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MIT-6874-Deep Learning in the Life Sciences Week 7

2022-07-05 06:00:00 Wooden girl

Lecture 05 Interpretable Deep Learning

Interpretable deep learning

This section discusses the explicability of deep learning . Model itself means knowledge , Explicability is of great importance to people like deep learning “ Black box model ” for , It is the root of explaining the reason and method why he made such a judgment , It can help the model work in the direction of human expectations . In many scenes , If recommended 、 Medical and other scenarios have great application prospects .

The following is the outline of this class
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One 、Intro to Interpretability

1a. Interpretability definition: Convert implicit NN information to human-interpretable information

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1b. Motivation: Verify model works as intended; debug classifier; make discoveries; Right to explanation

Why Interpretability?

  • 1.Verify that model works as expected: Wrong decisions can be costly and dangerous
  • 2. Improve / Debug classifier
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  • 3. Make new discoveries
  • 4.Right to explanation
    “Right to be given an explanation for an output of the algorithm”

1c. Ante-hoc (train interpretable model) vs. Post-hoc (interpret complex model; degree of “locality”)

Know good writing : Explainable AI The research of
Ex post explanation VS Self explanation

There are two ways to obtain the interpretability of the model ( Interpretive classification )

  • Ante-hoc & Post-hoc

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1. Ante-hoc Interpretability —— Prior interpretability ( Model built-in interpretability )

By training a self explanatory model , To get an explanation of the results .

Common interpretable models :

  • Naive Bayes
  • Linear regression
  • Decision tree
  • Rule based models

But the complexity of this kind of model is limited , As a result, its fundamental performance is limited

2. Post-hoc Interpretability—— Ex post interpretability

Refers to the black box model , By some means , Reflect his decision logic

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Several levels of interpretability :

  • Model level explicability :DNN Why does the model decide the decision boundary so
  • Interpretability of features : Which features can maximize the activation of the current model
  • Towards individual explicability : Explain why this input is so classified

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2. Interpreting Deep Neural Networks

2a. Interpreting Models (macroscopic, understand internals) vs. decisions (microscopic, practical applications)

( Course trend ) Several classifications of model interpretability

  • Interpreting decisions:
    • Attribution method: What attributes determine the current output of the model
    • Example-based: What special case leads to the current output of the model
  • Interpreting models:
    • Representation analysis: The model represents itself
    • Data generation: How to use models to generate data
    • Example-based: Related cases
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      DNN interpretability It can be divided into macro and micro levels
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Interpreting models It can be divided into the following four aspects , among The analysis of representation can be divided into weight visualization and proxy model

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2b. Interpreting Models: Weight visualization, Surrogate model, Activation maximization, Example-based

1. Weight visualization Weight Visualization

Yes CNN Each layer of filter is visualized , To understand what the model is learning at the current level
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2. Surrogate model Agent model

Use a simple ,“ Explicable ” Model to “summarize” Model Output , Try to explain “black box” Output .
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3. Data Generation / Activation maximization The data generated / Activate maximize

Activate maximize : Find the way to maximize the activation of neurons , Find the input X, Maximize the probability of the model under the current category
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Convolution and deconvolution of the model
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The initial input is chaotic , With the increase of training layers , Gradually, we can distinguish the characteristics between numbers
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advantage : The advantages and disadvantages of this approach
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  • DNN It can be explained by looking for the input mode that maximizes the output .
  • Connecting with data can improve the interpretability of visualization .
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4. Example-based

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Summary :

  • By visualizing the weight of each layer
  • Replace models with low accuracy but strong interpretability
  • To some extent, we can obtain useful features by maximizing the activation function / Information
  • Through effective construction prototype and criticism, Guide model learning to obtain the most useful , Information for distinguishing

2c. Interpreting Decisions:

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The input training samples have a decisive impact on the results of the model
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Attribution Methods: why are gradients noisy?

Give each pixel a causal score , That is, how much the current pixel contributes to the model to this result .
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The result of visualizing attribution
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The key is , structure ( features ) Saliency map (Saliency Map)
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promote saliency map Methods , First : Change of thinking
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hypothesis 1: saliency map Is real

  • Some pixels randomly distributed in the image are crucial to how the network makes decisions .
  • Noise is very important
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    hypothesis 2: The gradient is discontinuous
  • DNN Use piecewise linear functions (ReLU Activate ,max-pooling etc. ).
  • The mutation jump of importance score on the infinitesimal change of input .
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    hypothesis 3:
  • A feature may have a strong impact on a global scale , But it will have a small impact locally
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    Other attribution methods
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Gradient-based Attribution: SmoothGrad, Interior Gradient

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Backprop-based Attribution: Deconvolution, Guided Backpropagation

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  • Observe : Removing more gradients will bring a clearer visual effect

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Evaluating Attribution Methods

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3a. Qualitative: Coherence: Attributions should highlight discriminative features / objects of interest

  • Attribution should be based on distinctive characteristics  Insert picture description here

3b. Qualitative: Class Sensitivity: Attributions should be sensitive to class labels

  • Attribution should be category sensitive
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3c. Quantitative: Sensitivity: Removing feature with high attribution --> large decrease in class probability

  • Removing features with high attributes will lead to a significant reduction in class probability
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3d. Quantitative: ROAR & KAR. Low class prob cuz image unseen --> remove pixels, retrain, measure acc. drop

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