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Common optimization methods

2022-07-05 05:33:00 Li Junfeng


In the training of neural networks , Its essence is to find the appropriate parameters , bring loss function Minimum . However, this minimum value is too difficult to find , Because there are too many parameters . To solve this problem , At present, there are several common optimization methods .

Random gradient descent method

This is the most classic algorithm , It is also a common method . Compared with random search , This method is already excellent , But there are still some deficiencies .


  1. The value of step size has a great influence on the result : Too many steps will not converge , The step size is too small , Training time is too long , It can't even converge .
  2. The gradient of some functions does not point to their minimum , For example, the function is z = x 2 100 + y 2 z=\frac{x^2}{100}+y^2 z=100x2+y2, This function image is symmetric , Long and narrow “ The valley ”.
  3. Because part of the gradient does not point to the minimum , This will cause its path to find the optimal solution to be very tortuous , And the correspondence is relatively “ flat ” The place of , It may not be able to find the optimal solution .


Because of the nature of the gradient , It is difficult to improve in some places , But the step size can also be optimized .
A common method is Step attenuation , The initial step size is relatively large , Because at this time, it is generally far from the optimal solution , You can walk more , To improve the speed of training . As the training goes on , The step size decreases , Because at this time, it is closer to the optimal solution , If the step size is too large, it may miss the optimal solution or fail to converge .
Attenuation parameters are generally related to the gradient that has been trained
h ← h + ∂ L ∂ W ⋅ ∂ L ∂ W W ← W − η 1 h ⋅ ∂ L ∂ W h\leftarrow h + \frac{\partial L}{\partial W}\cdot\frac{\partial L}{\partial W} \newline W\leftarrow W - \eta\frac{1}{\sqrt{h}}\cdot\frac{\partial L}{\partial W} hh+WLWLWWηh1WL


The explanation of this word is momentum , According to the definition in Physics F ⋅ t = m ⋅ v F\cdot t = m\cdot v Ft=mv.
In order to understand this method more vividly , Consider a surface in three-dimensional space , There is a ball on it , Need to roll to the lowest point .
For the sake of calculation , Part regards the mass of the ball as a unit 1, Then find the derivative of time for this formula : d F d t ⋅ d t = m ⋅ d v d t ⇒ d F = m ⋅ d v d t \frac{dF}{dt}\cdot dt=m\cdot\frac{dv}{dt} \Rightarrow dF=m\cdot\frac{dv}{dt} dtdFdt=mdtdvdF=mdtdv.
Consider the impact of this little ball “ force ”: The component of gravity caused by the inclination of the current position ( gradient ), Friction that blocks motion ( When there is no gradient, the velocity will attenuation ).
Then you can easily write the speed and position of the ball at the next moment : v ← α ⋅ v − ∂ F ∂ W w ← w + v v\leftarrow\alpha\cdot v - \frac{\partial F}{\partial W} \newline w\leftarrow w + v vαvWFww+v


This method can be very close to the problem that the gradient does not point to the optimal solution , Even if a gradient does not point to the optimal solution , But only it exists to the optimal solution Speed , Then it can continue to approach the optimal solution .


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