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Line test -- data analysis -- FB -- teacher Gao Zhao

2022-07-05 07:23:00 fang·up·ad

Self learning method

        Handouts are used to preview , Take notes carefully , Textbooks are used to strengthen the framework .

Examination situation and examination affairs

Examination situation and examination affairs

         Topic quantity 4 piece *5 Avenue =20 Avenue

         Question type The problem is standardized , Little deformation

Preparation strategy

        Summary routine , Increase speed ;

        Pay attention to details , Ensure accuracy ;

        Focus on practice , Practice makes perfect ;

        Take it all , The module most likely to get full marks .


One 、 Quick calculation skills 、 Find the number quickly 、 Base period and current period

Two 、 General growth rate 、 Growth

3、 ... and 、 Proportional correlation 【 The proportion of 、 The average 、 Multiple 】

Four 、 Special growth rate 、 other

One 、 Quick calculation skills

1. Preliminary knowledge

        If you can figure out the answer at a glance , If not, take a pen to estimate . Try to write as few formulas as possible, and the calculation is slow .

        The purpose of estimation is to exclude options .

Add : High position 、 Low quantile calculation .  Like three digits 692 + 516 , You can calculate the upper two digits first

        692+516 = 1208 The first two figures are calculated together , Calculate the next digit . If a bit has a carry , Then add it to the high position .


Subtraction : Dash subtract

(1) Take the middle integer value . such as 523-488 It can be calculated as follows

        523-488 = 23+12=35 This is to take an intermediate value .

(2) Underline . On the premise of not borrowing and subtracting . It can be two digits in front or mantissa in the back

        926-532 The second one needs to borrow So the first two draw together .92-53 = 39 You subtract 4, So the end result is 394;

        692-516 The last two borrow . therefore 92-16=76 first place 6-5 yes 1 So the final 176.

  Multiplication : It is also quantile calculation . It is also a high-order calculation , Calculate again .

Tips : Multiplicative distribution rate

(1)a*1.1 = a*(1+0.1) 


division : Option numbers are brought into quotient , Then multiply and divide , See whether the results meet the requirements . According to the option puzzle item, we probably know that the quotient is 5, that 5*127, Then use the multiplicative high order calculation . Never calculate and divide step by step from low to high , Too slow .

Real quick calculation must be based on options , Do exclusion . Options are the biggest skill in data analysis .

2. Intercept division

        effect : Used to calculate division .

What is intercept ?

        Truncation is not a removed bit , Is the number of digits left . In fact, the name of division by bits is more accurate .

Cut division steps 【 Self knot 】

        effect : Used to calculate division 、 fraction

(1) A few steps of division . Decide whether to truncate or denominator . One step division truncates the denominator , Multi step division truncates numerator and denominator .

        Only numerator and denominator , The numerator and denominator are considered as one-step division even if they are arithmetic expressions .

        If multiple fractions are divided , Then it's multi-step division .

(2) Size of option gap . Decide how many people to cut .【 Look at the first 、 The order determines the size of the gap . Gap is big 2 position , Small gap 3 position .】

        The first option is different 、 The second bit difference of the options with the same first but the closest size is greater than the first digit 、 There is an approximation between options 10 When times are more than times , It is regarded as a big gap , Intercepting two digits is enough .【 There is a big gap in options , You can do some processing with numbers , such as +1 -1 Convenient to divide 】

        The first option is the same as , The secondary difference of the option with the closest size is less than or equal to the first digit , Then it is considered that the gap is small , Intercept three .

(3) Take a pen and start estimating

        If there is a big gap in estimation , You can use numbers +1 -1, Convenient to divide .

        The numerator and denominator of the fraction can be expanded and reduced at the same time .

        No cut is the most accurate , But it's hard to exclude options , So cut . Everything is just for more choices .

【 one 】

         One step division , It refers to the numerator and denominator ; Multistep division refers to the multiplication and division of multiple molecules .


【 Ii. 】

         The first thing in the figure below is different. It refers to options ; The first is the same , But the size is closest to the secondary difference of the option > The difference between the first meaning and the second digit is greater than the first digit .

         Self understanding : If there is a big difference in options, intercept two digits , If the gap is small, intercept 3 position .

         skill : If the option gap is large , You can process the numbers , Convenient approximate grade . For example, the denominator +1 -1. Because the gap is big , The accuracy requirement is not high .



Question type : There is an approximation between options 10、100 Multiple relationship , The steps to solve the problem are as follows :  Cut two digits , Pay attention to the magnitude .


The following is one-step division . One step division , Truncate the denominator , First same , And the second difference of the closest option is less than the first 2, Then cut three . 

