", "pets"];
    let mut buffer = vec![0u8; 1024];  // 1024 A filling 0 Bytes of 
  • The vector has 3 A field : length 、 Capacity and pointer to heap memory where its elements are stored .

  • Vec Like all sets , Realized std::iter::FromIterator, So you can use iterators .collect() Method , Create a vector based on any iterator :

    //  Convert another set into a vector 
    let my_vec = my_set.into_iter().collect::<Vec<String>>();
    //  Equivalent to 
    let my_vec: Vec<String> = my_set.into_iter().collect();

14.2.1 - Access elements

  • The array can be obtained intuitively through the index 、 Elements of slices or vectors :

    //  Get a reference to an element 
    let first_line &lines[0];
    //  Get a copy of the element 
    let fifth_number = numbsers[4];        //  Realization Copy
    let second_line = lines[1].clone();    //  Realization Clone
    //  Get a reference to the slice 
    let my_ref = &buffer[4..12];
    //  Get a copy of the slice 
    let my_copy = buffer[4..12].to_vec();  //  Realization Clone
    • If the index is out of bounds , Then all the above access forms will be surprised .
    • The length and index of the vector are usized type . You can use when necessary n as usize transformation .
    • All slicing methods can also be used on arrays and vectors .
  • slice.first(): Return to right slice Reference to the first element . The return value type is Option<T>

    • If slice It's empty , Then return to None.
    • If it's not empty , Then return to Some(&slice[0]).
  • slice.last(): Returns the reference to the last element .

  • slice.get(index): return slice[index] References to .

    • If you cross the border , Then return to None.
    • If it works , Then return to Some(&index) quote .
  • slice.first_mut()slice.last_mut() and slice.get_mut(): It is a variant of the above methods , return mut quote .

    • return T Value means transfer , Therefore, methods that access elements in place usually return references to elements .
    • Below .to_vec() Method is an exception , It returns a copy of the element .
  • slice.to_vec(): Clone the entire slice , Translate a new vector .

    • Only when elements can be cloned (where T: Clone) Only in the case of .

14.2.2 - iteration

  • Vectors and slices can be iterated : You can iterate by value , You can also iterate by reference .
    • iteration Vec<T> produce T Type of item : Elements are transferred out of the vector one by one , And be consumed .
    • iteration &[T; N]&[T] or &Vec<T> Type value : That is, for the array 、 References to slices or vectors , produce &T Type of item . References to individual elements , There will be no transfer .
    • iteration &mut [T: N]&mut [T] or &mut Vec<T> Type value : produce &mut T Type of item .
  • Array 、 Slices and vectors and .iter() and .iter_mut() Method : The iterators created generate references to their elements .

14.2.3 - Growth and contraction vectors

  • Array 、 Length of slice and vector : Indicates the number of elements they contain .

    • slice.len(): return slice The length of , The type is usize.
    • slice.is_empty(): stay slice When no element is included , namely slice.len() == 0 when , return true.
  • The size of arrays and slices is immutable , Therefore, the following methods of enlargement and contraction are not supported .

  • Characteristics of vectors :

    • All elements of the vector are stored in contiguous memory blocks allocated on the heap .
    • The capacity of the vector is the maximum number of elements that can be contained in this block .
    • Vec Capacity can usually be managed automatically , When more capacity is needed , Larger buffers will be allocated , And transfer the elements .
  • Display management The method of vector capacity :

    • Vec::with_capacity(n): Create a capacity of n New empty vector of .【 Recommended 】
    • vec.capacity(): return vec The capacity of , The type is usize.vec.capacity() >= vec.len().
    • vec.reserve(n): Make sure the vector has enough space to accommodate another n Elements .vec.capacity() >= vec.len() + n. If the capacity is enough , Just keep the status quo ; If not enough , A larger buffer will be allocated , Then transfer the vector content .
    • vec.reserve_exact(n): tell vec The allocated space cannot exceed n, Regardless of future growth .vec.capacity() = vec.len() + n.
    • vec.shrink_to_fit(): When vec.capacity() > vec.len() when , Will try to free additional memory .
  • Vec<T> There are many modifiable references in vectors (&mut self) Is a method that takes a parameter , You can add and remove elements , To change the length of the vector .

  • Add or remove a value at the end of the vector

    • vec.push(value): stay vec Add the given... At the end value value . This method obtains the value of the parameter , Not references .
    • vec.pop(): Remove and return the last element . The type of return value is Option<T>: If the last element is x, Then return to Some(x); If the vector is empty , Then return to None. This method returns the value of the element , Instead of quoting .
  • Add or remove values anywhere in the vector : The more elements to move ,.insert() and .remove() The slower .

