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Scala basics [HelloWorld code parsing, variables and identifiers]

2022-07-05 20:10:00 hike76

One introduction

1 hello scala world Code parsing

package com.hike.bigdata.scala.chapter01

/** * scala Language is based on java Developed  * * package:java In the package  * * object: Declare an object , At compile time , It will be compiled into two class files  *  The declared object is of type : The current object +$ * java: * User user = new User(); * user.setName(); * scala: * Scala01_HelloWorld = new Scala01_HelloWorld$(); * * Scala01_HelloWorld: Object name  * * def: Declare the keyword of the method  * * main:scala The entry method name of the program , No, main, The program cannot be executed  * * (): Method  * * args: Array[String]: Parameters  * java: * String[] args, Strong type language , Determine the type of variable before running  *  In the process of development , Variable name is more important than variable type  *  therefore scala Write the name first , Add a colon between the name and type as a separator  * scala: * args:Array[String] * args: Parameter name  * Array[String]: Parameter type  * :  Separator  * * Array[String]:Array It's an array type  * scala Language is a completely object-oriented language , So all things are objects  *  Arrays are also objects , There are also their own types , The type is :Array, there [] For generics  * * java In the array : * String[]:String Represents the type of elements in an array ,[] Represents an array , *  Array in java There is no type in  * : Unit =>  stay scala in : *  name : type  *  Parameter name : Parameter type  *  Variable name : Variable type  *  Method name : Method 's return value type  * * Unit Represents the return value type ,Unit yes scala New types in , To replace void keyword , Indicates that there is no return value  * void Keyword problem : Return value , Add the type of variable , Such as int String *  Return no value , Add keywords , Not unified  *  Equals to equating keywords with types , Unreasonable , So there is Unit type  * =: assignment  * * {}: Method body  * * System.out.println("Hello Scala World"):java Code  * scala Language based java Language development , So most of the java The code can be directly in scala Use in  * *  The code may not need to end with a semicolon ,scala It is recommended that there is only one logic in a line of code , Then the semicolon can be omitted  *  If there is more than one logic in a line, you need to add a semicolon  */
object Scala01_HelloWorld {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    System.out.println("Hello Scala World")

2 Decompile

If you only parse the syntax through code , Can't understand its real implementation principle .scala Language is based on Java Language development , So it will also be compiled as class file , Then we can decompile instructions javap -v Class name or decompiler jd-gui.exe see scala Compiled code , Through comparison and java The relationship between languages , To master the implementation principle of specific code .

3 Associated source code

In the use of Scala In the process , To find out Scala The underlying mechanism , Need to check the source code , Then you need to associate and view Scala The source package .

 Insert picture description here

Download the source code , Choose the path .

Two Variables and data types

1 Variable

Variable is a convenient placeholder , Used to refer to the memory address of the computer , Variables take up a certain amount of memory space after they are created . Data types based on variables , The operating system allocates memory and decides what will be stored in reserved memory . therefore , By assigning different data types to variables , You can store integers in these variables , Decimals or letters .

(1) Variable declarations

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
      // TODO  Variable 
      // Java Variable declaration in : String name = "zhangsan";
      // scala Variable declaration in (1):var  Variable name  : Variable type  =  A variable's value 
      var name_var : String = "zhangsan"
      //  Some variables in some scenarios , Cannot reassign after initialization 
      // scala Variable declaration in (2):val  Variable name  : Variable type  =  A variable's value 
      val name_fin : String = "lisi"

If the type of variable can be inferred from the value of the variable , Then you can omit the type declaration , Omission here , It's not that you don't declare , But by the Scala The compiler automatically declares the compiled at compile time .

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    // TODO  Variable 
    //  In strongly typed languages , The declaration of types should be consistent 
    //  If you know clearly what type of variable value is , Then the type of variable can be omitted without writing 
    //  If polymorphism is used , Type cannot be omitted 
    var name = "zhangsan"

(2) Variable initialization

Java Variables in syntax can be initialized before use , however Scala It is not allowed in grammar , Must be displayed for initialization .

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        var username // Error
        val username = "zhangsan" // OK

(3) Volatile variables

Variable whose value can be changed , It is called a variable variable , But the variable type cannot be changed , Scala Use the keyword... For variable variables in var Make a statement .

