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Redis-01. First meet redis

2022-07-05 06:28:00 Cold leaves elegant_


SQL and NoSQL The difference between

data structure structured Unstructured ( Key value 、 file 、 Column 、 Map, etc. ) The structure is loose
Data Association The associated Unrelated
A query SQL Inquire about Not SQL
Transaction features ACIDBASE
storage disk Memory
Extensibility vertical level
Use scenarios 1) The data structure is fixed
2) For data security 、 High consistency is required
1) The data structure is not fixed
2) For consistency 、 Safety requirements are not high
3) Performance requirements


features :

  • Key value type ,value Support a variety of different data structures
  • Single thread , Every command is atomic
  • Low latency , Fast ( Memory based 、IO Multiplexing 、 Good coding )
  • Support data persistence
  • Support the master-slave cluster 、 Fragmentation cluster
  • Support for multilingual clients

1. install Redis

1. install Redis rely on

Redis be based on C Language implementation , So first install gcc rely on

yum install -y gcc tcl

2. Upload the installation package and unzip it

Upload Redis Installation package to /usr/local/src

Decompress after entering this path

tar -xzf redis-6.2.6.tar.gz

After decompression, enter the decompression path

cd redis-6.2.6

Run the compile command :

make && make install

After successful operation , Just install it

The default installation path is /usr/local/bin/
 Insert picture description here
This directory and the default configuration to the environment variable , Therefore, you can run these commands in any directory . among :

  • redis-cli: yes redis The command line client provided
  • redis-server: yes redis Server startup script
  • redis-sentinel: yes redis Sentinel startup script

3. start-up

redis There are many ways to start , for example :

  • The default startup
  • Specify the configuration to start
  • Boot from boot

1. The default startup

After installation , Enter... In any directory redis-server Command to start Redis:


This startup belongs to The front desk starts , Will block the entire session window , Close the window or press CTRL + C be Redis stop it . It is not recommended to use .

2. Specify the configuration to start

If you want to make Redis With backstage Mode start , You have to modify Redis The configuration file , Just before we unzipped redis Under the installation package (/usr/local/src/redis-6.2.6), Name is redis.conf

First, back up this configuration file :

cp redis.conf redis.conf.bck

Modify the configuration file

vi redis.conf

And then modify redis.conf Some configurations in the file :

#  Address allowed to access , The default is, Will result in local access only . It is amended as follows It can be in any IP visit , The production environment should not be set to
#  Daemon , It is amended as follows yes After, it can run in the background 
daemonize yes 
#  password , Access after setting Redis You must enter a password 
requirepass redispasswd

Redis Other common configurations :

#  Listening port 
port 6379
#  working directory , The default is the current directory , Which is running redis-server When the command , journal 、 Files such as persistence will be saved in this directory 
dir .
#  Number of databases , Set to 1, Stands for using only 1 Databases , The default is 16 Databases , Number 0~15
databases 1
#  Set up redis Maximum memory available 
maxmemory 512mb
#  Log files , The default is empty. , Do not log , You can specify the log file name 
logfile "redis.log"

start-up Redis:

#  Get into redis The installation directory  
cd /usr/local/src/redis-6.2.6
#  start-up 
redis-server redis.conf

Out of Service :

#  utilize redis-cli To execute  shutdown  command , Just stop  Redis  service ,
#  Because the password was configured before , So it needs to pass  -a  To specify the password 
redis-cli -a 123321 shutdown

3. Boot from boot

We can also realize self startup through configuration .

First , Create a new system service file :

vi /etc/systemd/system/redis.service

The contents are as follows :


ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/redis-server /usr/local/src/redis-6.2.6/redis.conf


Then reload the system services :

systemctl daemon-reload

Now? , We can use the following set of commands to operate redis 了 :

#  start-up 
systemctl start redis
#  stop it 
systemctl stop redis
#  restart 
systemctl restart redis
#  Check the status 
systemctl status redis

Execute the following command , It can make redis Boot from boot :

systemctl enable redis

2.Redis client

installation is complete Redis, We can operate Redis, To achieve data CRUD 了 . It needs to use Redis client , Include :

  • Command line client
  • Graphical desktop client
  • Programming client

1.Redis Command line client

Redis After the installation is completed, the command-line client comes with it :redis-cli, Use as follows :

redis-cli [options] [commonds]

One of the common ones is options Yes :

  • -h Specify the... To connect to redis Node IP Address , The default is
  • -p 6379: Specify the... To connect to redis Port of node , The default is 6379
  • -a 123321: Appoint redis Access code for

Among them commonds Namely Redis Operation command of , for example :

  • ping: And redis The server does a heartbeat test , The server will normally return pong

Don't specify commond when , Will enter redis-cli Interactive console

First start redis client


Then enter the password

auth "123321"

ping once


ping If successful, it will return a pong
 Insert picture description here
have access to set Store the data in the database in the form of a dictionary
 Insert picture description here

2. Graphical desktop client

Installation package warehouse :https://github.com/lework/RedisDesktopManager-Windows/releases

Source code :https://github.com/uglide/RedisDesktopManager

According to myself redis You can connect by setting the configuration of

 Insert picture description here
You can find , Deposited before redis The data of was successfully saved in redis In the database of
 Insert picture description here
Reference material :

  1. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cr4y1671t?p=7&spm_id_from=pageDriver
  2. https://blog.csdn.net/Mr_wangB0/article/details/102741624
  3. https://blog.csdn.net/qq_26710805/article/details/80171101

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