    • vec.insert(index, value): stay vec[index] Insert value, And will vec[index..] The value in moves one position clockwise to the right . If index > vec.len() Then surprise occurs .
    • vec.remove(index): Remove and return vec[index], And will vec[index+1..] The value in moves one position to the left . If index >= vec.len() Then surprise occurs . If you want to use this method often , Then it is recommended to use VecDeque<T> To manipulate data , instead of Vec<T>.
  • Change the length of the vector to the specified value

    • vec.resize(new_len, value): Set the vector length to new_len, If the length increases , It will be value Value in the new growth position . The type of element is required to implement Clone Special type . Only this method can clone values , Other methods are to transfer values from one place to another .
    • vec.truncate(new_len): Reduce the length of the vector to new_len, And the elimination range is vec[new_len..] The elements within . If vec.len() <= new_len, Then keep the vector as it is .
    • vec.clear(): from vec Remove all elements from , amount to vec.truncate(0).
  • Add or remove multiple values at once

    • vec.extend(iterable): Put in order iterable All items of are added to vec At the end of . Similar to giving .push() Pass in multiple values .iterable Parameters can be implemented IntoIterator<Item=T> Any value . All sets are implemented Extend Special type , This method is included .
    • vec.split_off(index): And vec.truncate(index) The function is similar to , But it will return a containing from vec Remove the end of the value Vec<T>. Equivalent to multiple value versions .pop().
    • vec1.append(&mut vec2): hold vec2Vec<T> Vector of type ) All elements of are transferred to vec1.vec2 It's going to be empty . And vec1.extend(vec2) The difference is ,vec2 It still exists after the transfer , And the capacity is not affected .
    • vec.drain(range): from vec Remove scope vec[range]. Returns the iterator of the removed element .range It's a range value , Such as .. or 0..4.
  • Selectively remove elements from vectors

    • vec.retain(test): Remove all elements that fail the given test .test Parameter is an implementation of FnMut(&T) -> bool Function or closure of . Yes vec Each element of , Will be called test(&element): If you return false, Then remove from the vector element, And clean it up . In principle, it is equivalent to the following code , But the performance should be better :

      vec = vec.into_iter().filter(test).collect();
    • vec.dedup(): Clear duplicate elements . scanning vec, Compare adjacent elements , If we find equality , Then clear the extra equal value , Keep a value .

      let mut byte_vec = b"Missssssissippi".to_vec();
      assert_eq!(&byte_vec, b"Misisipi");

      As the result shows , This method only clears Successive duplicate value . If you want to remove all duplicate values , Then there are three ways :

      1、 call .dedup Before sorting the vectors ;

      2、 Move the data into the set ;

      3、 Use .retain() Method , You can keep the original order of elements :

      let mut byte_vec = b"Missssssissippi".to_vec();
      let mut seen = HashSet::new();
      byte_vec.retain(|r| seen.insert(*r)); // .insert() Returns when the set contains items to insert false.
      assert_eq!(&byte_vec, b"Misp");
    • vec.dedup_by(same): And vec.dedup() The function is similar to , The difference is that it uses functions or closures same(&mut elem1, &mut elem2), instead of == The operator determines whether two elements are repeated .

    • vec.dedup_by_key(key): And vec.dedup() The function is similar to , The difference is that it judges the repetition of two elements based on key(&mut elem1) == key(&mut elem2). give an example : If error It's a Vec<Box<Error>> Type value :

      //  Remove the error of duplicate message content 
      errors.dedup_by_key(|err| err.description().to_string());

14.2.4 - Connect

  • Array of arrays : Include any array 、 Slice or vector , The element itself is also an array 、 Slice or vector .

  • There are two special methods for the array of arrays :

    • slices.concat(): Return the new vector obtained by splicing all slices .

      assert_eq!([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]].concat(), vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
    • slices.join(&separator): And slices.concat() similar , What doesn't work is that it will separator A copy of is inserted between slices .

      assert_eq!([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]].join(&0), vec![1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6]);

14.2.5 - Split

  • Rust Manipulate arrays by indexing 、 Considerations for slicing or vectors :

    • Support to get multiple arrays of non modifiable references at the same time 、 Slice or vector :
    let v = vec![0, 1, 2, 3];
    let a = &v[i];
    let b = &v[j];
    let mid = v.len() / 2;
    let front_half = &v[..mid];
    let back_half = &v[mid..];
    • It is not supported to get multiple arrays of modifiable references at the same time 、 Slice or vector :
    let mut v = vec![0, 1, 2, 3];
    let a = &mut v[i];
    let b = &mut v[j]; // error: cannot borrow `v` as mutable more than once at a time
    //  If i == j, Then it is equivalent to that two modifiable references operate on the same integer .
  • Rust Supports many methods , You can not directly modify the array 、 Slice or vector , Instead, it returns a new reference to some of the data , Used to implement split operation : It ensures that the data is divided into non overlapping blocks , There are many ways to divide into mut He Fei mut Two versions .