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        //  User name 
        var username : String = "zhangsan"
        username = "lisi" // OK
        username = true // Error

(4) Immutable variable

A variable whose value cannot be changed once initialized , Call it an immutable variable .Scala Use keywords in immutable variables val Make a statement , Be similar to Java In language final keyword .

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        //  User name 
        val username : String = "zhangsan"
        username = "lisi" // Error
        username = true // Error

val and var Two modifiers , Recommended val

Java Why is the string in called immutable string : Because in java The definition of string in is private final char[] value;, also String Class does not provide any method to change the content . All methods that operate on strings will produce new strings .

trim Method is used to remove half width spaces at the beginning and end of a string .( Europe and America are half width , Asia and Europe are all corners )

2 identifier

(1) Identifier definition rules

Scala Identifier and java The identifiers of are basically the same , Two forms of flags can be used , Characters, numbers and symbols .

  • Characters begin with letters or underscores , It can be followed by letters or numbers , stay Scala in [ Failed to transfer the external chain picture , The origin station may have anti-theft chain mechanism , It is suggested to save the pictures and upload them directly also see do by word mother . however and With open head Of mark knowledge operator by Protect leave Of S c a l a Ed translate device production raw Of mark Records operator send use , Should be use cheng order Should be The avoid Exemption send use Also seen as letters . However, identifiers beginning with are reserved Scala Compiler generated flag usage , Applications should avoid using also see do by word mother . however and With open head Of mark knowledge operator by Protect leave Of Scala Ed translate device production raw Of mark Records operator send use , Should be use cheng order Should be The avoid Exemption send use Start identifier , In case of conflict .
  • Scala The naming convention of adopts and Java Allied camel Naming specification , The first character is lowercase , such as toString. The first character of the class name is uppercase . In addition, you should avoid using a flag that ends with an underscores to avoid conflicts .
  • Scala The escape flag is used for internal implementation , such as :-> Use c o l o n colon colonminus$greater To represent this symbol .
//  and Java The same identifier naming rules 
/*  Numbers , Letter , Underline ,$  The number can't start   You can't use keywords and reserved words   Case sensitive   There is no limit to length  */
val name = "zhangsan" // OK
val name1 = "zhangsan0"   // OK
//val 1name = "zhangsan0" // Error
val name$ = "zhangsan1" // OK
val $name = "zhangsan2" // OK
val name_ = "zhangsan3" // OK
val _name = "zhangsan4" // OK
val $ = "zhangsan5"     // OK
val _ = "zhangsan6"     // OK
//val 1 = "zhangsan6" // Error
//val true = "zhangsan6" // Error
//  and Java Different identifier naming rules 
// scala Identifiers in can be used to declare operators 
val + = "lisi" // OK
val - = "lisi" // OK
val * = "lisi" // OK
val / = "lisi" // OK
val ! = "lisi" // OK

//val @ = "lisi" // Error
val @@ = "lisi" // OK
//val # = "lisi" // Error
val ## = "lisi" // OK
val % = "lisi" // OK
val ^ = "lisi" // OK
val & = "lisi" // OK
//val ( = "lisi" // Error
//val ( = "lisi" // Error
//val ) = "lisi" // Error
//val = = "lisi" // Error
val == = "lisi" // OK
//val [ = "lisi" // Error
//val ] = "lisi" // Error
//val : = "lisi" // Error
val :: = "lisi" // OK
//val ; = "lisi" // Error
//val ' = "lisi" // Error
//val " = "lisi" // Error
val "" = "lisi" // OK
val < = "lisi" // OK
val > = "lisi" // OK
val ? = "lisi" // OK
val | = "lisi" // OK
val \ = "lisi" // OK
//val ` = "lisi" // Error
val ~ = "lisi" // OK
val :-> = "wangwu" // OK
val :-< = "wangwu" // OK
//  Bear in mind , Being able to declare and be able to use are two different things 
// Emoticons 
var :-> = "zhangsan"
//var $colon$minus$greater = "zhangsan"
// In general , Identifier naming cannot be used $ start 
// Decompiled code 
// Compile time , Compile special symbols into converted variable names , The variable name is $ start 
String $colon$minus$greater = "zhangsan";

Scala The identifier in cannot be keyword or Reserved words ,Scala Keywords or reserved words in
 Insert picture description here

(2) stay Java Access... In language Scala object

  def test(): Unit = {

// stay java The code defines  
  public class TestObject {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

(3) If variables want to use keywords with specific meanings

    var `private` = " Private "
