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Why need to use API management platform

2020-11-08 16:59:00 neos

API Is dynamic , He adds new features on a regular basis , And the old functions gradually disappear with the development of the project , Get and respond to all... Through simple management methods API Calling types is not easy , In particular, as the number of calls transferred across the software environment increases . Final , Manual management is impossible , And automation systems become a requirement .

API management objectives

API The management objectives of the company revolve around the whole API Life cycle of , The development team needs a reliable process for API Carry out systematic management , This includes detailed API Documentation and API Version control, etc .


API The benefits of the management platform

Even if there is the right process , Do it manually and comprehensively API Management is still complex . This is to specialize in API Solutions that cloud providers of management platforms and related products need to provide . Now , Some of the most popular API The management platform includes :swagger、EOLINKER、Azure API Management...

API Management platform

Here are API Several of the biggest advantages of Management :

1、 Version control and documentation . Outstanding API Management tools can be created manually API Outside , You can also use the quick import feature to create API And the required documentation . establish API after , The system will manage the new version , Make every update iteration version as easy as you can .



2、 Notice of news . perfect API After the documents , When the project is updated ,API Iterative optimization is needed , The modified API The document can be set with notification , While improving the timeliness of information , Let the development team quickly understand API Modify content or new features .


3、 Teamwork . Different enterprises have different development teams , It also includes the testing team . In order to allow different roles to operate different projects , Permission settings are particularly important .


4、 test .API Management platform can not only provide clear API file , Also need to API Do a quick test ,EOLINKER take API Test and API Automated test integration with API In the management platform , It also provides mock function , This ensures that API The management process starts early in the development phase , Help with testing and improvement before development is complete .



5、API monitor .API Monitoring can be viewed in real time API The health of , Including different nodes API, When an error occurs in a project ,API Monitoring can help us quickly locate the wrong API, Save a lot of time and cost .

Not every project or enterprise needs API Management platform . But if you need one API Management solutions , Want to make API Management is more standardized and procedural , You can understand what is shown in the article API Management platform .
