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Build a microservice cluster environment locally and learn to deploy automatically

2022-07-05 06:45:00 Wei Yunshu

problem : Set up a microservice cluster locally , Learn to automate deployment

Build a local virtual machine cluster

 Insert picture description here

  • Download... On the official website VirtualBox Software , Installed locally windows In machine
  • download ubuntu20.04 Server Edition , stay VirtualBox Install the image in
  • Copy the prepared system , Create other systems
  • In the installed system , Generate static IP
  • To configure windows,IP Be able to visit each other

Automated Deployment

 Insert picture description here
gitlab: Local code management center
nexus maven: Local package management center
Docker Register: Local docker Management Center
Jeckins: Keep releasing tools

Corresponding problem record

remarks 1:VirtualBox An error message appears when opening :“VirtualBox Not for virtual computers Ubuntu Open a new task :The VM session was closed before any attempt to power it on”
resolvent : Open with administrator privileges VirtualBox
remarks 2:ubuntu20.024 Generate static IP Method

# ubuntu20.04 It's using netplan To manage network
cd /etc/netplan
#  Copy the file before modifying 
sudo cp 00-installer-config.yaml 00-installer-config.yaml.copy

Change the configuration file to

			dhcp4: no
			addresses: []  #  static state IP Address 
			gateway4: #  default gateway 
	version: 2

Make configuration effective

sudo netplan apply

But then there will be a problem , You can't access the Internet , Need configuration DNS Information

#  Go to configuration file 
vim /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
#  Set as follows :
#  restart 

remarks 2:win10 Two computers under the LAN cannot ping Same as : Unable to access target host
remarks 3: stay ubuntu Install in nexus3, Its localhost:8081 Can't access ,nexus Can only be


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