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Vant weave swipecell sets multiple buttons
2022-07-05 06:26:00 【Heerey525】
stay weapp There is no code to set two buttons in the document
Unfortunately, after looking around, I didn't find a solution
On the console, I see that in fact <view slot="right">
Width is not enough. , It's not that the second button doesn't come out .
Found to have right-width
This attribute , hold right-width
Bigger to accommodate more buttons
<van-swipe-cell right-width="{
{ 130 }}" left-width="{
{ 65 }}">
<view slot="left"> choice </view>
<van-cell title=" Cell " value=" Content " />
<view slot="right">
<van-button type="primary" > edit </van-button>
<van-button type="danger" > Delete </van-button>
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