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Positive height system

2022-07-05 06:37:00 Flying from place to place

Elevation system

Often engaged in foreign surveying and mapping projects , They usually use Zhenggao system , I feel there is no difference in the principle , A geoid , The other is quasi geoid
It's high (H): This is the elevation of a point above the geoid . It is measured along a plumb line perpendicular to the equipotential plane . ( Company : rice )
Height (N): This is the reference ellipsoid ( for example GRS80) Measure distance with geoid along ellipsoidal normal . Geoid height is also called geoid undulation .( Company : rice )
Geodetic height or ellipsoidal height (h): The elevation of the point above the reference ellipsoid . Measure the distance along the normal of the ellipsoid . ( Company : rice )
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