    • slice.iter() and slice.iter_mut(): The returned iterator generates slice A reference to each element in .

    • slice.split_at(index) and slice.split_at_mut(index): Divide the slice into two , Returns a tuple containing two parts .slice.split_at(index) Equivalent to (&slice[..index], &slice[index..]). If index Transboundary , These two methods will surprise .

    • slice.split_first() and slice.split_first_mut(): Returns a tuple , Contains a reference to the first element (slice[0]) And references to all remaining element slices (slice[1..).

      .split_firt() The type of return value is Option<(&T, &[T])>. If the slice is empty , Then return to None.

    • slice.split_last() and slice.split_last_mut(): Returns a tuple , Contains a reference to the last element and a reference to all remaining element slices .

      .split_last() The type of return value is Option<(&[T], &T)>.

    • slice.split(is_sep) and slice.split_mut(is_sep): Based on functions or closures is_sep, take slice Split into one or more sub slices , Returns the iterator of the sub slice .

      When consuming the returned iterator , Will be called for each element in the slice is_sep(&element). If you return true, Then this element is the separator . The separator element is not included in any sub slice of the output .

      The output always contains at least one sub slice , One more separator element will produce one more sub slice .

      If multiple separators are adjacent or the separator is slice Last element of , Then the output will contain empty sub slices .

    • slice.splitn(n, is_sep) and slice.splitn_mut(n, is_sep): Based on functions or closures is_sep, take slice Split into n Sub slice , Returns the iterator of the sub slice . Find front n-1 After slicing , You won't call is_sep, The last sub slice contains all the remaining elements .

    • slice.rsplitn(n, is_sep) and slice.rsplitn_mut(n, is_sep) Reverse scan slice . Based on functions or closures is_sep, take slice Split into n Sub slice , Returns the iterator of the sub slice . Find after n-1 After slicing , You won't call is_sep.

    • slice.chunks(n) and slice.chunks_mut(n): The returned iterator is a length of n Of Non overlapping I'm going to slice it . If slice.len() No n Multiple , Then the length of the last sub slice is less than n.

    • Iterative method for sub slice slice.windows(n): The iterators returned are similar slice Sliding window of data . This iterator produces a containing slice in n Sub slices of consecutive elements ( overlap Seed slices , No return mut Quoted variants ).

      The first sub slice produced is &slice[0..n], The second sub slice is &slice[1..n+1], And so on .

      If n > slice.len(), Will not produce slices ; If n == 0, Then this method will surprise .

      skill : The size is 2 Sliding window of , It can be used to detect the change of two data points in the data sequence :

      let changes = daily_high_temperatures
          .windows(2)             //  Get the temperature of two adjacent days 
          .map(|w| w[1] - w[0])   //  Calculate the temperature difference 

14.2.6 - In exchange for

  • slice.swap(i, j): In exchange for slice[i] and slice[j] These two elements .

  • vec.swap_remove(i)

    : For vector , Support the item pair method of efficiently removing any element .

    • Remove and return vec[i], Follow vec.remove(i) similar .
    • But it will not move the following elements forward , To fill the vacancy , But simply put vec The last element of moves to the empty position .
    • You can use .

14.2.7 - Sort and search

  • Common sorting methods :

    • slice.sort(): Sort elements incrementally . You need to ensure that the element type implements Ord Special type .

    • slice.sort_by(cmp): Use a function or closure that specifies the sort method cmp, Yes slice The elements are sorted .

      cmp It has to happen Fn(&T, &T) -> std::cmp::Ordering.

      Rust Support .cmp() Method , It can be used as the sorting method specified above :

      students.sort_by(|a, b| a.last_name.cmp(&b.last_name));

      If you want to sort by a field , Then use another field as the final basis , Then we need to compare tuples :

          |a, b| {
              let a_key = (&a.last_name, &a.first_name);
              let b_key = (&b.last_name, &b.first_name);
    • slice.sort_by_key(key): According to the sorting key slice Incremental sorting of elements , Sorting keys can use functions or closures key give .key The type of must implement Fn(&T) -> K where K: Ord Special type . During sorting , The value of the sort key is not cached , therefore key May be called more than once .

