当前位置:网站首页>[mathematical logic] propositions and connectives (propositions | propositional symbolization | truth connectives | no | conjunction | disjunction | non truth connectives | implication | equivalence)
[mathematical logic] propositions and connectives (propositions | propositional symbolization | truth connectives | no | conjunction | disjunction | non truth connectives | implication | equivalence)
2022-07-03 03:24:00 【Programmer community】
List of articles
- One . proposition Concept
- 1. proposition Concept
- ( 1 ) The main content of propositional logic ( Logic Reasoning proposition | Smallest unit | The simplest and most basic part )
- ( 2 ) What is a proposition ( Declarative sentence | True and false Must live And Only live firstly )
- 2. proposition give an example
- ( 1 ) Examples of propositions ( False or untrue | I will know in the future It must be true or false | It will prove in the future Must be true or false )
- ( 2 ) Not propositional examples ( Not a statement | No judgment | True or false is uncertain | paradox )
- Two . Compound proposition And Proposition symbolization
- 1. Conjunctions and Compound proposition
- ( 1 ) Complex proposition introduce ( Whether a compound proposition is true or false is judged by the truth of its small proposition )
- ( 2 ) Conjunctions and Compound proposition
- 2. Proposition symbolization
- ( 1 ) Proposition symbolization
- ( 2 ) Propositional symbol Value Numbered
- 3、 ... and . Conjunctions
- ( 1 ) Negative connectives
- ( 3 ) Conjunctions
- ( 3 ) Disjunctive connectives
- ( 4 ) Contains connectives
- ( 5 ) Equivalent connectives
- 3、 ... and . Examples of propositional symbolization
- ( 1 ) Proposition symbolization ( Look closely at three examples )
- ( 2 ) Proposition symbolization Be careful ( ① Conjunctions And Daily vocabulary is inconsistent | ② True or false propositions are understood by definition | ③ You can't take your seat according to the number | ④ Some words can also be expressed as five connectives )
One . proposition Concept
1. proposition Concept
( 1 ) The main content of propositional logic ( Logic Reasoning proposition | Smallest unit | The simplest and most basic part )
The main content of propositional logic :
- 1. Logic , Reasoning And proposition Relationship : Logic Main research reasoning process , reasoning process must rely on proposition To express ;
- 2. Smallest unit : In propositional logic , proposition yes Smallest unit ;
- 3. The simplest part : proposition yes In mathematical logic The most basic , The simplest part ;
( 2 ) What is a proposition ( Declarative sentence | True and false Must live And Only live firstly )
What is a proposition :
- 1. Propositional concept : proposition yes The statement is objective Statement of what happened outside ;
- 2. True or false : Proposition is Or is it true Or false Of Declarative sentence ;
- 3. Propositional features :① Declarative sentence ; ② True and false must rank first , Only one of them ;
- 4. Description of proposition determination : The following two cases are propositions ;
- ① For what will happen in the future : As long as it is True and false are only one of them , And it's a declarative sentence , Then this is the proposition , Although now I don't know whether it's true or false , But it must be Not true or false ;
- ② Unproved theorem : Such as Goldbach conjectures , We I don't know whether it's true or false , But its If proved It must be true or false Of Declarative sentence , Therefore, it is also a proposition ;
2. proposition give an example
( 1 ) Examples of propositions ( False or untrue | I will know in the future It must be true or false | It will prove in the future Must be true or false )
The following sentences are propositions :
- 1.( 8 Less than 10 ; ) : State 8 and 10 The relationship between , yes True proposition ; This has happened ;
- 2.( 8 Greater than 10 ; ) : State 8 and 10 The relationship between , The statement is wrong , It's a false proposition ; This is impossible ; But it is Declarative sentence also Not true or false ;
- 3.( At the end of the 21st century , Humans will live in space ; ) : It's a declarative sentence , It hasn't happened yet , But it must be true or false , Whether it will happen in the future Not sure , however We don't know Doesn't mean it doesn't exist , You will know at some time , Such as At the end of the 21st century 1 second ;
- 4.( Any one > 5 The even number of can be expressed as the sum of two primes - Goldbach conjectures ) : crown jewels , It's a proposition , It's a declarative sentence , But now I don't know whether it's true or false ; But it will eventually prove this conjecture ;
- 5.(
