当前位置:网站首页>(tool use) how to make the system automatically match and associate to database fields by importing MySQL from idea and writing SQL statements

(tool use) how to make the system automatically match and associate to database fields by importing MySQL from idea and writing SQL statements

2022-07-05 07:17:00 I am the king of X

Write sql Code is very painful , Especially when updating and inserting , If you have more than a dozen fields , Then you have to write dozens of variables , stay idea There is a function that can automatically complete the fields for you , very nice, Let's learn

First , Create your database and your tables
Import it into your project first in the usual way :
Click... On the sidebar DateBase----->---->Date Source ---->MySQL
 Insert picture description here

 Insert picture description here
Fill in the user name and password and click Test Connector Test the connection , If successful, it will appear succeeded
 Insert picture description here
Next click schemas, Select the database you want , Click on apply that will do
 Insert picture description here
Next click settings, Don't forget the setting of the last step SQL Detail by MySQL, Otherwise it won't work
 Insert picture description here
Then you can use it very comfortably in your project , for instance :
 Insert picture description here
When you do an operation , You can see that the following is your local database
 Insert picture description here
Fields will be automatically completed for you , complete


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