      If T When one or more sortable fields are included , You can choose a variety of sorting methods :

      // grade_point_average() Implements a sort method :
      //  Sort by grade average , In front of the lowest row 
      students.sort_by_key(|s| s.grade_point_average())

      key(element) Cannot return a reference borrowed from an element . As the following call , But you can use .sort_by()

      students.sort_by_key(|s| &s.last_name);  //  error , Life span cannot be inferred 
  • Reverse sort method :

    • Use .sort_by, And pass in two parameters to change the order cmp Closure . such as |b, a|, instead of |a, b|, Then reverse sort will be performed .
    • slice.reverse(): Reverse sort slice elements in place .
  • After sorting , Can perform efficient search methods : Two points search

    • slice.binary_search(&value)slice.binary_search_by(&value, cmp) and slice.binary_search_by_key(&value, key): Search from the sorted slices value value ,value It's a quote .
    • Their return type is Result<usize, usize>. If in the specified sort ,slice[index] == value, Then they return Ok(index). If this index value is not found , So return Err(insertion_point), At this time in insertion_point Position insert value Will keep the order .
    • f32 and f64 Yes NaN value , So they have not been realized Ord, Therefore, it cannot be directly used as a key for sorting and binary search . If you must operate on floating-point numbers , Then you can choose to use ord_subset package .
  • How to search for unordered vectors :

    • slice.contains(&value): stay slice Any element of is equal to value when , return true. This method will check the sliced elements one by one .

    • If you want to find the position of the value in the slice , The implementation is similar to JavaScript Medium array.indexOf(value) The effect of , You can use the following iterators :

      slice.iter().position(|x| *x == value);
      //  This iterator returns `Option<usize>`

14.2.8 - Compare slices

  • If type T Support == and != The operator , So array [T; N]、 section [T]、 vector Vec<T> Will also support .

    • If the length term of the slice is right , Each corresponding element is also equal , Then they will be equal .
    • Arrays and vectors also follow the above rules .
  • If type T Support <<=> and >= The operator , So array [T; N]、 section [T]、 vector Vec<T> Will also support . Slices are compared in lexicographic order .

  • Common slice comparison methods

    • slice.starts_with(other): stay slice The first series of values equals another slice oterh The element is , This method returns true

      assert_eq!([1, 2, 3, 4].start_with(&[1, 2]), true);
      assert_eq!([1, 2, 3, 4].start_with(&[2, 3]), false);
    • slice.ends_with(other): in the light of slice Compare a series of values at the end .

      assert_eq!([1, 2, 3, 4].start_with(&[3, 4]), true);

14.2.9 - Random element

  • Random numbers are not built into the standard library .rand Package provides the following methods , Used to extract data from an array 、 Get random output from slice or vector .

    • rng.choose(slice): Return to right slice References to random elements in . The return value is Option<&T>, Only when the slice is empty will it return None.
    • rng.shuffle(slice): Yes slice Elements are randomly sorted in place . Must pass in slice Modifiable reference of .
  • The above method comes from rand::Rng Special type , Calling them requires a Rng( Random number generator ).

    • By calling rand::thread_rng() Can get Rng;

    • To disrupt my_vec The order of , It can be executed :

      use rand::{
              Rng, thread_rng};
      thread_rng().shuffle(&mut my_vec);

14.2.10-Rust Principle of eliminating invalid errors

  • Don't modify the set while iterating .

  • stay Python Such invalid errors will be encountered in : Modifying data during iterations invalidates the iterator .

    my_list = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
    for index, val in enumerate(my_list):
        if val > 4:
            del my_list[index]  # bug:  Modify the list during the iteration 
    #  Output results :[1, 3, 7],7 Greater than 4.
    • stay Java in , The above implementation will generate exceptions ;
    • stay C++ in , This is an undefined behavior ;
    • stay Python in , Although this behavior is clearly defined , But it's not intuitive : Iterators skip an element .
  • Python Or other languages , have access to filter Create a new vector to fix the above problem .

  • Use Rust Repeat the above error :

    fn main() {
        let mut my_vec = vec![1, 3, 5, 6, 8];
        for (index, &val) in my_vec.iter().enumerate() {
            if val > 4 {
                my_vec.remove(index);   // bug: You can't borrow my_vec Modifiable reference of 
                // my_vec.retain(|&val| val <= 4); //  Fix the above bug Methods 
        println!("{:?}", my_vec);
  • Rust The program will be rejected at compile time : Calling my_vec.iter() when , The loop borrows the shared reference of the vector . The lifetime of this reference is as long as that of the iterator , Until for The end of the cycle still exists . When there is a shared reference , Out of commission my_vec.remove(index) Modify vector .

See 《Rust Programming 》( Jim - Brandy 、 Jason, - By orendov , Translated by lisongfeng ) Chapter 16
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