2 In the decimal expansion of 12345 Appear even many times ; ) : It's true or false , But true or false, I don't know when to know ;
( 2 ) Not propositional examples ( Not a statement | No judgment | True or false is uncertain | paradox )
It's not a proposition :
- 1.( 8 Greater than 10 Do you ? ) : Not a statement , yes questions ;
- 2.( No Smoking ! ) : Not a statement , yes An imperative sentence , No judgment , True or false is uncertain ;
- 3.( X Greater than Y . ) : It's a declarative sentence , however True and false Not sure ;
- 4.( I'm lying . - paradox ) : It's a declarative sentence , But it belongs to paradox ;
- ① Outer meaning : If I'm lying , This proposition is false ; If I didn't lie , This proposition is true ;
- ② If the proposition is true : It means I'm lying , The meaning is This proposition is false , There is a contradiction ;
- ③ If the proposition is false : That means I didn't lie , The meaning is This proposition is true , There is a contradiction ;
Two . Compound proposition And Proposition symbolization
1. Conjunctions and Compound proposition
( 1 ) Complex proposition introduce ( Whether a compound proposition is true or false is judged by the truth of its small proposition )
Complex proposition : from Simple proposition can structure more Complex propositions ;
- 1. midsemester , Zhang San No, Pass the exam ;
- 2. Among them, the exam , Zhang San and Li Si all Passed the exam ;
- 3. Among them, the exam , Zhang San and Li Si Zhong someone Take an examination of the 90 branch ;
- 4. If Zhang San can take the exam 90 branch , Then Li Si also Ability to test 90 branch ;
- 5. Zhang San can take the exam 90 branch If and only if Li Si You can also take the exam 90 branch ;
( 2 ) Conjunctions and Compound proposition
Conjunctions and Compound proposition :
- 1. Conjunctions : Above No, , If that , Equal conjunctions Become Conjunctions ;
- 2. Compound proposition : By the conjunction and proposition Connected by More complex propositions Become Compound proposition ;
- 3. Simple proposition : relatively , Can't be broken down into It's simpler The proposition of Become a simple proposition ;
- 4. True or false compound proposition : Compound proposition Of True and false Completely from Make it Simple proposition Of True or false decision ;
- 5. Simple proposition and Compound proposition Division yes Relative ;
2. Proposition symbolization
( 1 ) Proposition symbolization
Proposition symbolization :
1. Proposition symbolization : take proposition Symbolization , Write it down as
p , q , r , \cdots
p,q,r,⋯ , Be similar to Algebra. in Use
a representative 1 The numbers are the same ;
2. Symbols are variables :
- ① On behalf of the digital : In algebra , Using letters
a Instead of Numbers , Which number does it represent Not sure , Just know that this is a number ;
- ② Stands for proposition : Empathy , Propositional symbols
p, q, r
p,q,r Instead of proposition , What propositions does it represent I'm not sure , Just know that this is a proposition ;
- ① On behalf of the digital : In algebra , Using letters
3. Changyuan and Argument :
- ① Changyuan : In algebra Letter a When it definitely represents a number , be called Changyuan ;
- ② Argument : In algebra Letter a When representing uncertain numbers , be called Argument ;
4. Propositional constant and Propositional argument :
- ① Propositional constant : proposition
p representative determine When the proposition of , be called Propositional constant ;
- ② Propositional argument : proposition
p representative Not sure When the proposition of , be called Propositional constant ;
- ① Propositional constant : proposition
( 2 ) Propositional symbol Value Numbered
proposition True or false Symbolization :
- 1. really ( True ) : Write it down as
1 or
T ;
- 2. false ( False ) : Write it down as
0 or
F ;
- 3. Proposition value : Propositional argument p Take value
0 or
0 Express
p It's a true proposition , Value
1 Express
1 , Value
p It's a false proposition ;
3、 ... and . Conjunctions
( 1 ) Negative connectives
Negative connectives :
- 1. Definition : set up p by A proposition , Compound proposition Not p be called p The negative of , Write it down as
\lnot p
¬p ;
¬ Become a negative conjunction ;
- 2. Truth table :
\lnot p
¬p It's true here p For false ;
p | ¬ p \lnot p ¬p |
0 | 1 |
1 | 0 |
( 3 ) Conjunctions
Conjunctions :
- 1. Definition : set up p , q by Two propositions , Compound proposition " p and q " be called p , q Conjunctive of , Write it down as
p \land q
p∧q ,
∧ be called Conjunctions ;
- 2. Truth table :
p \land q
p∧q really If and only if p And q At the same time, it's really ;
p | q | p ∧ q p \land q p∧q |
