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How to deal with excessive memory occupation of idea and Google browser

2022-07-05 07:19:00 jiankang66

One 、 background

         Recently, there are too many browser pages on the computer at home , Heavy memory usage , and idea Starting a project will fill the memory , Finally, I checked some information and successfully solved this problem . Here is a record of , Convenient for direct use later .

Two 、 resolvent

         For the problem that Google browser takes up too much memory , Because Chrome Using a multi process mechanism , every last Chrome And every extension , It's all independent processes . Downloaded OneTab plug-in unit , This plug-in can convert all viewed pages into lists , It was cleaned out in memory , but OneTab Keep a record of these tabs . When you want to revisit these tags , Can pass OneTab Re open , Every time you click the plug-in , All pages will be converted into lists , Which page do you need to continue reading , Click to open , It can solve the problem that too many pages open and consume too much memory .

         Download address :one-tab.com/

        idea Open project memory too high , It can be modified idea Configured jvm Parameters , adopt everything The finder finds the configuration file . Change it idea.exe.vmoptions and idea64.exe.vmoptions file .

Mainly modify the following parameters , My computer is 8g Memory .

  (1) Set the minimum heap value to 1G


(2)  Set heap maximum to 2G


(3) Set the size of the code cache to 256m, and jvm Compiled code is often stored in Code Cache in , and Code Cache Space and memory support jvm Normal operation of , If the space is insufficient jvm The virtual machine will have problems , And the performance continues to decline .


(4) Set up SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB The value is 1000, This parameter means every 1M Free space can be maintained SoftReference The lifetime of the object ( The unit is ms millisecond )


Final idea The configuration is as follows .

  3、 ... and 、 summary

         So that's the solution idea And Google Chrome takes up too much memory to process all content , It mainly involves several simple jvm Parameter tuning , I hope I can help you , Refer to , If you think it's good , Welcome to wechat search java Basic notes , Relevant knowledge will be continuously updated later , Make progress together .

