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Unity render streaming communicates with unity through JS
2022-07-03 13:33:00 【foenix66】
Unity Render Streaming adopt Js And Unity Custom communication
Js The example of communication sending is in WebApp\client\public\videoplayer;
Corresponding C# Receiver case Unity Render Streaming The plug-in WebBrowserInput
JS Send part
videoplayer/js/main.js Example of button communication
const elementBlueButton = document.createElement('button');
elementBlueButton.id = "blueButton";
elementBlueButton.innerHTML = "Light on";
elementBlueButton.addEventListener("click", function () {
sendClickEvent(videoPlayer, 1);
A case can only send one button Number ID
Go back to the source , stay js/register-events.js In the document sendClickEvent function
export function sendClickEvent(videoPlayer, elementId) {
let data = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(3));
data.setUint8(0, InputEvent.ButtonClick);
data.setInt16(1, elementId, true);
videoPlayer && videoPlayer.sendMsg(data.buffer);
Core code
videoPlayer.sendMsg(data.buffer); // This is a binary array sending function , Theoretically, any data can be sent .
data.setUint8(0, InputEvent.ButtonClick); // The first field of the binary array is 1 Type mark of bytes
data.setInt16(1, elementId, true); // The data after the first byte is interpreted differently according to the label type definitions , Turn here to 2 Bytes of short type , For buttons id
View all communication types defined in the case
const InputEvent = {
Keyboard: 0,
Mouse: 1,
MouseWheel: 2,
Touch: 3,
ButtonClick: 4,
Gamepad: 5,// The case defines 0-5 Mark , Corresponding to mouse, keyboard, game console , Communicate with buttons
We add a new communication type for sending strings , Define the label as 6
function sendMessage(videoPlayer, message) {
function utf8FromStr(str) {
var strUtf8 = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)); // UTF8 Encode text to binary
var arr = new Uint8Array(strUtf8.length);
for (var i = 0; i < strUtf8.length; ++i) {
arr[i] = strUtf8.charCodeAt(i);
return arr;
message = " " + message; // Leave a space as the first byte , Storage type label 6
var buf = utf8FromStr(message);
let data = new DataView(buf.buffer);
data.setUint8(0, 6); // Custom tag 6 Replace the first reserved space character
videoPlayer && videoPlayer.sendMsg(data.buffer); // Send binary data string
function sendJson(videoPlayer, json) {
// You can also send customized Json Format text data
sendMessage(videoPlayer, JSON.stringify(json));
C# Receiving part
Unity Streaming Render Example WebBrowserInputChannelReceiver It's reception webRtc Data communication channel (channel), Inherited from InputChannelReceiverBase class .WebBrowserInputChannelReceiver The tag type obtained through message registration is 4 Of ButtonClick event
Our goal is to customize the string (JSON) Communications , The default base class does not handle custom types .
Derive a new class from , Direct inheritance OnMessage Receive binary data stream function ,OnMessage The byte stream received is JS in sendMsg Binary raw data sent
The code is as follows :
public class DBBrowserInputChannelReceiver : WebBrowserInputChannelReceiver
public GameObject[] targets;
protected override void OnMessage(byte[] bytes)
if (bytes.Length > 0)
int code = bytes[0]; // The first byte is the communication type mark
if (code == 6) // Our custom string communication type tag
string message = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, 1, bytes.Length - 1); // Remove the first marked byte of the data stream , The remaining bytes pass UTF8 Encoding is converted back to string , Corresponding JS Of UTF8 Coding function unescape(encodeURIComponent(str))
foreach (GameObject go in targets)
go.SendMessage("OnNetMessage", message); // Pass the data through Unity Of SendMessage Send to processing node
if (code <= 5)
base.OnMessage(bytes); // Process default type messages through base classes
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