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How to make water ripple effect? This wave of water ripple effect pulls full of retro feeling
2022-07-05 06:20:00 【A little brother obsessed with Ae】
How to make water ripple effect ? This wave of water ripple effect is full of retro feeling ! Next, let's take a look at the tutorial .
AE Making water ripple effect tutorial
1. Insert background image , Fit width , Generate synthesis . Other photos that need to be imported are also operated .
2. Create a new shape layer , Double click the rectangle tool , Turn off fill , Keep the stroke effect . Then put the picture 1 Pre synthesis , Add [CC RepeTile( Edge collage effect )] effect , take [Expand Down]、[Expand Up]、[Blend Borders] To be changed to [125]、[125]、[100%];
3. Add... To the shape layer [ Texturing ] effect , take [ Texture layers ] Set to the just pre synthesized , then [ Texture location ] Adjusted for [ Center texture ];
4. Then add [ Burr ] effect ,[ Edge type ] Adjusted for [ shear ],[ The border ] Adjusted for 10, In this way, we can make the feeling of broken edges . Empathy , Do the same effect on other photos , After copying the effect, fine tune it ;
5. Pull the pre synthesis of the finished image into the total synthesis , Create a new camera layer , Open all layers 3D effect . Then create a new empty object layer , Associate the camera layer to the empty object layer .
6. Next, adjust the position and direction of the photo , Adjust to the right angle and position ;
7. Set the... Of the empty object layer [ Location ] Attributes in K frame , Photo of [ Direction ] attribute K frame , Make it swing ;
8. New adjustment layer , Drop down on the photo layer . Create a new composition and name it [ Displacement diagram ], Create a new solid color layer , add to [ Mottled ] effect , Will be one of the [ Typing type ] Change to [ Vortex ],[ Transformation ] Medium [ The zoom ] The parameter is changed to [1000],[ Complexity ] Change to [3],[ Evolution ] Hold down Alt Click the stopwatch to add an expression [time*50], Then we can see the more fantastic effect .
9. Add... To the adjustment layer in the total composition [ Displacement diagram ] plug-in unit , take [ Replace layer ] Choose as [ Displacement diagram ] Pre synthesis ,[ Maximum horizontal displacement ] and [ Maximum vertical displacement ] Set the parameters as [15]、[15], At this time, we can see the ripple effect on the photo .
10. Total composition new adjustment layer , increase [ tonal ]、[ curve ]、[ Luminescence ] effect , Adjust it to make it retro ;
11. Total composition and then create a new adjustment layer , add to [CC Glass] effect , take [Bump Map] Adjust parameter to [ Displacement diagram ] synthesis ,[Property] choice [Luminance],[Softness] Adjusted for [25],[Height] Change to [50],[Displacement] Change to [50],[Light] Properties of the ,[Light Height] Change to 100,[Light Color] Adsorption background color , At this time, we can see the effect of the background similar to silk .
12. Create a new adjustment layer again , Here we add [VE Camera Blur] plug-in unit ,[Type] choice [Circle],[Feather] Change to [500],[Scale X] Adjusted for 150%,[Scale Y] Also adjusted to 150%,[Quality] Adjusted for [High->Slow], Get rid of [Show] Check the options , At this time, we have roughly finished the production . Text preset added [ Blur by word ] After the effect is adjusted, it is done .
That's all about the retro water ripple effect , more AE course 、AE Plug in welcome to pay attention to VE Leap Community .
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