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Genesis builds a new generation of credit system

2022-07-05 06:26:00 Genesis Chain

Blockchain technology has overturned the inherent paradigm of building credit between people in the past , Academic circles compare blockchain to “ Machines of trust ”.
First , Let's understand the concept of trust and credit .
Credit is the foundation of trust .
trust , It is the result of subjective judgment on the reliability of a person or thing , The basis of judgment , That is, the objective credit situation in the past . Simply speaking , When A Have strong credit ( Credibility ) when ,B Yes A It's easy to generate trust .
credit , It is an important link in the market economy . Because with the deepening of the division of labor and the expansion of the market , Credit appears in lending activities and all other market economic activities . Credit is the basic premise of maintaining Commodity Exchange , It is the foundation for a good and efficient market economy . Therefore , Modern market economy is fundamentally regarded as a credit economy .

In the past , Credit is the result of behavioral strategies
In the economic sense , Generally speaking , Credit means that some groups put themselves at risk due to the uncertain behavior of other groups .
therefore , When there are different options , Credit is seen as a behavioral strategy , That is, the selection result produced by comparing the advantages and disadvantages .

The calculability of credit behavior
Although in history, new systems have been formulated to regulate people's trustworthy behavior , However, it is still unable to prevent the occurrence of dishonesty . In the past, many scholars held “ Credit can be calculated ” Point of view , It is used to study the basis of people's choice tendency between keeping promise and breaking promise in society , But even under the verification of the ideal calculation formula , It is also difficult to ensure that the result of choosing credit is indestructible , It will also be “ Bounded rationality ” Affected by people .

Bounded rationality theory
Bounded rationality (boundedrationality) The concept of was first proposed by arrow . He believes that bounded rationality is human behavior “ That is, conscious geographical , But this rationality is limited ”.

In this theory , Explained human's “ Bounded rationality ” The performance of the : First, the environment is complex , In the form of non personal exchange , What people face is a complex 、 An uncertain world , And the more transactions , The greater the uncertainty , The less complete the information ; Second, people's computing ability and cognitive ability to the environment are limited , One cannot know everything .
This also means the credit behavior between people , It cannot be measured or inferred simply by a certain calculation formula , It may also be “ irrational ” The decision of .

From trust system to trust code
It can be seen that , The rational decision-making of institutions and people is not completely reliable . that , Is there any other way to ensure credit results ?
Blockchain makes all this solvable . It allows people to see the reliability of machine trust reached by mathematical methods . more
The key is , It can operate autonomously without being controlled by human consciousness and centralized institutions .


The trust foundation of blockchain Manufacturing , From many aspects of credit protection :

1、 Confirmation of rights and authenticity of information source
Due to blockchain technology, every transaction is truly recorded, open and traceable , It ensures that everyone has the ownership and control of their own assets .

2、 Authentic records
The tamper proof database technology adopted by blockchain , Make the recorded action irreversible . This also means that all the recorded states of the longest chain are true and have not been tampered with . Even the receiving parties who don't know each other and have no foundation of trust , Can also be realized “ Trust without trust ”.

3、 Information synchronization and high fault tolerance
Because blockchain adopts P2P Network and distributed transmission , It means leaving the control of the center , Even if local nodes are attacked or tampered, the final result of data and the smooth operation of the whole system will not be changed .

4、 Automatic execution of results
On a calculator system , When certain conditions are met , Contracts that can be executed automatically . According to the programmable script language of blockchain , The automatic execution when the condition is met makes the action executed certain , It eliminates unnecessary costs incurred by both parties in the game .

Overall speaking , Blockchain technology is a distributed network platform that breaks the traditional psychological characteristics , It's more like everyone
Can record , View and maintain public account books , Any record has a permanent time mark , Cannot tamper with , So rebuild the trust mechanism . Blockchain based technical mechanism , Ensure the integrity of each participant , Let trust be well maintained on the blockchain platform .

Blockchain 3.0 Outstanding representatives of the times ——Genesis Build a new generation of credit system .
Genesis As a blockchain 3.0 Outstanding representatives of the times , Besides inheriting the reliable features of blockchain , structure DPoC
(DelegatedProofofConsumption) Consensus mechanism creates a truly equal and credible environment for all .

Genesis It integrates blockchain 1.0 Combined application , Including distributed ledger 、 Cross linked data 、 Merkel tree and workers
Proof of quantity ; At the same time, it emphasizes blockchain 2.0 Smart contracts in 、 Virtual machines and decentralized applications ; And on this basis, build a Multi Chain System 、 New consensus algorithm 、 Privacy protection and physical world mapping .

Genesis Compatible with multi-party participation , Innovation DPoC Consensus algorithm essentially determines the processing performance of the whole system ; Physical time mapping , It's about the relationship between the world on the chain and the world off the chain .

meanwhile Genesis The network supports fast and agile DAPP Design and programmable scripting language , This will achieve more DAPP And wisdom
Can implement the contract , Let the trusted blockchain technology comprehensively serve people's daily life .



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