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[Chongqing Guangdong education] 1185t administrative leadership reference test of National Open University in autumn 2018

2022-07-05 06:28:00 yuyueshool

Test paper code :1259
Western administrative theory test questions
2019 year 1 month
One 、 Multiple choice questions ( There is only one correct answer to each question , Every little question 1 branch , common 10 branch , multi-select 、 No score will be given if you choose wrong or not )

  1. 1993 year , The American Academy of administration has set up an award named after a scholar in memory of his great academic achievements in public budget , This scholar is ( ).
    A. Verdavski B. Lindblom
    C. Buchanan D. Waldo
    2.Y Theory provides managers with a kind of ( ) View of the , This view is indispensable to win the cooperation and enthusiastic support of enterprise organization members .
    A. Pessimism B. optimism
    C. Liberalism D. Rationalism
    3. In Waldo's view , The organizational theory that emphasizes the survival and development of organizations is ( ).
    A. Traditional organization theory B. New traditional organization theory
    C. Modern organization theory D. Postmodern organization theory
    4. Riggs thinks , The basic social forms existing in human history do not include ( ).
    A. Primitive society B. Traditional agricultural society
    C. Transitional society D. Modern industrialized society
    5. New public administration scholars directly from contemporary American political philosophers ( ) Of “ Justice as fairness ” Get a solid theoretical basis from the ideological system .
    A. Almond B. Easton
    C. rawls D. Robert · Dahl
    6. Drucker's theory based on management by objectives, which is widely used in government agencies, is ( ).
    A. Public choice theory B. Public service organization management theory
    C. Public sector performance management theory D. Total quality management theory
    7. The essence of rent-seeking lies in ( ).
    A. Promote the public interest B. Get more profits
    C. To take bribes D. Avoid competition
    8. In Cooper's view , The core concept of administrative ethics is ( ).
    A. power B. responsibility
    C. right D. efficiency
    9. Denhart believes ,( ) It has become a theme in American life .
    A. Community B. An association
    C. Voluntary organizations D. Neighborhood groups
    10. Public administration as governance , The main challenge is to deal with ( ), That is, the interdependent environment .
    A. Flat B. Hierarchical
    C. Network like D. Pyramidal
    Two 、 Indefinite multiple choice questions ( There is at least one correct answer to each question , Every little question 4 branch , common 20 branch , multi-select 、 in a moment 、 No score will be given if you choose wrong or not )
    11. The theoretical origins of western administration include ( ).
    A. Politics in modern western history
    B. In the era of monarchy, Germany 、 Official housing in Austria
    C. Administrative law formed after the bourgeois revolution
    D. The godfather of Christianity in the Middle Ages
    12. In bureaucratic organizations , People should only consider ( ).
    A. rationality B. Legitimacy
    C. Personal relationship D. effectiveness
    13. Gulick summed up POSDCORB Functions do not include ( ).
    A. plan B. The budget
    C. control D. The report
    14. In Lindblom's view , The basic principles to be followed in progressive decision-making include ( ).
    A. The principle of transforming small products into large ones B. Step by step
    C. The principle of smooth transition D. The principle of seeking change in stability
    15. Through the lens of postmodernism , from ( ) It explains the limitations of modern public administration theory .
    A. Particularism B. Scientism
    C. Technicalism D. Logicism
    3、 ... and 、 Judgment questions ( The following questions , What you think is right , Please type in brackets at the end of the question “√”, Wrong call “X”, Every little question 2 branch , common 10 branch )
    16. Wilson's administrative research methodology advocates , We should use historical and comparative methods to study the administrative management laws shared by different governments . ( )
    17. Gudno's interest in the dichotomy of politics and administration , It is no longer mainly about the coordination between politics and administration , But the separation of the two . ( )
    18. Fayol's definition of management is revealed by comparing operation and management and analyzing the elements of management activities . ( )
    19. Huozhe advocates , The purpose of evaluating the government is to strengthen regulation , Let the government be more responsible for the needs of citizens . ( )
    20. What Osborne emphasized is to change the internal driving force of government behavior —— With “ Regulation driven government ” replace “ Task driven government ”. ( )
    Four 、 Short answer ( Every little question 10 branch , common 20 branch )
    21. Briefly describe the main contents of Taylor's incentive salary system .

    22. Briefly describe White's administrative coordination thought .

5、 ... and 、 A treatise ( Every little question 20 branch , common 40 branch )
23. How Barnard defines “ organization ”? What he said “ organization ” What are the elements and basic characteristics ? Talk about your understanding of this with practice .

24. Integrating theory with practice, this paper expounds the reason why Simon proposed to study administration with decision-making behavior .