0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
( 3 ) Disjunctive connectives
Disjunctive connectives :
- 1. Definition : set up p , q by Two propositions , Compound proposition " p perhaps q " be called p , q Disjunctive of , Write it down as
p \lor q
p∨q ;
∨ Referred to as Disjunctive connectives ;
- 2. Truth table :
p \lor q
p∨q It's true , If and only if p And q At least one is true ;
p | q | p ∨ q p \lor q p∨q |
0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
- 3. give an example : Among them, the exam , Someone from Zhang San and Li Si middle school took the exam 90 branch ;
- ① p representative Zhang San Take an examination of the 90 branch ;
- ② q representative The Li Sikao 90 branch ;
- ③
p \lor q
p∨q representative : Zhang San and Someone in Li Si middle school took the exam 90 branch ;
( 4 ) Contains connectives
Contains connectives :
- 1. Definition : set up p , q by proposition , Compound proposition " If p , be q " be called p Yes q Of Implication , Remember to do
p \to q
p→q , among also called p by This implication Of The front part , become q by This implication Of Afterpiece ;
→ by Implicative connectives ;
- 2. Truth table :
p \to q
p→q false If and only if p really and q false ;
p | q | p → q p \to q p→q |
0 | 0 | 1 |
0 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
- 3. give an example : If Zhang San can take the exam 90 branch , Then Li Si can also take the exam 90 branch ;
( 5 ) Equivalent connectives
Equivalent connectives :
- 1. Definition : set up p , q by proposition , Compound proposition " p If and only if q " Referred to as p , q The equivalent of , Remember to do
p \leftrightarrow q
pq ,
Remember to make equivalent connectives ;
- 2. Truth table :
p \leftrightarrow q
pq really If and only if p , q It's true at the same time or At the same time, it's false ;
p | q | p q p \leftrightarrow q pq |
0 | 0 | 1 |
0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
- 3. give an example : Zhang San can take the exam 90 branch If and only if Li Si You can also take the exam 90 branch
3、 ... and . Examples of propositional symbolization
( 1 ) Proposition symbolization ( Look closely at three examples )
Proposition symbolization :
1. iron and oxygen compound , but iron and nitrogen Do not combine ;
- ① proposition p : Iron and oxide combine ;
- ② proposition q : Iron and nitrogen combine ;
- ③ Compound proposition :
p \land ( \lnot q )
p∧(¬q) ;
2. If I get off work early , Just go to the store , Unless I'm tired ;
- ① proposition p : I get off work early ;
- ② proposition q : Go to the shop ;
- ③ proposition r : I'm exhausted ;
- ④ Compound proposition :
( ( \lnot r ) \land p ) \to q
((¬r)∧p)→q : The premise of going to the store yes Not tired also Get off work early ;
3. Li Si is a computer student , He lives in 312 room or 313 room ;
- ① proposition p : Li Si is a computer student ;
- ② proposition q : Li Si lives in 312 room ;
- ③ proposition r : Li Si lives in 313 room ;
- ④ Compound proposition :
p \land ( ( q \lor r ) \land ( \lnot ( q \land r ) ) )
p∧((q∨r)∧(¬(q∧r))) ; Be careful here Li Si Can only live 312 perhaps 313 One between , Can't all live in , Therefore, it is necessary to
q \land r
q∧r Rule out ,
\lnot ( q \land r )
¬(q∧r) ;
- ⑤ Compound proposition :
p \land ( ( q \land ( \lnot r ) ) \lor ( ( \lnot q ) \land r ) )
p∧((q∧(¬r))∨((¬q)∧r)) ; here Li Si To live in 312 Don't live 313, Li Si lives in 313 Don't live 312 Only one of them can be taken ;
( 2 ) Proposition symbolization Be careful ( ① Conjunctions And Daily vocabulary is inconsistent | ② True or false propositions are understood by definition | ③ You can't take your seat according to the number | ④ Some words can also be expressed as five connectives )
Note on the symbolization of propositions :
- 1. Conjunctions are not completely consistent with everyday vocabulary : Above Five connectives Not , Disjunction , Syntaxis , implication , Equivalent , originate For daily use Corresponding vocabulary , But not exactly ;
- 2. True or false propositions are understood by definition : The true and false values of compound propositions composed of connectives According to they Of Definition To understand the , Cannot be understood according to the meaning of everyday language , Such as Rougamo and so on Everyday meaning ;
- 3. You can't take your seat according to the number : Don't see or It means
∨ Disjunction , If the above lives 312 or 313 The situation of , Want to consider Only live in 312 , Only live in 313 , Live in 312 and 313 The situation of ;
- 4. Some words can also be expressed as these five connectives : Such as “ however ” It can be expressed as “
∧” ;
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