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[rust notes] 17 concurrent (Part 2)

2022-07-05 06:05:00 phial03

17.3 - Share modifiable state

17.3.1 - The mutex

  • The mutex ( Or lock ): Used to force multiple threads to access specific data in turn .

  • C++ Implementation example of mutual exclusion of :

    void FernEngine::JoinWaitingList(PlayerId player) {
        mutex.Acquire();  //  A critical region (critical section): Start 
        //  If the waiting player meets the conditions, start the game 
        if (waitingList.length() >= GAME_SIZE) {
            vector<PlayerId> players;
        mutex.Release();  //  A critical region (critical section): end 
  • The role of mutexes :

    • Prevent data contention , Avoid multiple threads reading and writing the same block of memory concurrently .
    • Prevent the operations of different threads from interleaving .
    • Mutexes support invariance (invariant) Programming , The protected data is initialized by the performer , Maintained by each critical zone .


  • Rust The protected data in is stored in Mutex Inside :

    let app = Arc::new(FernEmpireApp {
           //  Create the entire application , Distributed on the heap 
        waiting_list: Mutex::new(vec![]),
    • Arc It is convenient to share data across threads .
    • Mutex It is convenient to share modifiable data across threads .
  • give an example : Use mutex

    impl FernEmpireApp {
        fn join_waiting_list(&self, player: PlayerId) {
            let mut guard = self.waiting_list.lock().unwrap();
            if guard.len() == GAME_SIZE {
                let players = guard.split_off(0);
    • The only way to get the data of the mutex is to call .lock() Method .

    • At the end of the jam ,guard After being cleared , The lock will also be released . But it can also be removed manually :

      if guard.len() == GAME_SIZE {
          let players = guard.split_off(0);

17.3.3-mut And Mutex

  • mut: Means proprietary 、 Exclusive access (exclusive access).
  • Not mut: Means shared access (shared access).
  • Mutex The mutex , Provide proprietary access to data mut Access right , Even if many threads are right Mutex Own sharing ( Not mut) Access right .
  • Rust Compiler at compile time , Proprietary access can be dynamically controlled through the type system .

17.3.4 - The problem of mutex

  • Only rely on “ Parallel bifurcation — Merge ” The procedure is deterministic , It's impossible to deadlock .
  • Procedures that specifically use channels to achieve pipeline operations are also deterministic , Although the time of message transmission may be different , But it will not affect the output .
  • Data contention : Concurrent reading of the same block of memory by multiple threads leads to meaningless results . Safe Rust Code does not trigger data contention .
  • There may be a problem with mutexes :
    • Effective Rust There will be no data contention in the program , But there may still be race conditions (race condition), That is, the program behavior depends on the execution time of the thread , Therefore, the results of each run may be different . Using mutexes in an unstructured way can lead to race conditions .
    • Shared modifiable state will affect program design . Channels can be used as abstract boundaries in code . Mutexes encourage the addition of a method to solve the problem , May cause code entanglement , Difficult to peel off .
    • The implementation of mutex is more complex .
  • Use structured programming whenever possible , Use mutexes when necessary Mutex.

17.3.5 - Deadlock

  • Threads may cause deadlocks when trying to read locks they already hold .

    let mut guard1 = self.waiting_list.lock().unwrap();
    let mut guard2 = self.waiting_list.lock().unwrap(); //  Deadlock 
  • Using channels can also lead to deadlocks . For example, two threads block each other , Each waits to receive a message from the other .

17.3.6 - Poisoned mutex

  • If the thread is holding


    I was surprised , that Rust Will


    Mark as poisoned .

    • Later, I want to lock the contaminated Mutex All attempts will get a wrong result .
    • .unwrap() Call to tell Rust In this case, be surprised , Propagate the surprise of other threads to the current thread .
    • Surprised threads ensure that the rest of the program is in a safe state .
  • Rust Poison this mutex to prevent other threads from inadvertently doing the same .

    • In the case of complete mutual exclusion , It can lock the poisoned mutex , Access the data in it at the same time .
    • See PoisonError::into_inner().

17.3.7 - Multi consumer channels using mutexes

  • There is only one channel Receiver.

    • No thread pool can have multiple threads using one mpsc Channel sharing succeeded .