3. Score comparison

There are only two question types  

         One big one small : Compare the two scores , One of them is compared to the other , The numerator is big and the denominator is small , This is called one big one small question ..【 The size of numerator and denominator splits , Pay attention to the fraction of molecular weight 】


   : Compare the two scores , One of them is compared to the other , The numerator and denominator are big .【 The numerator and denominator are of the same size , Focus on big scores 】


How to solve the problem

(1) The numerator and denominator are larger and smaller , Larger molecules are larger .

(2) Same size 【 Fractions with large numerator and denominator 】, If the denominator is large, it is small , Larger molecular multiples are larger .【 Brief notes : At the same time, big scores , Larger molecular multiples are larger , Larger molecular multiples are smaller

        Two solutions of the same university , How much is the score directly , Then compare the sizes ; Or look horizontally at the numerator denominator multiple . Looking vertically, it is generally the problem that the numerator is larger than the denominator , It can reduce the denominator to single digits .

Self generated fractional questions

(1) If two scores are compared . Look directly at the size of numerator and denominator , According to one big one small 、 Solve problems according to the same principle . There are two ways to deal with it , Among them, the vertical view can be aimed at some specific topics .

(2) If multiple scores choose size , Then find a standard best option , Other options compare with him . Try whether it is easy to determine that the best option is the right answer , For example, estimate the specific means 、 There is a big gap between options , If not , One big and one small 、 Compare with the big rules .


One big one small Molecules are big  

A fraction whose numerator and denominator are both large , If the denominator is large, it is small .

Compare multiple scores 【 Choose one of the largest and smallest of the four options 】

         choice question , If you choose the largest option , that The molecules should be as large as possible 、 Try to keep the denominator as small as possible Find the best option for this condition . Then compare other options with her to determine the final answer , Sometimes there is no need to compare , You can get the answer directly according to this principle , If you don't get it, you'll give it to others 3 Compare the options with the best options .

(1) Choose the biggest topic , Then the molecules should be as large as possible , Try to keep the denominator as small as possible . Then you can find c As a standard, it is best .

(2)a c、c d comparison , According to Tongda , The greater the molecular multiple, the greater the principle .b d According to one big one small , Judging from the principle that the molecule is big .

remember : Roughly choose the best option , It doesn't have to be the right answer as a standard .

(1) Empathy , According to the molecular size , Try to keep the denominator as small as possible , choice d As the best option

(2) Other options and d Compare and determine the answer . According to one big one small 、 The same principle is known d It's really optimal . 


The following multiple choice question , The denominator is greater than the numerator , Then turn the denominator directly into a single digit , The valuation .

Two 、 Reading materials

1. Written materials

General rule : Read the materials first and then read the questions , Otherwise, a lot of time will be wasted .

Own habits : Probably look at what the text says , Then look at the topic , Look back at the text .

characteristic : More data , There are many similar words

Method : Time + The subject + structure

Go through the strategy twice : First pass Time + The subject , Second times Only structure . The structure is to see the total score , Or sub total .

ideologically : All the data in the article is rubbish

2. Form material

Horizontal ordinate 、 title 、 Company 、 remarks

3. Graphic materials

type : Bar charts 、 Broken line diagram 、 Pie chart 、 form

Method : title 、 Company 、 legend

Look at the three elements of the header : Time 、 The subject 、 Company

If you have notes, please read them

Here's the picture , Two ordinates 、 Two figures . Then the left diagram corresponds to the left ordinate , The right corresponds to the right . 

Here's the picture The pie chart is from twelve o'clock , Sorted clockwise .


4. Comprehensive materials 【 written words + form + graphics 】

Method : Look at each other 、 Find the difference between text and graphics


  3、 ... and 、 Base period and current period


Base period questions must also be eliminated by looking at the options first to see whether the answer can be given directly . 

Read the questions in three steps : Lap time 、 Judge the question type 、 Define the subject .

Formula derivation :A/(1-r) The numerator and denominator are multiplied by 1+r , Denominator square difference r square Is almost zero , therefore 1-r^2 Can be seen as 1.

So remember the company a/(1-r) = a+ar Don't take the middle step , In this way, each calculation saves 10s Time is at least . 


Base period comparison topic  

Exclude first and then formulate . Try not to formulate , Too slow .

Base period volume comparison Topic judgment :1. Now ask for the past 2. Seek the maximum and the minimum This type of question is usually the comparison of base period and quantity .

Base period quantity comparison problem solving method :1. Find the base period , Roughly estimate Let's see if we can directly rule out the answer . 2. The determinant Score comparison method .

(1) Decide the question type first .2016 It is known that , seek 2012, It can be seen that it is the base period , At most, it is the base period comparison . Then exclude it from the determinant

(2) Draw the subject 、 Time , Find the corresponding position in the data . And then calculate .

(3) Roughly estimate and compare the results .

Sort the title 【 A topic type in the base period comparison 】

There are two methods for sorting questions :1. Look at the best value 2. See options .

For example, the following question , See the maximum and minimum areas of options . Find the maximum value from the formula 、 minimum value , You can exclude the options as D.


