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MySQL - CRUD operations
2022-08-02 02:12:00 【Xiaolock830】
That is, a new row is added to the selected table in the database
insert into 表名 values(值1,值2 ...);
Insert selected columns
insert into 表名(指定列名1, 指定列名2...) values(值1, 值2...);
That is, delete a row from the selected table in the database
delete from 表名;
我们可以用whereKeywords to filter the condition of the column we want to delete
delete from 表名 where 条件;
需要注意的是,在MySQL中,Our logical operator sumJava与CLanguage is different,Some common situations are listed below.
运算符 | 含义 |
> ,>=,<,<= | Consistent with normal logic |
= | 和C语言不同,MySQLIn the judgment of equality, use single equals |
<=> | Determine whether both sides arenull,都为null返回true |
!=, <> | 不等于 |
between a and b | 判断是否在>= a , <= b的范围内 |
in(a , b, c…) | 判断是否为a,b,c中的一个 |
is null | 判断是否为null,是则返回ture |
is not null | 判断是否为null,是则返回false |
like | 模糊查询,%表示·多个字符,_表示单个字符 |
and | 相当于&& |
or | 相当于|| |
not | 相当于~ |
select 查询范围 form 表名;
We can use it in the query scope position*,It means that we want to query all the data
select * form 表名;
同样的,我们也可以用whereto filter our query criteria
select * form 表名 where 筛选条件;
我们可以用distinctkeyword to deduplicate the query results
select distinct 查询范围 from 表名;
我们可以用order by关键字来对查询结果进行排序
select 查询范围 from 表名 order by asc;
select 查询范围 from 表名 order by desc;
We can alias query results
select header expression 别名 from 表名;
When our query data volume is too large,We can query page by page like a browser
select * from 表名 limit Limit the number of displays;
我们用offset进行翻页,The default first page offset is 0
select * from 表命 limit Limit the number of displays offset 偏移量;
update 表名 set 表头 = 表达式 where 条件;
需要注意的是,Our data operations are very dangerous,一定要小心谨慎
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