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Basic series of SHEL script (I) variables

2022-07-05 07:19:00 jiankang66

One 、 background

         Although I am a java The programmer , Do the back end , But recently, I often need to read scripts written by others to run projects , So as a back-end programmer , We also need to know shell grammar , Can read some basic shell Script .

Two 、 Variable correlation

1、 Variable assignment

(1) Assignment of common variables

a="hello world"

(2) Assign values to variables through commands , Two ways .



2、 Cancel variables

unset A

3、 Get the length of the variable


4、 Deletion of variable content

(1) Delete Syntax


Means to remove the first matching from right to left


Remove all matching from right to left


Means to remove the first matching from left to right


Means to remove all matching from left to right


# return  text
echo ${a##*.}

4、 Replacement of variable contents

(2) Substitution grammar

 ${ Variable name / The old value / The new value }


# return b.txt
echo ${a/a/b}

5、 Print variables

(1) Mode one

echo $a

(2) Mode two

echo ${a}

6、 Query environment variables

(1) View the current environment variables


(2) Filter environment variables

env | grep Name

(3) Support filtering common variables or environment variables

set | grep Name

7、 Define an environment variable

(1) Mode one

declare -x BBB=jiankang

(2) Mode two

export DDD=jiankang

8、 Global variable profile

(1) Required after change source Let it take effect

Configure environment variables globally

Current user's environment variables home/.bash_profile
Current user's bash Information /home/.bashrc
Global effective for all users bash Information /etc/bashrc

9、 System variables

$? Whether the last command is executed normally 0 Is normal ( really ) Not 0 Indicates an execution exception
$0 Name of the currently executing program or script
$# The number of parameters passed after the script
$* All the parameters behind the script , Comma separated
[email protected] All the parameters behind the script
$1 The first parameter following the script
$9 The ninth parameter following the script
${10} The tenth parameter following the script
$$ The process number of the current process


The last process number running in the background ( Current terminal )

Call the parameters in the last command history

3、 ... and 、 summary

         The above is about shell Everything about syntax variables , Hopefully that helped , You can refer to it , If you think it's good , Welcome to wechat search java Basic notes , Relevant knowledge will be continuously updated later , Make progress together .

