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Mid 2022 documentary -- the experience of an ordinary person

2022-07-05 06:51:00 Chen Yan will act


How time flies , Before you know it 2022 It's half done . Think back to the past six months , It seems to have done something, and it seems to have done nothing . Take this opportunity to participate in the Nuggets , Also make a simple mid year summary ~

key word : Day after day

intend : Day after day ; It's a metaphor for a long time , Long time ; It also describes how time passed in vain .

Work every day , After work entertainment ; Exercise and keep fit , The less you lose, the fatter you get ; Open black and split , Back and forth . Looking back , I haven't done anything with a sense of achievement in the past six months , If you have to find something , That may be safe and healthy .

Laundry list

Work overtime to catch up with the progress

1 month , Work overtime to catch up with the progress , A new play method has been added to the project , Prepared a new year activity . Prepare for the launch before the year .28 The platforms were successfully launched on the th ,29 The year-end bonus was given on the th , Home for the holiday .

Being urged to marry at home

2 month , Being urged to marry at home , Maybe I really think I'm old enough to get married , My parents are fine , Basically, other elders will mention . In fact, it's not that I don't want to find someone , It's just hard to find , I'm not in a hurry to find ( People who have been urged should be able to understand ). Go to work after the sixth day of the first month , Fortunately, the work after the new year is not busy , There is not so much overtime .

Epidemic prevention at home

3 month , Epidemic prevention at home , Probably 3 The middle and last ten days of the month , The epidemic in Shenyang is rampant : Public transport was shut down , Entertainment venues are closed , Daily national nucleic acid , The community can only get in and out . These things I saw on the news before , All happened in my life . Working from home saves commuting time , Cooking during office hours , Extended lunch break . All these things are easy to do when you are not busy . Once you're busy, don't look at the time , Can't rest normally , There is no overtime allowance . The biggest feeling of home office is that the whole person may be abandoned .

Unseal and go to eat

4 month , Unseal and go to eat , Mid April , Finally ushered in the unsealing . Hold every day 48 The negative result of hour nucleic acid test proves that you can take public transportation , Access to public places . About normal work 10 Days later , The canteen is open . Businesses also have various coupons for promotion , Deductible coupons ; Finally hot pot , barbecue , self-help , Barbecue is free to choose again , Who cares about weight at this time , Let's talk about losing weight after this meal .

I didn't go home during the holiday

5 month , I didn't go home during the holiday , May 15 holiday , I didn't go home because of the epidemic . Eating at home , Watching drama , game , Five days of sleep soon passed . Start exercising every day after the holiday 1 Hours , Although not thin , But not fat .

I came to Xiamen on business

6 month , I came to Xiamen on business , I still couldn't go home during the Dragon Boat Festival , The family said that they should be isolated . After the festival, Xiamen went on business , It's agreed to come for a week , As a result, the third week has passed . After coming, it rained continuously for two weeks , The biggest feeling is the real tide . I went to Gulangyu last weekend , The scenic spot is just free , Take a boat for the first time , No feeling , Gulangyu is not as well publicized . Sunlight rock, the highest point of the island , It's not very high either , There are many people standing on it . The hotel has been extended to 29 The no. , Hope to be in 7 Go back before month .

Same period comparison

contrast 2021 year , No anxiety at that time , Without the momentum at that time , There is no learning at that time . More indifferent than then , More calm than then ( It should be lying flat ), More focused than then .

I don't think it's good or bad . People , Not always , Lying flat sometimes , Cheer up sometimes ; Walking sometimes , Rest sometimes . Feel the richness of the world in life , Seize the moment , It's good to be able to do what you want .


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