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Vscode editor
2022-07-05 06:38:00 【techtitan】
Common plug-ins
- c++ intellisense/C/C++ for Visual Studio Code
- gitlens
- comparet
- huawei:wecode c++, wecode(foundation, intelli, codecheck, codereview), nextcode Components
- long-range gdb debugging :remotedev, remote build dev
- Word spell check ,code Spellchecker
- Syntax check :clang check
- Bracket Pair Colorizer
- auto Comment Blocks
- Bookmarks
- Show extra spaces plugin :
Modnet matting model reproduction
FFmpeg build下载(包含old version)
Use ffmpeg to rotate, flip up and down, and flip horizontally
Winter vacation water test 1 Summary
1. Create Oracle database manually
背包问题 AcWing 9. 分组背包问题
Dataframe (1): introduction and creation of dataframe
Find the combination number acwing 889 01 sequence meeting conditions
[QT] QT multithreading development qthread
There are three kinds of SQL connections: internal connection, external connection and cross connection
栈 AcWing 3302. 表达式求值
3. Oracle control file management
Chinese remainder theorem acwing 204 Strange way of expressing integers
[2021]IBRNet: Learning Multi-View Image-Based Rendering Qianqian
Rehabilitation type force deduction brush question notes D1