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AcWing 1053. Repair DNA problem solution (state machine DP, AC automata)
2022-08-02 02:46:00 【QingQingDE23】
AcWing 1053. 修复DNA
状态机DPS,用acAn automaton builds a state machine
using namespace std;
const int N = 1010;
int tr[N][4], dar[N], q[N];
int n, m;
int f[N][N]; //f[i][j]表示长度为iThe characters reach the thj个字符的最小步数
int get_num[128]; // 数组优化get
char str[N];
int ids;
int ne[N];
void insert(){
int p = 0;
for(int i = 0; str[i]; i ++ ){
int t = get_num[str[i]];
if(!tr[p][t]) tr[p][t] = ++ ids;
p = tr[p][t];
dar[p] = 1; //Mark the end of the virus
void build(){
int hh = 0, tt = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++ ){
if(tr[0][i]) q[ ++ tt] = tr[0][i];
while(hh <= tt){
int t = q[hh ++ ];
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++ ){
int p = tr[t][i];
if(!p) tr[t][i] = tr[ne[t]][i];
ne[p] = tr[ne[t]][i];
q[ ++ tt] = p;
dar[p] |= dar[ne[p]];// Add this line because a subsequence of a sequence may contain a viral sequence
// 比如accgt和cg
int main()
get_num['A'] = 0;
get_num['G'] = 1;
get_num['C'] = 2;
get_num['T'] = 3;
int T = 1;
while(cin>>n, n){
memset(ne, 0, sizeof ne);
memset(tr, 0, sizeof tr);
memset(dar, 0, sizeof dar);
ids = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++ ){
scanf("%s", str + 1);
int len = strlen(str + 1);
// 任何trie图里面的idxmay be the end of the path
// f[i][j] It means to go to the first stringi个字符, stop atjthe least expensive move,
// And in this pile of moves, the character may or may not have been changed
// 从f[0][0] 出发, 也就从idx为0The nodes that can be reached are successfulmin了
// Then again from those that succeededminpoint to continue going backwards
memset(f, 0x3f, sizeof f);
f[0][0] = 0; //The initial number of modifications is 0
for(int i = 0; i < len; i ++ ){
for(int j = 0; j <= ids; j ++ ){
if(dar[j]) continue;
if(i && f[i][j] == 0x3f3f3f3f) continue; // Can't get to that point, Naturally, we cannot start from this point
// 从i到i+1, Just go one character further, Then naturally we can only start from the point where we can already go,
// 那么他们的fThe value is definitely not infinite
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k ++ ){
// Determine if the next character is the current onek,
// If so, Then it means that the current character can go down without changing, 这一步的t = 0;
// 如果不是k的话, 要往k这个点走, 则需要更改, the cost of this stept等于1
// Note that the change isstr
int t = get_num[str[i + 1]] != k;
int p = tr[j][k];
// Marked points are not allowed to go
// 从字符str[i]到str[i+1], 从所有的idx(也就是j)各自的4A legal path inside the road,
// 走一步, Choose the least expensive of them
f[i + 1][p] = min(f[i + 1][p], f[i][j] + t);
int ikt = 0x3f3f3f3f;
for(int i = 0; i <= ids; i ++ ) ikt = min(ikt, f[len][i]);
if(ikt == 0x3f3f3f3f) ikt = -1;
cout<<"Case "<<T ++ <<": "<<ikt<<endl;
return 0;
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