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Ant manor safety helmet 7.8 ant manor answer

2022-07-07 06:19:00 Games 369

The safety helmet of an electric car or motorcycle can be used all the time as long as it is not damaged ?7 month 8 What is the answer to the daily question of ant manor ? This time the question is about safety helmets , If you choose the right answer, you can get it 180g Chicken feed , Let's have a look at the correct answer today !

Ant manor safety helmet can be used all the time as long as it is not damaged  

Alipay ant Manor 7 month 8 Japanese problem :

The safety helmet of an electric car or motorcycle can be used all the time as long as it is not damaged  

Regular replacement is recommended


  answer : Regular replacement is recommended  

analysis : Due to the deterioration of helmet material , The expiration of glue and other factors , If you can clearly feel that the current helmet has this performance , Then we should bear the pain to give up , Hurry to choose a new helmet .

 Ant manor safety helmet 7.8 Ant manor answer


The above is the ant manor 7 month 8 The whole content of the answer to one question every day , I hope I can help you ~

A friendly reminder , Don't forget to go to the ant manor to get the reward ! 

Want to know more about the latest news of ant manor , Please pay attention to the game 369 Alipay Special area ~


Ant manor related articles
《 Ant Manor 》 Complete answers to one question a day


Alipay ant manor daily activity rule :
1、 Entering Alipay ant Manor , Click to receive feed , Enter the small class of the manor
2、 After correct answer , You can get a chance to get chicken feed !
3、 Get feed , Then feed it to your chicken ~


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