2022-07-05 06:18:00 【mentalps】
0 2022/5/23
1 Provably Secure Federated Learning against Malicious Clients代码复现
1.1 aggregator.py
import numpy as np
class FedAvg:
def __init__(self, global_model, different_client_values, client_count):
global_weights = np.array(global_model.getWeights())
for i in range(len(different_client_values)):
global_weights -= different_client_values[i] / client_count
1.2 model.py
from tensorflow.keras import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Activation,Flatten
from keras.models import model_from_json
import tensorflow as tf
class Model:
def __init__(self):
self.model = Sequential()
self.model.add(Dense(128, activation='relu'))
self.model.add(Dense(10, activation='softmax'))
def saveModel(self, name):
model_json = self.model.to_json()
with open("model/model_%s.json" % name, "w") as json_file:
# serialize weights to HDF5
self.model.save_weights("model/model_%s.h5" % name)
print("Saved model to disk")
def loadModel(self, name):
json_file = open('model/model_%s.json' % name, 'r')
loaded_model_json = json_file.read()
loaded_model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json)
# load weights into new model
loaded_model.load_weights("model/model_%s.h5" % name)
print("Loaded model from disk")
loaded_model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss=tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True), metrics=['accuracy'])
return loaded_model
def run(self, X, Y, load=True):
if (load):
self.model = self.loadModel('sever_model')
self.model.fit(X, Y, epochs=2)
def evaluate(self, X, Y, verbose=2):
return self.model.evaluate(X, Y, verbose=verbose)
def loss(self, X, Y):
return self.model.evaluate(X, Y)[0]
def predict(self, X):
return self.model.predict(X)
def getWeights(self):
return self.model.get_weights()
def setWeights(self, weight):
1.3 data.py
from tensorflow.python.keras.datasets import cifar10, mnist, fashion_mnist
import numpy as np
def Mnist_data():
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
x_train = x_train.reshape(-1, 28 * 28) / 255
x_test = x_test.reshape(-1, 28 * 28) / 255
return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test
def generate_client_data(num_clients=10):
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
x_train = x_train.reshape(-1, 28 * 28) / 255
x_test = x_test.reshape(-1, 28 * 28) / 255
data = list(zip(x_train, y_train))
size = len(data) // num_clients
shards = [data[i:i+size] for i in range(0, size * num_clients, size)]
return data, shards, x_test, y_test
def generate_malice_data(data):
x, y = zip(*data)
x = np.array(x)
y = np.array(y)
for i in range(len(y)):
if y[i] == 1:
y[i] = 2
return list(zip(x, y))
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# data, shards, x_test, y_test = generate_client_data(4)
# x_1, y_1 = zip(*shards[0])
# print(type(x_test))
1.4 main.py
import numpy as np