    • An exceptional way to bypass this limitation : It can be for Receiver Add one Mutex, Then share .

      pub mod shared_channel {
          use std::sync::{
              Arc, Mutex};
          use std::sync::mpsc::{
              channel, Sender, Receiver};
          ///  Yes Receiver Thread safe encapsulation 
          pub struct SharedReceiver<T>(Arc<Mutex<Receiver<T>>>); 
          // Arc<Mutex<Receiver<T>>> Is a nested generic 
          impl <T> Iterator for SharedReceiver<T> {
              type Item = T;
              ///  Get the next item from the encapsulated recipient 
              fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
                  let guard = self.0.lock().unwrap();
          ///  Create a new channel , Its recipients can share across threads .
          ///  Return a sender and a receiver , And stdlib Of channel() similar .
          ///  Sometimes it can be used directly instead of it .
          pub fn shared_channel<T>() -> (Sender<T>, SharedReceiver<T>) {
              let (sender, receiver) = channel();
              (sender, SharedReceiver(Arc::new(Mutex::new(receiver))))

17.3.8 - Read write lock and RwLock<T>

  • Mutex uses lock Method to read and write data .

  • The read-write lock uses read and write There are two ways to read and write data .

    • RwLock::write Method : And Mutex::lock similar , Are waiting to get proprietary information about protected data mut visit .
    • RwLock::read Method provides non mut visit , There's almost no need to wait , Because multiple threads can read data safely at the same time .
  • The difference between mutex and read-write lock :

    • At any given moment , Protected data can only have one reader or writer .
    • When a read-write lock is used , There can be one writer or multiple readers , Be similar to Rust quote .
    • It is preferred to use read-write lock , Not mutexes .
  • Optimize the above FernEmpireApp Program :

    • Create a structure to save configuration information , And by the RwLock Protect .

      use std::sync::RwLock;
      struct FernEmpireApp {
          config: RwLock<AppConfig>,
    • The method of reading this configuration can use RwLock::read()

      fn mushrooms_enabled(&self) -> bool {
          let config_guard = self.config.read().unwrap();
    • How to reload this configuration , Then use RwLock::write()

      fn reload_config(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
          let new_config = AppConfig::load()?;
          let mut config_guard = self.config.write().unwrap();
          *config_guard = new_config;
    • self.config.read() Return to a guard , Can provide for AppConfig Non - mut( Sharing ) visit ;

    • self.config.write() Return a different type of guard , Can provide mut( Proprietary ) visit .

17.3.9 - Condition variables, (Condvar

  • A thread often needs to wait for a condition to become


    • During server shutdown , The main thread may need to wait for all other threads to exit completely .
    • When the worker thread is idle , You need to wait for the data to be processed .
    • Threads that implement distributed consensus protocols , You need to wait for enough peer threads to respond .
  • For conditions that require waiting , There will be convenient blockage API, without , Then you can use conditional variables (condition variable) To build your own API.

    • std::sync::Condvar Type implements conditional variables .
    • its .wait() Method can block some threads to call its .notify_all().
  • Mutex And Condvar There is a direct connection : The conditional variable always represents by some Mutex Protected data or true or false conditions .

17.3.10 - Type of atom

  • std::sync::atomio

    The module contains the atomic types used in lock free concurrent programming .

    • AtomicIsize and AtomicUsize: Is a shared integer type , Corresponding to single thread isize and usize type .
    • AtomicBool: It's a shared bool value .
    • AtomicPtr<T>: Is an unsafe pointer type *mut T Shared value of .
  • The simplest application of atoms is to cancel operations . Suppose there is a thread performing some time-consuming computation of any , Such as rendering video , We hope to cancel this operation asynchronously . Then you can use a shared AtomicBool To achieve . Render every pixel , Threads will call .load() Method to check the value of the cancel flag .

  • Atomic operations never use system calls . Loading and storage will be compiled into a CPU Instructions .

  • atom 、MutexRwLock You can use self The shared reference of is a parameter . They can also be used as simple global variables .

17.3.11 - Global variables

  • For global variables : Thread safety must be guaranteed in some way . Static variables must be both Sync, Right and wrong again mut.
  • Static initializers cannot call functions . have access to lazy_staic Package to achieve .

See 《Rust Programming 》( Jim - Brandy 、 Jason, - By orendov , Translated by lisongfeng ) Chapter 19
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