import data
import model
import aggregator
ClientNum = 5
if __name__ == '__main__':
data1, shards, x_test, y_test = data.generate_client_data(ClientNum)
model_client = []
for i in range(ClientNum):
global_model = model.Model()
shards[0] = data.generate_malice_data(shards[0])
shards[1] = data.generate_malice_data(shards[1])
x_all = []
y_all = []
for i in range(ClientNum):
xx, yy = zip(*shards[i])
xx = np.array(xx)
yy = np.array(yy)
a_0 = np.argmax(global_model.predict(x_all[0][0:784]))
for i in range(ClientNum):
for i in range(EPOCH):
client_difference_value = []
for j in range(ClientNum):
for j in range(ClientNum):
model_client[j].run(x_all[j], y_all[j])
for j in range(ClientNum):
client_difference_value.append(np.array(global_model.getWeights()) - np.array(model_client[j].getWeights()))
fedavg = aggregator.FedAvg(global_model, client_difference_value, 3)
x = []
y = []
for i in range(len(x_test)):
if y_test[i] == 1:
test_loss, test_acc = global_model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose=2)
print('\nTest accuracy:', test_acc)
0 2022/5/24
1 组会讨论
1.1 Provably Secure Federated Learning against Malicious Clients
- 加入了集成学习;
- 1000个客户端,20个被攻击;
- 从1000个客户端随机选择5个进行聚合,选择10次,就有10个这样的聚合模型;
- 预测:一个未知样本被这10个模型分别打标签,根据投票决定该样本的标签;
- 给每个预测样本一个安全等级;
- 通过变化被攻击客户端的数量,然后对同样的样本进行预测,得到样本被预测为不同标签值的概率,使得标签值反转的被攻击客户端的临界数量作为该样本的安全等级。
1.2 我们的想法
- 对100个客户端进行聚类,聚类个数作为超参数,假设聚了10类;
- 每一类有不同个数的客户端,客户端个数作为后面集成模型的权重;
- 10类训练出10个聚合模型;
- 每个虚拟中心都与上一次更新进行对比,如果超过某个阈值,则仍为这些客户端受到了攻击,将其抛弃。
- 预测一个未知样本的标签 = 权重 * 每个良性的聚合模型的预测结果。
0 2022/5/25
1 想法改进
5.预测一个未知样本的标签 = 权重 * 每个聚合模型的预测结果。
2 对比方案
- Krum
- Trimmed mean
- Median
0 2022/5/26
1 krum
- 服务器s把全局模型的参数 W W W分发给所有客户端;
- 每个客户端 c i c_{i} ci利用本地数据训练模型得到梯度 d i d_{i} di,然后发送给服务器;
- 服务器收到客户端的梯度后,两两计算梯度之间的距离 d i , j d_{i,j} di,j;
- 对于每个梯度 g i g_{i} gi,选择与他最近的 n − f − 1 n-f-1 n−f−1个距离,将其累加得到该梯度 d i d_{i} di的得分;
- 计算所有的梯度得分后,求出得分最小的梯度 g i ∗ g_{i^{*}} gi∗;
- 更新 W = W − l r ⋅ g i ∗ W=W-lr\sdot g_{i^{*}} W=W−lr⋅gi∗;
- 重复1-6,直到模型收敛。
2 Trimmed mean
- 服务器s把全局模型的参数 W W W分发给所有客户端;
- 每个客户端 c i c_{i} ci利用本地数据训练模型得到梯度 W i W_{i} Wi,然后发送给服务器;
- 服务器收到客户端的参数后,开始聚合;
w j ′ = m β ( w j 1 , w j 2 , . . . , w j n ) . w_{j}^{'}=m_{\beta}(w_{j}^{1},w_{j}^{2},...,w_{j}^{n}). wj′=mβ(wj1,wj2,...,wjn). - 聚合后的权重为 W ′ = ( w 1 ′ , w 2 ′ , . . . , w p ′ ) W^{'}=(w_{1}^{'},w_{2}^{'},...,w_{p}^{'}) W′=(w1′,w2′,...,wp′),服务器把新的参数发送给客户端;
- 重复1-4,直到模型收敛。
3 Median
- 服务器s把全局模型的参数 W W W分发给所有客户端;
- 每个客户端 c i c_{i} ci利用本地数据训练模型得到梯度 W i W_{i} Wi,然后发送给服务器;
- 服务器收到客户端的参数后,开始聚合;
w j ′ = m e d ( w j 1 , w j 2 , . . . , w j n ) . w_{j}^{'}=med(w_{j}^{1},w_{j}^{2},...,w_{j}^{n}). wj′=med(wj1,wj2,...,wjn).
m e d med med表示取中位数。 - 聚合后的权重为 W ′ = ( w 1 ′ , w 2 ′ , . . . , w p ′ ) W^{'}=(w_{1}^{'},w_{2}^{'},...,w_{p}^{'}) W′=(w1′,w2′,...,wp′),服务器把新的参数发送给客户端;
- 重复1-4,直到模型收敛。
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